What MA cliches wind you up?

Can we return to the topic of MA cliches, please, before the Mod Hammer gets dropped on toes?
Can I just say, with the risk of said hammer dropping on my noggin, that despite all this backing and forwarding on how lovely it is for the English language to evolve and develop, the most appalling phrase I think I have ever heard, and unfortunately am hearing it on a daily and regular basis in London is the:
"isn't it" ...(with or without a "?") ...or perhaps, "in'it"
And this is not used in the context of questions such as "that big fish over there is rather scary, isn't it?" but rather:
"I heard Johnny got locked up the other night, isn't it?"; or
Let's go see Kayleen tonight, in'it?"

To be honest, I have no idea quite what this is meant to mean or if it is even being phrased as a question half the time.

Do you get this in the States these days?

Does this grate on anyone else? I have no issue with slang in general in context but the use of this phrase seems to indicate a complete lack of education and grammatical comprehension. Sorry! Maybe it's just me falling into some elitist camp, in'it, but it makes me sick : )

To continue this ramble and rant, I heard my nanny, who is actually a very clever bird but not with English as her first language, saying this the other day and had to (nicely, 'coz I'm such a darn nice bloke) explain to her why this was wrong, what should instead be said, and please to never speak like this in front of my kids as I want them to get into a decent school and have some kind of job prospect. What an elitist **** I must be.

...Hammer time
Can I just say, with the risk of said hammer dropping on my noggin, that despite all this backing and forwarding on how lovely it is for the English language to evolve and develop, the most appalling phrase I think I have ever heard, and unfortunately am hearing it on a daily and regular basis in London is the:
"isn't it" ...(with or without a "?") ...or perhaps, "in'it"
And this is not used in the context of questions such as "that big fish over there is rather scary, isn't it?" but rather:
"I heard Johnny got locked up the other night, isn't it?"; or
Let's go see Kayleen tonight, in'it?"

To be honest, I have no idea quite what this is meant to mean or if it is even being phrased as a question half the time.

Do you get this in the States these days?

Does this grate on anyone else? I have no issue with slang in general in context but the use of this phrase seems to indicate a complete lack of education and grammatical comprehension. Sorry! Maybe it's just me falling into some elitist camp, in'it, but it makes me sick : )

To continue this ramble and rant, I heard my nanny, who is actually a very clever bird but not with English as her first language, saying this the other day and had to (nicely, 'coz I'm such a darn nice bloke) explain to her why this was wrong, what should instead be said, and please to never speak like this in front of my kids as I want them to get into a decent school and have some kind of job prospect. What an elitist **** I must be.

...Hammer time
We just say, "Huh?", and answer back with, "I know, huh?" I don't like it, but that is what we do.
Can I just say, with the risk of said hammer dropping on my noggin, that despite all this backing and forwarding on how lovely it is for the English language to evolve and develop, the most appalling phrase I think I have ever heard, and unfortunately am hearing it on a daily and regular basis in London is the:
"isn't it" ...(with or without a "?") ...or perhaps, "in'it"
And this is not used in the context of questions such as "that big fish over there is rather scary, isn't it?" but rather:
"I heard Johnny got locked up the other night, isn't it?"; or
Let's go see Kayleen tonight, in'it?"

To be honest, I have no idea quite what this is meant to mean or if it is even being phrased as a question half the time.

Do you get this in the States these days?

Does this grate on anyone else? I have no issue with slang in general in context but the use of this phrase seems to indicate a complete lack of education and grammatical comprehension. Sorry! Maybe it's just me falling into some elitist camp, in'it, but it makes me sick : )

To continue this ramble and rant, I heard my nanny, who is actually a very clever bird but not with English as her first language, saying this the other day and had to (nicely, 'coz I'm such a darn nice bloke) explain to her why this was wrong, what should instead be said, and please to never speak like this in front of my kids as I want them to get into a decent school and have some kind of job prospect. What an elitist **** I must be.

...Hammer time
something I've noticed that I will admit grates on me isn't so much a matter of diction as it is a speech patter. It's becoming common for people, particularly young women I think, to raise the pitch of their voice at the end of a sentence. The result is that every statement they utter sounds like a question.

For what it's worth, spoken language, particularly with kids, is often a reaction to what is seen as the establishment. And everything ebbs and flows. I went to an urban high school in a very poor part of town. You pretty much had to speak in a certain way in order to survive. Sounding too well educated would get you into trouble.

Another common phenomenon in spoken language is that certain phrases start as jokes, and end up becoming habitual. For example, there was a young beauty pageant contestant who was answering a question. It went viral on YouTube. One of the things she said was something like (paraphrasing), "And the Iraqi Americans and such as." People began using the term "and such as" as a joke, and now I hear it from people whom I know are educated and articulate. It just became habitual... and I'll admit it's common enought that it no longer even sounds wierd.

Fun fact regarding cliches, the cliche started out as a term in printing. Back when printers would have to set up the page letter by letter (movable type presses), the process of printing was very time consuming. As a way to save time, the printers would identify commonly used phrases and cast them as a single block of text. So on a page, wherever that phrase turned up, they could just use the pre-formed block of letters. Saved them a lot of time.
How about we start a bitching about kids these days thread! Those pants! And the skateboards! Why do they have to play the music so loud? In my day we got spankings and everyone was perfect! This new generation just has no respect! And they don't talk right, using words like "cool" and "neato"!
Whether we like it or not we are judged by the way we talk, if we can't string a sentence together properly in a job interview for example we won't get the job. 'In'it' annoys me as well, that was my point about 'lateerz'. It's sloppy and very little to do with language.

