Five year old is a first dan black belt...

Just another reason people believe a Martial Art is just babysitting, I mean this is a disgrace to me and all my BB that I have trained over the years.
Two thoughts...

  1. Why is a five-year-old practising anything for two hours a day, and
  2. "Mummy, what's a dan?"
I'm wondering: Is a black belt based on memorizing 15 different katas and and using weapons? What actually defines a black belt master?

Two quotes below from the article:
To gain her black belt, Varsha had to learn up to 15 different katas. A kata is a sequence of complicated karate moves. Varsha can punch, kick and wield different weapons: the Chinese stick, which is almost as big as she is, and a nunchuk, two short sticks connected by a metal chain.
She is a black belt first dan, or grade, and there are 10 grades in total. She is already a mini master but if she makes it to second dan she can start teaching -- just like her father.

- Ceicei
Awesome, she must be such a prodigy, I can't wait 'till she is 7 and a 2nd degree, then she can teach me awesome death moves. Sign me up!
This is just PR for the school.

She's a black belt, I'm a black belt...I challenge her to a match. She can use the Chinese stick if she wants.
Children should be on a different grading or ranking system, something that lets them track their progression, excel and reach goals, without marginalizing the whole thing.

I am sure she worked hard and is doing well. She is probably athletic. Sounds like her dad is a martial arts instructor, maybe they do a lot of the practicing together, cool. Unfortunately a first degree five year old does marginalize the rank.

This is my own experience and thoughts, but I thought a black belt meant you had internalized the material to such a degree that you could realistically and consistently USE IT TO DEFEND YOURSELF in a pretty serious way. As a kid I remember the utter respect we had for those BB in our school, not stupid bow 24-7 to them respect but genuine "I know he can kick a$$" respect.

Many BB I meet these days couldn't kick anyone’s a$$...
She began her study in utero.... you should see the kicks poor mom took when she was pregnant......

Wonder if she studied at the famed Golden Dragon Dojo.....:burp:
I read the story about an hour ago and knew someone would mention it here. When I see things like this and how vastly the belt requirements differ from style to style or school to school, I`m reminded that most of the old masters we looked up to from the old days never had any belt ranking at all.

Chojun Miyagi was awarded an honorary bLackbelt from the Budokan as a sign of respect, but the people who awarded it didn`t practice Karate at all. Gichin Funakoshi was awarded 10th dan postumously, by his own students. The Japanese love to grade things, it`s in the culture. My wife and daughter are 4th dan and first dan caligraphy. My neighbor proudly told me when he got his 2nd noodle-making.

Kind of puts it all in perspective.
OK I'll even admit that 5 is just too young. I have seen some awesome 10 year olds that I would have to say were good enough to be Jr. BB, but never 5.

And even the article pointed out that she had no confidence because she spoke so softly. We teach to be confident and speak up and own what you say, if you are going to say it, say it with confidence. If she could not do this simple thing then I have to say no.
5 y/o BB. That says it all right there. Now every needy parent will be demanding a BB with their happy meals!
Karate....kind of a generic term. I wonder what art she studies. Regardless of what it is, that school, the teachers and anything associated with them smells of MCDOJOISM!!!! And people wonder why so many think that the martial arts is a joke! Its **** like this, and I'd be ashamed, if I studied the same art she does.

ZERO value in the black belt. 5yrs old!! Please! Give me a break! I dont care how talented she supposedly is, 5 is way too young. What the hell did the inst. do, promote her every other day?
She began her study in utero.... you should see the kicks poor mom took when she was pregnant......

Wonder if she studied at the famed Golden Dragon Dojo.....:burp:

I know this was tongue in cheek, but my oldest girl kicked so hard in the uterus that my wife had bruised ribs that hurt for 3 years. Only now is the pain starting to fade.

During labor, I had to press my hands just below the ribs to keep the baby from doing real damage. She was kicking so hard that you could actually see feet shaped bulges right below the ribs. Even the 45 year old midwife said she'd never seen it as bad as that. The baby literally came kicking and screaming. And she hasn't slowed her pace yet :D
How the **** do you pressure test a five year old to the level of 1. Dan???

You don't. Reason being because instructors like hers, are more interested in the almighty $$ and quantity of black belts running around, vs. the quality of black belts running around.

Their school motto: "Welcome to our school. The home of the 5yr old black belt. We also give fries and coke when you reach 1st degree too!"
Ladies and gents, I think we can all discuss this topic, without having to resort to personal attacks here. Thus, I'm going to have to put on the "mod hat and state this:

Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator