Who would you choose to be your bodyguard?

The Luggage from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.

Fantastic!!! The ultimate killing(??) machine.

That makes three choices for me now, I was going to have two.

If I could have anyone living, from fiction too, I'd choose Richard B Riddick, the ultimate hardman, he can growl at me anytime. ;)

If I had to choose someone living and real, I'd choose a friend I had once, he was a Close Protection Officer working for a private company and used to fly all over the world with celebrities and government officials, a black belt in two different martial arts, and at one point told me that he respects me that much he valued me as his best friend and would give his life to defend me if it came to it. It's a long story how we're not friends anymore which I won't go into.

BUT, now Tellner has chosen Luggage... I want Sergent Angua, it'd be fantastic to have a vegetarian female werewolf as a bodyguard!
i would probly choose my grandmaster moore, just him staring at you feels like yer gonna burst into flames or something!!!
Tuhon Tom Kier ! Very well rounded and skilled in empty hands,blade work,projectiles,firearms and virtually all weapons.
Plus he's ruthless,intelligent and damm quick for 300+pounds %-}
I think I'd like someone with a mix of Bujinkan (expert level) experience, Armed Forces background and experience in security or LE.

Let's see... from the boards here on MT that makes Dale Seago, Don Roley, Brian or Kreth possible choices. Kreth is big enough for me to hide completely behind, so he's a great choice for most circumstances...

Seriously, though, an MA champion, unless they had other experience, would NOT be my first ... or tenth choice.

Thought provoking thread!
In frivilous answer mode, I'll third the 'Jessica Alba' pick (originally bid by LuzRD) and raise you a 'Jennifer Garner' with a side bet of Valarie Leon. Any (male) assassin who can still focus on me with those three around deserves his pay :lol:.

The more serious answer is, fundamentally, you are responsible for your own security at base level. If I needed a bodyguard, then I'd certainly go for one/several of those annonymous professionals that the Intelligence services create specifically for the task.
In frivilous answer mode, I'll third the 'Jessica Alba' pick (originally bid by LuzRD) and raise you a 'Jennifer Garner' with a side bet of Valarie Leon. Any (male) assassin who can still focus on me with those three around deserves his pay :lol:.

Fine, if we are lowering ourselves to this I'm having the modern Charlie's Angels, if a guy, or group of guys attacked me a combination of Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore would probably stop them long enough for me to leg it, AND we'd have a wild time on a girls night out :D
Having worked at some clubs and had to get between fans and the performers this can be difficult if your package is not listening to you and or doing things to make it easier for people to get access to them.

(* I also wore a cup when I worked these types of events, many people laughed, but all it took was for the look of someone after they knee'd me and I was able to react. Yes no matter how good one is, there is almost always a chance for contact. and sometimes it occurs because you are between the person and your package. *)

Niiice! A great tip. Talk about taking care of the package :lol:
The man who's good enough to be standing right next to the President.

That's a wonderful comment and compliment for the men and women of the US Secret Service. I've known and worked with many over the years, and they truly are the best.

That's a wonderful comment and compliment for the men and women of the US Secret Service. I've known and worked with many over the years, and they truly are the best.

Sounds like it would be an interesting profession. I wonder what the danger level is on a daily basis?

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