Yes, this does have a martial arts relevance, earlier on people were posting the many martial arts clichés there are, if you go along to a gym/school and the instructor is belting out all the old favourites you will judge him as being a pretty poor instructor or at least one along the lines of macho idiot one in Karate Kid. Would you stay to train with someone who told you with a straight face that his hands were registered as dangerous weapons? :D
How about we start a bitching about kids these days thread! Those pants! And the skateboards! Why do they have to play the music so loud? In my day we got spankings and everyone was perfect! This new generation just has no respect! And they don't talk right, using words like "cool" and "neato"!
Right on! I totally dig where you're coming from, man!
How about we start a bitching about kids these days thread! Those pants! And the skateboards! Why do they have to play the music so loud? In my day we got spankings and everyone was perfect! This new generation just has no respect! And they don't talk right, using words like "cool" and "neato"!

It's not young people as such more the media that influences them and that's run by 'oldies'.
How about we start a bitching about kids these days thread! Those pants! And the skateboards! Why do they have to play the music so loud? In my day we got spankings and everyone was perfect! This new generation just has no respect! And they don't talk right, using words like "cool" and "neato"!

Smashing idea that :D
Cyborg version

Whether we like it or not we are judged by the way we talk, if we can't string a sentence together properly in a job interview for example we won't get the job. 'In'it' annoys me as well, that was my point about 'lateerz'. It's sloppy and very little to do with language.

Yes, this does have a martial arts relevance, earlier on people were posting the many martial arts clichés there are, if you go along to a gym/school and the instructor is belting out all the old favourites you will judge him as being a pretty poor instructor or at least one along the lines of macho idiot one in Karate Kid. Would you stay to train with someone who told you with a straight face that his hands were registered as dangerous weapons? :D
That was actually a law in California.
Can we return to the topic of MA cliches, please, before the Mod Hammer gets dropped on toes?
MA cliches - "All things are simple after one gets it."

The "3 body problem - trying to predict the positions of 3 moving objects A, B, C (with gravity among each other) at any particular time T (by giving initial positions, initial moving speed, and mass for all 3 objects)" is unsolvable in mathematics.

Three-body problem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

- The dynamics of one body is pretty straight forward, in as much as it travels straight forward.
- The dynamics of two bodies, while not trivial, can be reduced by pretending that one body is sitting still, and then restricting all of your attention to the other body. ...
- But, for three bodies, there doesn’t seem to be a fancy trick for finding solutions.

Q What is the three body problem Ask a Mathematician Ask a Physicist

Your arms, your legs, your head, your body, your opponent's arms, his legs, his head, his body will all move in combat speed.

- When will your body part touch your opponent's body part?
- Which part of your body will touch which part of his body?
- What angle will contact be made?
- What force will contact be made?
- Will there be only contact point, or there many be many?
- What will your gravity center be able to affect the final contact?
- What will his gravity center be able to affect the final contact?
- ...

Trying to predict the position of those 12 body parts

- position,
- speed,

at "any particular time T" can be exponential more difficult than to solve the "3 body problem".

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MA cliches - "All things are simple after one gets it."

The "3 body problem - trying to predict the positions of 3 moving objects A, B, C (with gravity among each other) at any particular time T (by giving initial positions, initial moving speed, and mass for all 3 objects)" is unsolvable in mathematics.

Three-body problem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

- The dynamics of one body is pretty straight forward, in as much as it travels straight forward.
- The dynamics of two bodies, while not trivial, can be reduced by pretending that one body is sitting still, and then restricting all of your attention to the other body. ...
- But, for three bodies, there doesn’t seem to be a fancy trick for finding solutions.

Q What is the three body problem Ask a Mathematician Ask a Physicist

Your arms, your legs, your head, your body, your opponent's arms, his legs, his head, his body will all move in combat speed.

- When will your body part touch your opponent's body part?
- Which part of your body will touch which part of his body?
- What angle will contact be made?
- What force will contact be made?
- Will there be only contact point, or there many be many?
- What will your gravity center be able to affect the final contact?
- What will his gravity center be able to affect the final contact?
- ...

Trying to predict the position of those 12 body parts

- position,
- speed,

at "any particular time T" can be exponential more difficult than to solve the "3 body problem".

It's a delightful metaphor, but-no.

The three body problem is only unsolvable on the quantum level.

I can tell you, provided there are no outside forces like comets or asteroids involved to disrupt, precisely where the earth, moon and sun will be in relation to each other tomorrow, two months from now, two years from now, or a million years from now-using mathematics and based upon the criteria provided: position,mass and velocity. I can even estimate you where they'll be in relation to each other millions of years from now, based upon changes in gravity from the sun's loss of mass.add as many celestial spheres as you like-the entire solar system, or even far galaxies, and I can calculate the same

Precisely the sort of data for which the problem is named, btw. :rolleyes:
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You cant kick high in a street fight.
ok yes if you cant kick. But otherwise if a shot is there take the thing.

you cant go to the ground. In a street fight based on the idea that people run in from nowhere just to lay kicks on guys.

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