The Give me a hard time thread

You're a loser because you teach an obsolete style of TKD. If you really knew the real TKD, you'd be following the true master, General Choi, and you'd be doing sine wave.

I've seen your youtube vides and frankly you frighten small children along with my chihuahua.

And what's with the hogus are for wussies remarks? If you dare show your face to me in real life, I'd drop you with my patented 540 jump round house kick the likes never seen before this side of Chuck Norris.

obsolete? I say classic

hogus suck, and the only fighters I have even seen wear them are those olympic style kickboxers, none of whom can even throw a decent punch or land a kick without falling over.

The WTF style of fighting is sloppy, haphazard, and will get your *** busted on the street.
obsolete? I say classic

hogus suck, and the only fighters I have even seen wear them are those olympic style kickboxers, none of whom can even throw a decent punch or land a kick without falling over.

The WTF style of fighting is sloppy, haphazard, and will get your *** busted on the street.
Would you say classic like coke classic which is actually new coke with old coke flavor, because the old coke was new coke flavor prior to be old coke, but not like diet coke which didn't fall between coke classic or new coke? That type of classic?
Unfortunately you are partly right. There are many olympic style fighters I wouldn't want backing me up on the street. However, there are others who would clean house in a street situation. To lump them all in a pile is a bit ignorant. Hogus are a GREAT training tool when used right. But I do miss the days when we didnt even know what one was.
Just a point.... I trained with the Korean team a few years back (before I got old) and they didnt have a clue what to do with their hands. You paid hell getting in but once inside they were lost. A typical case of sport fighting only without good application of all skills.

obsolete? I say classic

hogus suck, and the only fighters I have even seen wear them are those olympic style kickboxers, none of whom can even throw a decent punch or land a kick without falling over.

The WTF style of fighting is sloppy, haphazard, and will get your *** busted on the street.
obsolete? I say classic

hogus suck, and the only fighters I have even seen wear them are those olympic style kickboxers, none of whom can even throw a decent punch or land a kick without falling over.

The WTF style of fighting is sloppy, haphazard, and will get your *** busted on the street.

Shows how little you know. That's what their hands seem to be covering--- their asses. (Maybe it's the be prepared for the prison defense) If you knew anything you would say they would get their noses busted. (For those who may not realize it this is tongue in cheek.)
You need to finish your website. It makes me cranky when I go to it and it makes me want to step on the webmaster.

Sorry, that is the best I can do.
your man crush on me is showing again searcher

let me help you out.

TKD is japanese in origin, and anyone that doesnt admitt that simple truth eats dog doo
Live in a swamp and be three dimensional,
Put a live chicken in your underwear,
Go into a closet and suck eggs

But I can't take credit for coming up with that it comes from.... :D

Be courteous, kind and forgiving,
Be gentle and peaceful each day,
Be warm and human and grateful,
And have a good thing to say.

Be thoughtful and trustful and childlike,
Be witty and happy and wise,
Be honest and love all your neighbors,
Be obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant.

Be pompous, obese, and eat cactus,
Be dull, and boring, and omnipresent,
Criticize things you don't know about,
Be oblong and have your knees removed.

Be tasteless, rude, and offensive,
Live in a swamp and be three dimensional,
Put a live chicken in your underwear,
Get all excited and go to a yawning festival.

Be courteous, kind and forgiving,
Be gentle and peaceful each day,
Be warm and human and grateful,
And have a good thing to say.

Be thoughtful and trustful and childlike,
Be witty and happy and wise,
Be honest and love all your neighbors,
Be obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant.

Be pompous, obese, and eat cactus,
Be dull, and boring, and omnipresent,
Criticize things you don't know about,
Be oblong and have your knees removed.

Be tasteless, rude, and offensive,
Live in a swamp and be three dimensional,
Put a live chicken in your underwear,
Go into a closet and suck eggs

---Steve Matrin
Do all TKDers have such impressive chi-bellies? I thought that honor was reserved for the Kenpo seniors. ;)
OK, I'll bite, what the hell is a hogu?

hogu are the giant maxi pads that WTF (olympic style) fighers wear to make sure they dont get a bruised uterus.

dudes included.

they dont wear gloves becasue none of them ever learned to throw a punch
Ohhh.... OK. I wore one of those once. Borrowed a friends stuff to fight in one of his tournys'. Hate them, you can't move in them. Also found out in that tourny that front leg sweeps, groin shots and reverse punches to the head are illegal and cause for DQ. Go figure. Oh and bumping chests' is tying up. Apparently your not allowed to grab the guy and throw him to the ground and drill him. Learn something new everyday!