Won park1st day result for Twin Dragons MAS


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
First off let me say it was fantastic for our 17 competitors today we came home with 11 gold 14 silver and 8 bronze not bad for the 5-12 years old today. My school shined in the wake of only having so few compared to other larger schools. Now my three sons first Michael only recieved a gold in sparring in his wieght class but the fight up in the heavywieghts and did a great job with a bronze, calenb my 8 year old won bronze in fighting and the oldest 11 years old which is a 2nd poom junior BB won gold in poomse during Bassia he stole the show with a 9.5,9.5 and a 9.2 he won with over a point and a half of everybody else in his division and got a bronze in fighting. Tx BB which post here and is my second in command at the Dojang kids , Benny won 2 bronze for fighting and poomse and Joseph won a bronze in fighting. The rest of the team did fantastic today and tommorrow will only be better with all th BB 14 and up fighting. I'll let everybody know tommorrow how we did. Thank all of you for wishing us luck before hand and God Bless
Terry Lee Stoker
Sounds great, Terry. Congrats to all, Keep up the good work and I hope all are having fun!