The Last Person.....

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Hey JB...Hows by you?????

Well, you read my post above, so you know how my MA training is going. Other than that, just treading along. We moved to a new apartment July 1st and we are still unpacking. Blah! I hate moving.

And yourself?
Yea its terrible, oh well there are really good Mexican and Chinese's joints within walking distance, so I guess its not that bad


Not crazy about Mexican food, but I can survive on Chinese...
Not crazy about Mexican food, but I can survive on Chinese...
Oh man, I said the same about Mexican, but this place is authentic and if you get spicy stuff you can order the level of spice to your taste. They also have the best cheese dip around, they you white cheese and other stuff I dont know, it just frickin good. Now Im hungry CRAP!!!

OK, I'll chime in ... not crazy about Chinese food, seem to be hungry an hour after I east. I could live on Italian though (not that it was a choice or anything)
Yes Italian is still in my #1 spot, I used to work at this Italian joint and we had the best calimari (not because I mad it but just because it was good). One variation they had was Calimari Peppernada, it was the Calimari tossed in a light pesto butter and a variaty of peppers (pepperochini, cherri peppers, and one other cant remember). It was so good, the peppers gave it a different but very good taste.

The best item on the menu there was the Chicken Millanese (sp?), a piece of ramano chicken with a piece of fresh motza on top, serve over a bed of pesto butter linguini covered in pomadora sauce

sorry if im making people hungry

Oh yea whats up 14K?

Yes Italian is still in my #1 spot, I used to work at this Italian joint and we had the best calimari (not because I mad it but just because it was good). One variation they had was Calimari Peppernada, it was the Calimari tossed in a light pesto butter and a variaty of peppers (pepperochini, cherri peppers, and one other cant remember). It was so good, the peppers gave it a different but very good taste.
The best item on the menu there was the Chicken Millanese (sp?), a piece of ramano chicken with a piece of fresh motza on top, serve over a bed of pesto butter linguini covered in pomadora sauce

sorry if im making people hungry

Oh yea whats up 14K?


Not too much going on at this moment, just working ... sort of.
Very warm..I'm stuck flying a desk and I'm going out of my flippin head....
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