What do you call your Ex's?

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
I made a comment on one of Flea's threads and to be fair to her, lets bring that discussion over here.

Someone refered to their Ex as "the Mistake" and I loved the phrase.

I perosnally do not have one, outside of her normal name, though I'm sure she has one or more creative ones for me....:)

Lets hear it, what do you call em?
I decline to answer on the grounds that I'd be banned so fast... so fast...
The donor....it doesn't have a name.....

Seriously. It opens up a whole range of implications, doesn't it? I mean what does s/he donate exactly? Are we talking alimony cash, or organs?

Generally speaking, I only call ex's when I'm lonely...

Okay, that was bad. More honestly, I have pretty good relationships with most of my ex's, and those that ended REALLY badly (two of those to date...), I just don't deal with at all. They're the past. And I'm far too busy going into the future...
Seriously. It opens up a whole range of implications, doesn't it? I mean what does s/he donate exactly? Are we talking alimony cash, or organs?

I say, organs.
I said Donor as well, but in my case I meant sperm. I'm liking the sound of "organ" though ... it sounds so giving ... and so unlike him.
There is only one 'ex' that I refer to by anything other than their name.

Those who know me well on this site might be a little shocked to hear that for the one exception I reserve the delightful sobriquet of "***** Queen". You can gather that that relationship did not run smooth :eek:.
Hmm...for a moment I thought the thread was going to be how one viewed prior training. ;)

I refer to all my ex-fiance by their first name.
I don't call her anything anymore but in order to not make the vulgarity filters of MT work harder than they want to lets just say I use to call her "evil"
Chuzilla, Psycho, Drama Queen, Tons o NotFun, Stink bait, whore, *****, skank, self absorbed ****, greedy *****, best mouth in Buffalo (wasn't my nickname for her, but a local biker gang she hung out with after we broke up). And, several more that wouldn't pass filter here.

Not all apply to the same loathsome creature.
First names, never had one I fell out with. Service life meant drifting apart rather than falling out, still friends if we come across each other which does happen.
I call all my ex's by their proper names. There is allways 2 sides to the story and I'm not the easiest person to live with either.
though in ways we both made "a mistake"
I don't have exes.
In college I was too much of a geek to develop a relationship. My wife was the first woman with whom I had a romantic relationship and we still love each other very much today.

Feel slighly corny for sharing this
Spoiled rotten ****tastic thunder-**** for one of them. And better believe that I hit the "preview" button before I posted that to make sure the filter worked.
I call all my ex's by their proper names. There is allways 2 sides to the story and I'm not the easiest person to live with either.
though in ways we both made "a mistake"
Same here.
I have my demands... so I'm not easy