The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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The in-laws are bringing a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs ... food my oldest can't have. So ... I will have to prepare an alternate meal for him.
you buy a supporting membership, then haunt Bob....

Or you upload to photobucket, snapfish or whatever the other image hosts are called, then link, with [ / img] brackets......


Made husband mad: I complained about the sharp knives that keep being thrown into the sink, where I then dig around for the dishes...

I know, I am a B....I keep complaining about it. I should just suck it up and stab myself with them! :angry::angry::angry:
This only happened once in our house. After patching me up after that incident, my wife made sure to let me know whenever she was putting anything sharp in with the washing up.
Made husband mad: I complained about the sharp knives that keep being thrown into the sink, where I then dig around for the dishes...

I know, I am a B....I keep complaining about it. I should just suck it up and stab myself with them! :angry::angry::angry:

I put a separate container next to the sink for the sharp things and wash them separately, dry them immediately and put them away. I am the only one who does this, however, so I *literally* feel your pain.
Sounds like that could be a couple of things, my friend. Either he is angry because he feels guilty that he (indirectly) hurt you or he feels unjustly accused. Both of those can lead to disgruntled behaviour for some time and it is hard to distinguish between what is internalised anger (which is directed at self) and what is externalised anger.
"Go make him a sandwich"

But, use a butter knife........ :)
Okay ... the inability of my in-laws after my 18 years with their son to retain the fact that my son cannot have pasta, bread, cheese or soy sauce cannot be an offense to them. If it is offensive to anyone it would be to me. Instead, I choose to furnish John with a gluten-free, dairy-free meal without rebuttal to their offers for meals they have prepared with gluten-rich foods, without reminding them. So ... if they're going to be butt-hurt that John couldn't eat their pasta ... maybe they need hemmorrhoid cream.
Working tonight...

Could use some ice cream, but it's at home.
And we know Arnisador isn't willing to run some over...
Bad night to be driving in this town. I don't know about anybody else, but I have personally taken two to the OR and two to the ICU.

Nights like this make me want ice cream...
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