The Last Person.....

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Doing great so far this Morning. Kids have been up 3 1/2 hours and outside for about 3 of them. Looks like a beautiful day here in the North Country. Temps perfect at about 68 to 70 for the projected high and not a cloud in sight. Might have to break out the boat this afternoon for a trip around a lake.
Just got done with church at the school now finishing the weekly lesson plans and getting the books done.
Good evening all finished with all the monthly paperwork and enjoyed a day with family, so now off for a movie and no clue which one.
And good evening LPT,
I guess I just need to vent a little bit. I'm depressed. I have my first Arnis class tomorrow after a month long break (I took the break because we were broke). While I've been looking forward to going back all month, now I'm worried about how rusty my sinwali's are, but more so I am worried about how I can barely afford the need new sticks I need and my teacher may expect me to test this month, which I can't afford at all. Argh!
Why can't I just go to class... buy new sticks when I need them... be able to test when I'm ready, not when I can afford to...
Well, now I'm just throwing myself a pitty party. To whoever is out there, thanks for letting me vent.
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