The Last Person.....

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So work is done for the day and all that is left is dinner and teaching.
Good evening LPT I have clas in 10 minutes and I thought I would say hello to all the fellow post whores out there. It is rainy and I just love the rain so talk later.
i'll try ;)
This is something that i've lived for the past two years and now it's just hours away.... i just hope the rush of adrenalin will be as good as i think it will be :D
Ya know- I may not drive a corvette- but I sure do admire them. I have always wanted a Mosler, but I know i will never be able to pay for one. I maynot be a ninjutsu practitioner- but I do have an interest and if some jerk wants to play holier than thou, maybe a moderator should do a wrist slap- seems I got a wrist slap for joking around earlier. What do you think?
Good Evening LPT..Have a little time to pop in and say "Hi"...
Seems you can joke and get reprimanded or you can be nasty and be ignored hmm, what gives?
I paid Brian a compliment for taking the time to share knowledge and get shotgunned by another poster for telling him what he should or should not do.
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