the first couple videos from my test

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx

this part is my students demonstrating self defense, as part of my belt test.

this me doing Sae Jong. I have a slight balance loss before the one footed 180 degree turn. Of course, I didnt know that turn was in the form untill the night before, more when I get them posted.
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Nice to see you in action, John :tup:.

You know, I never pictured you with a beard :D.

Also, not normally the thing one man says to another but good voice tone too - I bet that cuts across the dojo noise just fine without sounding like you're shouting.
Also, not normally the thing one man says to another but good voice tone too - I bet that cuts across the dojo noise just fine without sounding like you're shouting.

It's ok if you don't make eye contact, Suke. I noticed the same thing -- a strong, well-spoken presence.

Twin Fist said:
Of course, I didnt know that turn was in the form untill the night before...

Jeeze. No pressure, eh? What would a dan promotion be without a little last minute stress? I think the important thing is always to trudge on, which you did.

the book just had you stepping out, not turning out.....

made the night before the test a lot more interesting....
Ooo to have all those people watching and be videoed! You're a braver man than I Gunga Din!!

Well done!
Nice to put a face to the name lol!

this part is my students demonstrating self defense, as part of my belt test.

this me doing Sae Jong. I have a slight balance loss before the one footed 180 degree turn. Of course, I didnt know that turn was in the form untill the night before, more when I get them posted.

Looks like you have strong chung Do Kwan or some other Kwan roots. Must be why the rising outer forearm block comes from underneath and the twin outer forearm block travels on an angle (It was that way in 1972, but not since 1980) .

what book are you following? If you followed it correctly it is a different standard than what the pattern creator intended. See;
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Looked nice. I like your one steps. I think the only criticism I would have is that the dojang has the American flag hung the wrong way. :)
Looks like you have strong chung Do Kwan or some other Kwan roots. Must be why the rising outer forearm block comes from underneath and the twin outer forearm block travels on an angle (It was that way in 1972, but not since 1980) .

what book are you following? If you followed it correctly it is a different standard than what the pattern creator intended. See;

we use the Hee Il Cho books as a bible for forms. Our system is essentially exactly as Jhoon Rheee taught it in 1959, we have just added some things to it

that said, sine wave? eeeeeeww
Sine wave aside, the turns as you performed them do not conform with the way the pattern is designed. He Il Cho would explain the Chung Do kwan methodology vis a vis rising outer forearm block and Twin outer forearm block. (Except if you do it that way the Block application is compromised. Other applications make more sense for that type of motion.)

Two questions:

Why pick He Il Cho's book? Does your group only use 20 of the 24 patterns?

Your profile says you are a fourth Dan. Is this correct? Dose your org. Use Se Jong as a requirement for 5th?
here are the form requirements:

Orange-Chun Gi
Purple- Tan Gun
Blue- To San
Green- Won Hyo
4th Brown- Yul Kuk
3rd Brown- Gun Guen
2nd Brown- Toi Gae
1st Brown- Hwa Rang

Black-Chung Mu and a Bo form
1st Dan- Chul Gi, Bassai, Tae Bek, Koryo, Bo Form 2
2nd Dan-Gae Bek, Kwang Gae, create a bo form
3rd Dan- Po En, Sae Jong, create a weapon kata, demonstrate kata Bunkai
4th Dan- Sam Il, Chong Jang
5th Dan- Ul Ji, Ko Dang
6th Dan- Choi Yung, Tong Il

it is an odd mix, and no, it does not conform to ITF standards.

Before you ask, I was testing for 3rd Dan, and was promoted to 4th Dan, something my instructor has never done before. Dont say it, I know, I am not comfortable with the idea either, but I am not gonna tell my instructor "no, you are wrong, i only want 3rd Dan" i did insist that I would learn the two forms for 4th dan and perform them for her in short order.

The turns are performed as they are taught in the book by Hee Il Cho. Those books were published in the early 80's, if people are not performing it that way now, maybe THEY are the ones doing it wrong.....

Either way, thats the way my instructor wants it, so thats the way i learned it.

Part of my test was a "specialty" demonstration. For my 2nd test, my specialty was Kenpo self Defense. For this test, since I am a school owner, my specialty these days is teaching, and there is no better way to judge a teacher than by looking at his students