Working toward the end


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
How many times have you said I only need a little more work before it is perfect to find out that you was wrong. Does this send you down the path of disbeliefs or are youa trooper and carry on with more gustoe? What really is the end for a journey in TKD? Should it be death or retirement? Does one ever really leave the Art was they leave? I know this may not make sense to alot of you but I am in a crossroad with the school and the people I train and am looking for what it is I have lost to feel this way.
What's going on with the school that's taking you down this road?
What's going on with the school that's taking you down this road?

Just to keep the doors open and have my one or two classes I need to make changes like softer classes, Tiny Dragons and BB clubs. The instructors and my wife agree;s for us to be in the market place we need these programs for our area. If you look back to alot of my posting a couple of months ago you willsee everything. I have not giving up but I like having alot of room to workout in and for that to happen we need to have fifty students at all times and for us to make some money we need 75-100 it is just what is needed this time of our lifes. You see we have 7600 square feet of work out roomand I like it that way so everybody has room. the soccor moms are killing me people wanting to be a bB in two year and the fact that I am not like that. I will let these things go on inside my school because it is needed but that does not mean I endrose any of it.
Just to keep the doors open and have my one or two classes I need to make changes like softer classes, Tiny Dragons and BB clubs. The instructors and my wife agree;s for us to be in the market place we need these programs for our area. If you look back to alot of my posting a couple of months ago you willsee everything. I have not giving up but I like having alot of room to workout in and for that to happen we need to have fifty students at all times and for us to make some money we need 75-100 it is just what is needed this time of our lifes. You see we have 7600 square feet of work out roomand I like it that way so everybody has room. the soccor moms are killing me people wanting to be a bB in two year and the fact that I am not like that. I will let these things go on inside my school because it is needed but that does not mean I endrose any of it.
I recall; I just wondered if there was something new.

For what it's worth, Terry, I think you are absolutely capable of providing both the "mass market" stuff that'll keep the doors open and the serious stuff that answers your personal needs. Hell -- you can probably MARKET the hard-core as just that, and maybe get some more people.
How many times have you said I only need a little more work before it is perfect to find out that you was wrong. Does this send you down the path of disbeliefs or are youa trooper and carry on with more gustoe?

"Perfect" is a goal - not a reality; perfection is for robots and computers - I just want to be better tomorrow than I am today. There are days I only make to teach or work out because other people are expecting me... I can say the same thing for teaching school. Some days I just want to scream and hang it up... and then I keep going, and something - some different thing every time - happens to make me want to come back the next day.

What really is the end for a journey in TKD? Should it be death or retirement?

There's an end? I'm not trying to be flip, I'm really not - but I can't see an end; changes, certainly, but not an end. I look at some of the seniors I know - GM Lang started TKD the year before I was born. There's no end there. Even if I stop training or teaching, I am what I am now in large part because of what TKD made me - the things it taught me, the things I learned about myself, about what people are capable of - those things will always be part of who I am, no matter what happens in the future. There is no end to past experience.

Does one ever really leave the Art was they leave?

I think it's the other way around - the art will never leave me, no matter what my involvement is (or isn't) in the future.

I know this may not make sense to alot of you but I am in a crossroad with the school and the people I train and am looking for what it is I have lost to feel this way.

I understand - been there, more than once. But I still come back - even when I feel like quitting, I go to teach and train because people expect me to be there - and when I'm done, I feel better. When things go wrong in my life, TKD is there; it's been a constant for me for nearly 22 years - over half my life. It is part of who I am, no matter what I do from here on out. I don't know how else to put it into words, especially in writing - but I'll think about it.
I recall; I just wondered if there was something new.

For what it's worth, Terry, I think you are absolutely capable of providing both the "mass market" stuff that'll keep the doors open and the serious stuff that answers your personal needs. Hell -- you can probably MARKET the hard-core as just that, and maybe get some more people.

Yjanks JKS I appreciate your respect for my abilities. I am sure in a few weeks I will be fine, it might also have something about my private not showing up or even calling me to say he was not coming. I will keep going because my GM has always said it is not about him it is about the students. Sometimes it just feels like everything needs to come to an end to get going again.
Yjanks JKS I appreciate your respect for my abilities. I am sure in a few weeks I will be fine, it might also have something about my private not showing up or even calling me to say he was not coming. I will keep going because my GM has always said it is not about him it is about the students. Sometimes it just feels like everything needs to come to an end to get going again.
Y'know... I don't know how you do your billing for privates -- but a doctor's office or even a lot of tutoring programs will charge at least a partial fee for failing to show and not canceling with reasonable notice. If you don't have a policy like that -- I'd recommend one. You're setting time aside professionally; they need to give you the respect you deserve.

At the same time -- it IS the day after Christmas. Could it have been a simple oversight due to the holiday?
Y'know... I don't know how you do your billing for privates -- but a doctor's office or even a lot of tutoring programs will charge at least a partial fee for failing to show and not canceling with reasonable notice. If you don't have a policy like that -- I'd recommend one. You're setting time aside professionally; they need to give you the respect you deserve.

At the same time -- it IS the day after Christmas. Could it have been a simple oversight due to the holiday?

I do not bill for the time lost, he was at a private yesterday and he does not celebrate the holidays. He set the time for this eveningmaybe he got stuck at work since he is a LEO. I am sure there is agreat reason for it. I was just in one of those moods today.
I think that with all your space and dedication to the art that you have it made, Terry.

