The Last Person.....

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So you get to be the bad guy, hmm? Sounds right up your line - do you get to use the name "Drac", too? :) Or do you have to use a real name they assign you? And what exactly do you get to do (or would you have to kill me if you told me?) :lol:

My nickname is not used...I will learn all the particulars tonight at the meeting..They want real,,they get real..
My nickname is not used...I will learn all the particulars tonight at the meeting..They want real,,they get real..

Could be interesting. How do they pick people for such assignments?
Well taxes are finally finished.
Could be interesting. How do they pick people for such assignments?

The woman who is in charge of the theatre group is involved in alot of things..Seens they were lookin for actors and she thought of me.We did a number of plays together..
Gotta go..Lunchtime was over 1/2 hour ago...
I have the day off today, but I had to go and get my car inspected this morning- it passed, of course. Now, I'm just playing around on the computer. You?

I'm on Spring Break all week - I spent yesterday test driving cars I might choose to buy. I think I've settled on the 2007 Toyota RAV4 Limited... but I'm not in a huge rush; I want to think about it for a while.
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