What If


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
What if you never taken Martial Arts what would you be doing instead and why?
Me I probaly be doing alot more sailing, I love to sail but just do not have the time for it anymore.
Quit asking these philosophical questions&#8230;you&#8217;re making my BRAIN HURT. :)

I honestly have no idea, maybe hiking a lot more. And when I say a lot more I mean hiking as opposed to what I do now&#8230;which is not hiking. But I use to and I do rather like the woods... for more than just beating trees that is
i currently own and operate a martial arts studio. i went into this field after becoming frustrated with teaching in the public schools.

so, i'd probably be teaching high school history or literature someplace. maybe writing novels, which is my other hobby....

probably wouldn't have met my wife, who i met in a capoeira class. or most of my good friends, who i've trained with or who are friends of people i've trained with.

i'd probably be fat, too.....

gee, thanks for reminding me how great it is to be involved in the arts!:)
I'd probably be a drunkin' drummer. No joke. I quit playing for a while, because all I did was drink (before MA) and play and/or work lights/roadie for a friends band (we got free beer at every gig).

My new thing is snowboarding. Thanks to a MA friend of mine. If it wasn't for MA, I wouldn't have met her (we met through MA, and she got me into it). Then I wouldn't have snowboarded and fell in love with it.

So, I guess I would have been playing in bar-bands and gottin' drunk every gig. Not good. I think MA saved me.
I would almost definately be playing my instrument much more. I've always been a musician and that is what I use to fill the time when I'm NOT at work or MA....so I'd probably be filling all of my free time with music.
It's hard to say... I'd probably be drifting through my life, because not only does TKD provide a focus for my life, but teaching TKD caused me to finally decide that I really did want to be a teacher (school teacher, I mean) and that's when I went back to college to get my teaching certificate.
I would be heavily involved in teaching or coaching some other physical activity or sport.
Ballroom dancing, yoga, walking, and alot more channel surfing.
So, I guess I would have been playing in bar-bands and gottin' drunk every gig. Not good. I think MA saved me.

Hmmmm I think that pretty much sums it up for me, too.

Oh: and add in the "fat" part. I would probably have a huge gut.

Touch Of Death said:
I would do what ever the prison guards told me, I suppose.

Not sure what i would be doing other than getting fat drinking beer.
I have been in the arts most of my life and can not invision what else I might have got into other than trouble
There is a pretty good chance that I would be making more money than I am right now. Since I started teaching, I have had a number of second jobs in order to pay bills. Currently, I am still teaching but officially "unemployed." Before I was teaching, I had a regular job that payed $14 per hour working 40 hours a week. That was almost 10 years ago. If I still had that job, who knows what I would be making. But even though I'm broke, I'm happier than I would be without the MA.

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