Other hobbies?

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
I collect shot glasses. What do you people do, aside from martial arts?
I collect shot glasses. What do you people do, aside from martial arts?

Motorcycling and Wargaming primarily. I used to do some Indie films as well for fun, but I have not done any in a couple years.
Reading comicbooks and classical literature.

Should get back into Warhammer, but at the moment I'm lacking time.
Playing piano and guitar, woodworking, playing video games, reading.
Scuba, read, hike and camp. Use to ride and care for horses, don't anymore, and use to do K9 Search and Rescue, but my puppy (of 7 years) passed away from a brain aneurysm last year....
Reading, fine machine sewing and traditional embroidery.

Digging and playing in the dirt, aka, gardening.
watching cartoons with my son
soap making
I sometimes contribute code to open source projects too
Painting and politics.

You know who else liked painting and politics?

Sorry man, couldn't resist. ;)

I like to read, play video games with my son, camp, and last year I started homebrewing. Second batch came out much better than the first, but there's room for improvement.
I had to give up home brewing. It made good beer too easy to acquire. I'm sure your beer will improve. Are you brewing from whole grains or using an extract? After keeping it in the garage for a few years, I finally sold the gear I had to a friend who is now making delicious ales with it. :)

I like video games, but wouldn't consider myself a gamer, as such. I like games where I can take my time and prefer games that are one player. Fallout 3 and Oblivian are far and away my two favorite games ever. Currently, I'm playing the lego games with my two older kids. Those are a lot of fun.

I do a lot of reading and writing. I keep my blog, which I enjoy. I also keep a journal, and have toyed with getting back into fiction, but haven't felt the pull strongly enough to actually do it yet. I haven't written stories since college.

I enjoy cooking. Not a good baker. I don't like to measure things, and I've learned that you can't eyeball a measurement in baking.

Mostly, I do zhoo zhitsu and hang out with my kids.
i play guitar & bass, read, & do a fair amount of outdoor stuff. i have a goal of summiting every 14,000ft+ mountain in colorado. so far, 1 down, 53 to go. i don't have any winter climbing gear yet. i also like candle-making.

I had to give up home brewing. It made good beer too easy to acquire. I'm sure your beer will improve. Are you brewing from whole grains or using an extract? After keeping it in the garage for a few years, I finally sold the gear I had to a friend who is now making delicious ales with it. :)

I like video games, but wouldn't consider myself a gamer, as such. I like games where I can take my time and prefer games that are one player. Fallout 3 and Oblivian are far and away my two favorite games ever. Currently, I'm playing the lego games with my two older kids. Those are a lot of fun.

I do a lot of reading and writing. I keep my blog, which I enjoy. I also keep a journal, and have toyed with getting back into fiction, but haven't felt the pull strongly enough to actually do it yet. I haven't written stories since college.

I enjoy cooking. Not a good baker. I don't like to measure things, and I've learned that you can't eyeball a measurement in baking.

Mostly, I do zhoo zhitsu and hang out with my kids.

I'm still using extracts, but the second time around I used adjuncts which seemed to make a huge difference. The first batch just tasted like flat, alcoholic wort but this batch is the real thing. Got the priming sugar mixed adequately this time so the carbonation is good. Only problem was that due to scheduling problems I had to leave it in the fermenter a little longer than I wanted, so there's a bit of a rubbery undertaste from lysis. Not a lot and nobody has commented on it, but I know it's there.
I am an admin for http://www.straightrazorplace.com/forums
I also restore antique stright razors, and I have recently started making new ones myself. That is the big passion I have. Bigger than MA.

Related to that I also like to sharpen tools like axes, knives, etc,... solely by hand. A tool that is not sharp enough to give you a vicious cut if you're careless is not sharp enough at all. I once repaired the edge of a splitting maul for a friend, and made it so sharp that I could shave myself with it. And I did.
I kind of collect guns and knives, it is expensive so my collection has gotten stale. I also like to shoot stuff :ultracool, I also like to follow politics and other forms of self defense.