The Last Person.....

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I don't know about the rest of you, but one thing that has happened to me, since I hit my late 40s, is that I'm always sore, some days more than others.
Ditto, dude. It happened the day I turned 40--just like that. Amazing.

I was lucky..My joints held out until I hit 50 and NOW I am starting to feel it..Well coffee break is over..Catch ya on the flip..
Howdy Arni ... isn't it a bit early for a movie? Whatcha watchin?

Well, it is a bit early...but I'm writing up a document for work and have a movie on while I'm typing away.

The movie is The F Word, a pseudo-documentary about the RNC in NYC, and it has an interesting construction but a dulling effect. I'm not very into it.
The movie is The F Word, a pseudo-documentary about the RNC in NYC, and it has an interesting construction but a dulling effect. I'm not very into it.

At least it has to be better than the 1400th running of "The Incredibles" I sat through this morning with the Ruffians. At least now they are outside enjoying the day. No fights yet, no complaints, no scraped knees yet so far it has been a quiet 2 hours with them out there.
At least it has to be better than the 1400th running of "The Incredibles" I sat through this morning with the Ruffians. At least now they are outside enjoying the day. No fights yet, no complaints, no scraped knees yet so far it has been a quiet 2 hours with them out there.

The Incredibles, I think I saw that once, but then, I have no 'ruffians', so once was enough.
The Incredibles, I think I saw that once, but then, I have no 'ruffians', so once was enough.

Once was enough for me as well, but.... Oh well what can you do, they like it and it is a harmless movie. Plus they don't watch that much TV anyway, and it is better than most regular programing.
Once was enough for me as well, but.... Oh well what can you do, they like it and it is a harmless movie. Plus they don't watch that much TV anyway, and it is better than most regular programing.

You're absolutely correct with that one. The movie is harmless, in fact, it wasn't bad, even as an adult. I know others, adults, that have seen it more than once, and they have no children.
Hate to admit it, but there are several of the kids movies I don't mind watching. Cars, Open Season, and Madagascar come to mind right off.
Hate to admit it, but there are several of the kids movies I don't mind watching. Cars, Open Season, and Madagascar come to mind right off.

I haven't seen any of those. I'm not one for movies much. I should rent a few one of these days and catch up. Even my friends talk about movies, and I'm usually on the outside of those conversations, being that I haven't seen them.
Morning 14Kempo and me too sore that is but mine happened after 45, damm age.

Same here Terry. At the last tournament that I participated in, I ruptured the L5 during the forms competition and had to drop out of sparring. I had a bad lower back prior to that with three bulging discs, but since the rupture I've had even more troubles. Although the pain and numbness have subsided, the lower back fatigues quickly.
With 4 Ruffians at home, I don't get to the regular movie theater too often. Up here it isn't to do with the cost, it has to do with the younger 2 have a hard time sitting still, and quiet for that long. The Movie theater in town is a small family run operation that has 4 screens and feels that no family should have to pay more than $20 to watch a movie. Then the popcorn and drinks are real cheap as well. You can get a regular size popcorn and drink and get change back from $3, kid size that and there is change from $2. I think the giant tubs of corn and drinks are under 2.50 each.
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