The Last Person.....

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Yeah, I have those days sometime..But sitting at home and doing nothing is REAL boring..
Yeah, I have those days sometime..But sitting at home and doing nothing is REAL boring..

Well, guess you could say I have the best of both worlds, or the worse ... I have a boring job and I work from home ... so I'm at home bored ... same thing I suppose
Evening, just getting ready to call it a night..
Morning JB how is your day so far?

Tired. The wife took off with the car last night for some "alone time," and thus I had to stay up with my son. The hanging out with my son part was cool, we watched Return of the Jedi, which he had never seen. Downside was that by the time my wife got back and I was able to get to bed it was past 10:00. I get up at a quarter to four to go to work.
So, here I am, Starbucks in hand :)
Restructuring at work (no MT). Torn MCL and ACL (no training). Today will be my last day on MT (not forever thank God) for a while.

Well, the body mends and at least you will be able to come back to MT. Damn, when you said you had to give up MT I was ready to PM you my e-mail address.
Well, the body mends and at least you will be able to come back to MT. Damn, when you said you had to give up MT I was ready to PM you my e-mail address.
While its not a permanent thing I will be gone for a couple months ( I know it wont be till after the new year). Thats sucks really bad but my knee is the worst part of the deal, Im 9 days away from my blue belt test and this **** happens. Oh well, surgery as of now is a possibility but the doctor wants to take a better look before we go that route. He said depending on my body Ill be down for at least 3 months maybe a year. Its very depressing. It makes me want to drink

While its not a permanent thing I will be gone for a couple months ( I know it wont be till after the new year). Thats sucks really bad but my knee is the worst part of the deal, Im 9 days away from my blue belt test and this **** happens. Oh well, surgery as of now is a possibility but the doctor wants to take a better look before we go that route. He said depending on my body Ill be down for at least 3 months maybe a year. Its very depressing. It makes me want to drink

I'm glad you won't be gone from MT that long.
As far as your knee, all I can say is that I feel for you. Just tell me you won't start drinking heavily. From some of your posts, I know that you've been down that road (or something similar) before, and so have I. And we both know that you will regret it. Just take it one day at a time, and remember that you will be able to train again. All it takes is time.
I'm glad you won't be gone from MT that long.
As far as your knee, all I can say is that I feel for you. Just tell me you won't start drinking heavily. From some of your posts, I know that you've been down that road (or something similar) before, and so have I. And we both know that you will regret it. Just take it one day at a time, and remember that you will be able to train again. All it takes is time.
I really dont know how much heavier I could drink. LOL :p. No but seriously, that used to be my coping mechanism, then I found the MA's so know im....well it looks like Ill have to bust out the PS2 or buy a PS3. I know I do get to train again one day but man that getting back into shape period is gonna suck really bad LOL.

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