If you are adding the extra classes , you should be fine. Do you have an after school program for the little kids, because that brings in outside people. All the softer classes should help as well. You might need to devote more time as a result, which is fine because we all know you love teaching.
The aspiration tobe perfect is what keeps megoing. I know that it is nto realistic, but I like the idea of trying.

I am not sure where the end will be. Evey time I find a new style and train it out to the end I always find another style that intrigues me and I go to that, but I can't leave my previous training alone, be cause it is not perfect, so I keep on doing it. Even if it is on my own. The funny thing about it all is, I seem to get faster and better at it, despite growing older. So much for letting age decide when I stop.
I think that with all your space and dedication to the art that you have it made, Terry.

If you are adding the extra classes , you should be fine. Do you have an after school program for the little kids, because that brings in outside people. All the softer classes should help as well. You might need to devote more time as a result, which is fine because we all know you love teaching.

We are going to try and add the after school program yes and I would love to spend more time teaching.
I guess each person is different. Like Kacy, I don't use perfect as a goal. I use being better than yesterday.

For me, I get excited by something new. Also, if my life outside of teaching is not fun and exciting, then I feel lackluster and it comes through. For me it's about making sure I have plenty of time to play and be with friends that I enjoy. I just know that there has to be one thing in my life to bring excitement to all of it. That one thing is always might be a book I'm reading, more often it's friends I enjoy laughing with, getting out in the woods for a day in the freezing cold while everyone with any sense is indoors, skating (I grew up figure skating! :) ) Lately, it's the thrill of throwing and being thrown in jujitsu!

It's all about process and now. Planning is necessity, but for me, when I get caught up in what is going to be, I forget to enjoy now. I have to make my plans, set them in motion, and then do something else. There is always a wait between setting things in motion and actual results that just makes me bonkers!

Only you can know what's right for you. I only know the few things I read about you in a few threads. But you were one of my favorite people here from the first day I started reading the boards, so I hope you find the key you need right now to bring brightness to everything you do. :)
First of all, take a deep breath.

I am taking a gander here it's less about the school than the overall 'festivities' This is the time of year we take stock and get overwhelmed by our emotions.

Life is the destination of the journey. There is but one 'end' and we are not quiet there yet, are we?!

As I understand, the changes have not yet started to take effect in your school. Things will take a while to smooth out and be 'the new normal' it is time for you to discover a new side to the business, as the General steps off the battle field and into the boardroom. Carve yourself the nitche with the hardcore students, the ones everybody wants to be. You have a large facility and the people to work the different levels of commitment. I call this very lucky! Walk around school, look important and grace a student with constructive critique now and then, make them feel proud they caught the eye of the master.

As to the Black belt issue...I got mine in under 2 years, personally it has not too much 'value' to me, as I understand I am still a grasshopper. The other faction that see it as the ultimate goal are likely to drop out anyhow, so you see them leave a little harm done.

have some eggnogg and relax. Things will be fine!
One foot after the other Terry, one step at a time. Don't stop, just keep trudging alone and you will get to where you need to be.

Vegas Baby, you and me and a couple of tall cold ones and all this crap is in the past.

See you there.

Nuff said.
One foot after the other Terry, one step at a time. Don't stop, just keep trudging alone and you will get to where you need to be.

Vegas Baby, you and me and a couple of tall cold ones and all this crap is in the past.

See you there.

Nuff said.

Wade we will be there for sure, Yolanda and five others arecompeting and drinks are on you my friend.
if you havnt yet, talk to My Instructor, Kristi Shawky

She has a HUGE dojo like yours, and she is making money without giving out 2 year black belts.
if you havnt yet, talk to My Instructor, Kristi Shawky

She has a HUGE dojo like yours, and she is making money without giving out 2 year black belts.

How long does it take? Most dojangs that are that big money are usually in it for the money.
3 1/2 to 4 years is the average at her school

and she fails people when they dont do well enough

she makes money by:
having parents night out, a 4 hour class on fridaynight once a month where the parents can get some adult time

having an after school program where the kids are picked up from school and taken to the dojo till the parents can pick them up

having lil' dragons program for under 6 yr olds

having summer camps where the kids are at the school for 8 hours a day for a week

having various seminars once a month that cost the student $20 for two hours of intense instruction in a particular subject

having a gift shop with hats, key chains, etc on site

having a snack bar in the school, they used to tell me that many months, pickles paid the electric bill
Twin Fist can you set me up wih an appointment to see her about all thos eprograms.
3 1/2 to 4 years is the average at her school

and she fails people when they dont do well enough

she makes money by:
having parents night out, a 4 hour class on fridaynight once a month where the parents can get some adult time

having an after school program where the kids are picked up from school and taken to the dojo till the parents can pick them up

having lil' dragons program for under 6 yr olds

having summer camps where the kids are at the school for 8 hours a day for a week

having various seminars once a month that cost the student $20 for two hours of intense instruction in a particular subject

having a gift shop with hats, key chains, etc on site

having a snack bar in the school, they used to tell me that many months, pickles paid the electric bill

These are all super ideas and you will note that they don't require the instructor to water down the material. I think Terry it is about being a complete business. You know the Martial arts but these other items are the filler (if that is the proper word) that pays the bills to allow the real training to continue.

Good luck in 2009!