What is the most important thing?



What is the most important thing you have taken away from your martial arts training?
Is it respect for yourself and others, the ability to maim others, discipline...?

Just curious.
To date the most important thing that my MA training has given me, is the ability and more important the desire and the need to give back to others.

Sure self-defense if great and my work attitude is higher then ever, but the fact that a student comes up to me when I am sitting at dinner at a restaurount and gives me a hug just becasue she/he is happy to see me. Need I say more.

My corner of the world...

David Gunzburg
I have taken a greater understanding of fighting respect. Maturity also Fitness fighting ablity etc. Martial arts has shown me that i can achieve my goals and the skys not the limite any more !
I learnt never to mess with my dad :D

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:
I`d say the most important thing I`ve got from my ma training, is knowlegde of self, and the discipline to constantly work towards perfection of the arts and myself (the endless journey).
I`d be a lazy bastid if it wasn`t for martial arts:D
Originally posted by Master of Blades

I learnt never to mess with my dad :D

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:

I have learned not to mess with my kids!
Originally posted by Master of Blades

I learnt never to mess with my dad :D

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:

Because the more I learned...the more he showed me what he knew.
The most important thing I learned so far, is not physical abilities, but mental ones. Martial arts has changed my charater. I used to be this shy, scared kid, with no respect for myself let alone others, no confidence or self esteem. If you read my posts on this board, you'll see how much I have changed. Now I have more confidence, self esteem, even respect for my fellow human beings. It's been a very humbling experience for me so far, and I haven't even reached black belt! I'm just a lowly green belt, but you know what? I'm proud of what I have learned so far, and I give all the credit to my instructors and fellow students.
I'm only in this for hot babes with emotional baggage that put out and buy me things...

...oh wait...that's not me...that's someone else....
the most important things within myself. Drive, Determination, Dedication. I've had many trivial things happen in my life thusfar. Some still don't go away. What I noticed however when everything fell apart or gave up on me my martial arts training was always there. It never gave up on me. My wife says I practice way too much. I'm not sure about that myself but I do have to wait until everyone goes to bed before I can practice. ;)
patience, self-control, discipline & awareness.

not that self defense comes second, but those qualities enhance my training and give me an edge in everyday life situations.