What system, teacher would you pick?


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
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That is, what teacher, system, would you pick if you could choose from any anywhere in the world, in any century? I know, all systems are good, all are different paths in the journey that will get you to the top of the mountain and all that. Personally, if I could choose any teacher, it would be John Perkins, founder of Ki Chuan Do, or "Guided Chaos" or "Attack Proof" (I don't like the last name either, you can't make yourself "attack proof")

While what I know from it is only what I have read and seen in their "Attack Proof" video and book, I like that it uses many strikes and kicks I am familiar with like Fairbairn's chin jab, and the like combined with excellent relaxation techniques, and is suited to the chaotic environement your likely to be in when faced with an attacker on the street. I'm no authority on the subject, sorry, but it looks like it would work well for me, and that's what really matters. Unfortunately for me, there are no local instructors in my area that teach it. In fact, the martial arts community in my area is very limited and mostly geared towards kids with no RBSD systems at all in the Dover, Delaware area that I know of.

What about you? What teacher and system would you study if you could study in any century or country? Come to think of it, learning from W.E. Fairbairn and or Rex Applegate would be quite outstanding! Unfortunately, they have both passed away...
FAT John Perkins??? You're kidding, right?

I would train with Bruce Lee and Gene LaBell.
Anyone, anywhere, anytime? If I could only choose one I guess I`d like to learn Bagua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang) from Dong Haichuan. He did a great job training Yin Fu and Cheng Ting Hua. When Fairbairn was talking about his time in China he mentioned one of Yin Fu`s diciples by name and said he was one of the most dangerous fighters he`d ever seen.

Or maybe Ch`ang Tung Sheng to learn Shuai Chiao and all the other styles he knew. He was the last open full contact champion of China back in the days when that was how you earned teaching positions at the big national MA academies. And he was still knocking young fighters sensless into his 70`s and 80`s. Same could be said about Chan Tai-San.



If I could only pick one? Bruce Lee for Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do. Although there so many people from different backgrounds I would love to train under.
I'm training under someone I feel extremely fortunate to. I wish I had been around for some of his teachers especially one of them, a man named Dave Harris. But as it is, I'm pretty happy. Although, if I had to choose I would probably name a couple of Bagua masters like Cheng Ting Hua or Wang Shu Jin, Yang Taiji founder Yang Lu-Chan or his sons, Chen Taiji master Chen Fake or one of his top disciples, master Feng Zhiqiang (who is still around), any number of Xingyiquan masters, Yiquan founder Wang Xiangzhai, and the list goes on. There are a lot of extremely talented people alive today I would be happy to study with, and there have always been talented practitioners and teachers who aren't famous so I would add any of those people to my list as well. I guess just anybody really good at a style I'm into, good thing I have that.
For me, I would love to have had the chance to train with Kanro Higaonna Sensei after he returned to Okinawa from China. I'm sure his teaching would be totally different to the more recent martial arts. In more recent times I would have liked to train with Koichi Tohei Sensei after he left the Aikikai.

Seeing we are asking to turn back the clock to train with these masters, can I also request that I shave 40 odd years off my age as well to make the most of the opportunity? ;-)
I would again learn Hapkido from my very own teacher Tim Feathers because he is awesome.
hmm Either Chotoku Kyan, or Bushi Matsumura or perhaps Sohan Soken... but one of the three....
Interestingly, If this had been asked of me about 5 years ago, it would be AC Rainey, hands down. He taught a friend of mine Kenpo and is the reason I got started in SKK (I figured any kempo would be a good starting point, based on the glorious beatings JD gave me).

Well, I got ahold of Mr. Rainey. Supposed to meet with him next week about training with him.

So... I don't know, Musashi?
Chuin, master of Sinanju, the sun source of all martial arts.

OMG! I read those old Destroyer books as a kid too... but, even then I used to laugh a little at some of it!~ but good answer..LOL
Im assuming you're talkin about now. If I could I would love to train in Shinkyokushinkai karate Kenji Midori!!!!
I just respect his history in the art; as a fighter and forms competitor. He reminds me of my sensei.
Personally, I would pick the same arts and the same teachers, except perhaps I would try to start with them a little earlier.
Such an easy question, it's laughable.

Ameri-Do-Te under Master Ken.


Why? Because everything else is Bull$#!7. Enough said.