The Last Person.....

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I'm usually up about now to take care of our critters (two horses, a goat, a dog, and 4 cats). Paying a kid to do it today though 'cause I'm just wanting to take it easy 'cause my testing starts at 8.

I LOVE horses and riding..No decent places up here to rent-a-ride..Come home a WINNER...:)
There is a place my sister goes now and then (she lives in Tallmadge).

I'll try to remember ask her the name of the place next time I talk to her.
Wife is home now. Time to get going!

I'll let y'all know how I did when I get home and before I colapse!
Morning MT. Actually, late night for me. Just finished watching "Lord of War" with Nicholas Cage. It was about international gunrunning. Good movie, but melodramatic ending.
Morning MT. Actually, late night for me. Just finished watching "Lord of War" with Nicholas Cage. It was about international gunrunning. Good movie, but melodramatic ending.

Yes, I agree...GREAT movie anticlimatic ending..
Morning Brian..Been up since 4:30 AM..Doing the shift pick for our officers..Cold and overcast today....
With Jeff I could definately believe it! (he is a prolific poster) Myself on the other hand, well I prefer to sleep in bed. (it is not going to happen)
Had an excellent thermos of coffee from home...Ameretto creamer is excellent...
I do believe Jeff went to bed early and right now as we type is being tested for Nidan. :)

Oh and...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Your light has returned! All rejoice!
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