The Give me a hard time thread

i cant believe some of u have so little respect for other arts-no matter what your personal opinion of them are!

check tenets 1,2 and 4!!!

set an example!

put your points across without all the macho "my martial art's better than yours" bullsh*t!!

**steps triumphantly down off her soap box!** LMAO!!

I think it's called a roast....but dammit, he keeps jumping off the grill!
i cant believe some of u have so little respect for other arts-no matter what your personal opinion of them are!

check tenets 1,2 and 4!!!

set an example!

put your points across without all the macho "my martial art's better than yours" bullsh*t!!

**steps triumphantly down off her soap box!** LMAO!!

But..but... my martial art IS better than yours!


((Grins, ducks and runs a weaving hard-to-hit escape route ...))
But..but... my martial art IS better than yours!


((Grins, ducks and runs a weaving hard-to-hit escape route ...))

Well unless your art is CMA (and it isn't) I find THAT hard to believe :D

(puts on disguise and runs very fast for cover in hidden fortress of solitude which has a sign on the door "Beware of The Leopard)
Top Ten Signs You've Joined Twin Fist Martial Arts:

10) Your club patch looks suspiciously like a bulls-eye target. (with two right hands.....)
9) First technique consists of falling to the floor, curling into the fetal position, and whimpering pitifully.
8) The "gis" are used hospital gowns.
7) The homework is always to watch another Jackie Chan movie.
6) The techniques are only effective if your attacker is one of the Three Stooges.
5) The club motto is "If you fall down eight times, get up seven".
4) Ranks are issued on scrolls in Korean.
3) Students take themselves to the mat 2 or 3 times simply trying to tie their belts.
2) Sensei's hands are registered with the local police as a deadly weapon.

[SIZE=+1]and the number 1 sign you've joined the Twin Fist Martial Arts:[/SIZE]

1) Did General Choi ever really say he was going to "open up a can of whoop-***" on someone?
Top Ten Signs You've Joined Twin Fist Martial Arts:

10) Your club patch looks suspiciously like a bulls-eye target. (with two right hands.....)
9) First technique consists of falling to the floor, curling into the fetal position, and whimpering pitifully.
8) The "gis" are used hospital gowns.
7) The homework is always to watch another Jackie Chan movie.
6) The techniques are only effective if your attacker is one of the Three Stooges.
5) The club motto is "If you fall down eight times, get up seven".
4) Ranks are issued on scrolls in Korean.
3) Students take themselves to the mat 2 or 3 times simply trying to tie their belts.
2) Sensei's hands are registered with the local police as a deadly weapon.

[SIZE=+1]and the number 1 sign you've joined the Twin Fist Martial Arts:[/SIZE]

1) Did General Choi ever really say he was going to "open up a can of whoop-***" on someone?

I am sorry that is funny
I switched to WTF because I got tired of standing in one spot for long periods of time, but that is my preference. I did learn some cool patterns in the ITF.

However, I believe that one gets a better idea of real fighting by feeling a hard knock once in a while on the Hogu than point sparring with no contact.
I'm sorry ... and truly, NO disrespect intended ... but I just can never look at the following ...


... and not read "What The **** Tae Kwon Do!" Seriously, no offense intended, just abbreviation programming.

Anyways ... you'll get no insults from me, TF. None intended, anyway.
I think that every style has it's good points, nothing wrong with your style

Hey, none of that, we're supposed to be giving him a hard time!

TKD is for *******! Get your hands up and away from your waist! A real man would do [insert my art here]!

See? ;)
Hey, none of that, we're supposed to be giving him a hard time!

TKD is for *******! Get your hands up and away from your waist! A real man would do [insert my art here]!

See? ;)

I really want to, but I can't.... I use to train TKD.....but wait a minute... it was pre-Olympic.... EUREKA!!!!

Modern TKD is for *******! stop worrying points and learn how to really fight.... A man would do Old school TKD....a REAL MAN would do CMA! :D
Now this is a funny thread...Glad to see that Twin Fist can laugh at himself...I can always respect someone who can laugh at himself...Very good Twin Fist