Who would you choose to be your bodyguard?

Pam-ella? She couldn't even defend herself against Borat! :uhyeah:
I would pick Ghandi for my body guard.

In the spirit of bushido!

A six man contingent of secret servicemen with a compliment of two snipers with spotters, a swat team in reserve, and a bulletproof limo...

If I need a bodyguard it's because somebody really wants me dead, otherwise I don't need one - I'm not important enough to worry about it. If somebody really wants me dead, I hope my team gets him first, or else I'm dead.
For me it has to be Mrs. Peel from THE AVENGERS.

Bob Wright
Black Dragon Kempo
It would have to be somebody in the Secret Service because they do security on a day to day basis.

Being a bodyguard isn't just being a bad-*** martial artist, since they use guns now martial arts are next to useless.

So it would have to be somebody who is used to protecting somebody, specifying bullet proof equipment, schedules, searching for bombs and all of that.

No person who is just a martial artist is going to cut it for that.
Could I choose myself?

You took my answer, Rich. :) Wouldn't pick me to win a sparring competition, break boards in demonstrations, have a vast knowledge of MA, or a pedigree of winning fighting duels.

But intuitive sense of surroundings--whether all is well, or something is off; then, react to the threat as an individual, yeah think I'd trust myself first.

Now if a team was required, then out of my league. As someone said, ex-SS, CHP protective detail, or some such.

Don't think bodyguarding is so much about fighting, as anticipating and avoiding trouble. As another thread says, awareness. If it gets messy physically, lots of paperwork and explaining to do, and possible court time later. If all this sounds pompous and self-promoting, just consider the source. :uhohh:
Interesting topic...

We have an instructor in Kara-Ho Kempo who was a SGT Major in the Marine Corps. and trained the Recon guys, he is currently a Swat officer.

This guy is seriously tough as nails and is the head of security for our system. He is the closest thing to the "Universal Soldier/ GI Joe" image I have ever seen.
a top ten list...

10. dick cheney (heck he'll shoot anyone)
9. Jack Bauer (heck he'll shoot everyone)
8. homer simpson (hes an experienced body guard, and didnt even back down from fat tonys gang)
7. is knight rider still alive???
6. captain kirk (star trek is set in the future so technically hes not dead yet) (just dont wear a red shirt!!!)
5. p diddy (i rather like the idea of a kevlar vest with a lil bling)
4. bruce leroy (hes the master)
3. jessica alba (she may not know personal security, but at least id die happy)
2. anyone with red sox season tickets
1. oooh!!! jessica alba with red sox season tickets!!!!!

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