The Last Person.....

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Fair enough!

I may go to bed's been a long week, and things are too noisy with all the kids here. Having a noisy house full of kids is nice in that you know everyone is having fun and your kids are happy, and yet...I want my house back!
Thanks for posting in the Pearl Harbor thread, folks.
Well worth remembering.

One grandfather entered the Navy in 1945, too late to see action; the other was too old, and worked on military aircraft in a civilian capacity. But a great-uncle (my mother's mother's brother) spent a harrowing night in the water in that war when his ship went down in the Pacific, seeing friends lost to exhaustion/exposure and to shark bites. He was a changed man after that night. For a long time he didn't talk about it, and when he did, the calm dead-panned stories he told chilled us.
Well worth remembering.

One grandfather entered the Navy in 1945, too late to see action; the other was too old, and worked on military aircraft in a civilian capacity. But a great-uncle (my mother's mother's brother) spent a harrowing night in the water in that war when his ship went down in the Pacific, seeing friends lost to exhaustion/exposure and to shark bites. He was a changed man after that night. For a long time he didn't talk about it, and when he did, the calm dead-panned stories he told chilled us.
Yup - my two uncles Leroy and Morris (Navy) were stationed in the harbor that day and only Leroy told us the story about watching his buddy die right next to him just a second after they had shared a laugh. He changed when he told the story. But he came home to love everyone more, value everything more, laugh more than he ever had (if my aunts can be believed). Morris and one of my other uncles (Marines) were in a lot of hand to hand stuff, I guess. There wasn't a lot they would share about that.
Yeah, people watch a single, brief battle in a war movie and don't appreciate how a 4-year conflict changes a person...or even how a single, brief battle affects a person watching his friends die, struggling to do his duty, then replaying and rethinking that day in his head for the rest of his life.
Yea well I have classes starting in 15 minutes so I figure it is mine for only a few.

Hello 14 and how are you?
Thanks to Bob and the others moving the server, I have been able to hang onto this thread for a bit more than three hours now ... thanks!
Sorry I have not been around much but to much work stuff going on and my second ebook is eating up alot of time.
Went to see Beowulf in 3-D on the Imax in Indy movie but amazing 3-D effects that make it well worth seeing!
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