Tatoos, long hair, mowhawks, & peircings galore

Xue Sheng said:
Wouldn't that make him an izan-oen, or a Buddhist?
I'm guessing no, given the other Nazi tattoos he had (SS symbol on his neck, etc).
RevIV said:
Sam --- Your 17, dont do it. Wait, wait, wait, go to college, get a job then if you want a tatoo do it. To each there own, but listen to others and wait.
In Peace,

...I am in college. I HAVE three jobs. And the only thing I want to be is a karate instructor, and I'm working on that too.

Why am I justifying myself to you, though?
Sam said:
...I am in college. I HAVE three jobs. And the only thing I want to be is a karate instructor, and I'm working on that too.

Why am I justifying myself to you, though?
Do what ya want Sam. Yeah, you might find out later it was a mistake, but better to regret a mistake than to regret inaction.

JeffJ said:
Do what ya want Sam. Yeah, you might find out later it was a mistake, but better to regret a mistake than to regret inaction.

My advice to someone planning a tattoo is to sit on the idea for a while. I had ideas for several years about a fantasy-themed sleeve. When I found a local artist whose work I liked, we came up with an idea for a Japanese theme instead. I'm glad I waited a bit, because I'm much happier with what I have than I would have been with what I had originally planned.
Xue Sheng said:
As I suspected, you got to watch out for those Nazi type Buddhist impersonators :)

...thats just wrong.
At 25, I decided I wanted a tattoo.
By 30, I had 6 ideas that I liked.
At 35 I finally got it done.

Once its on, its on forever, unless you tattoo over it, or pay a ton to have it zapped off. When it comes to tattoos....don't rush. If its a good idea now, in 6 months it'll still be a good idea. ;)
I've got 5 tatoos, every one was planned out and has some deep meaning to me...
I don't regret any one of them, however I do regret not having some of them touched up in the past few years(especially the tribal on my calf)
I looked at it this way: If I would have some trouble explaining what a particular tattoo meant to my kids, then I wouldn't/didn't get it...
So no skulls, demons or "FTW" tattoos on me...
The only really good advice that I could give is MAKE SURE THAT THE TATTOIST IS CLEAN...you don't want any of the Hepatitis strains floating around in you, I would hope...
JasonASmith said:
I've got 5 tatoos, every one was planned out and has some deep meaning to me...
I don't regret any one of them, however I do regret not having some of them touched up in the past few years(especially the tribal on my calf)
I looked at it this way: If I would have some trouble explaining what a particular tattoo meant to my kids, then I wouldn't/didn't get it...
So no skulls, demons or "FTW" tattoos on me...
The only really good advice that I could give is MAKE SURE THAT THE TATTOIST IS CLEAN...you don't want any of the Hepatitis strains floating around in you, I would hope...

Great advice, Jason!

I think tatoos are great. I've just never seen one that I want for the rest of my life. My best friend (and long time traing partner) have talked about getting the same tat for years. We just can't agree on what it would be.
Shotochem said:
I hate being slashed by Raptor toe and finger nails.

I belive while we are on the subject of Tats , hair and nails....

How about bathing before class if you please. It really stinks (pun intended :) ) when you partner up and roll around with a STANKY person.

Soap and water are you friends, become one with them.
Trimming nails, being clean & not stinking, brushing your teeth and/or using mouthwash or mints as appropriate -- in short, basic hygiene is (or should be) basic courtesy.

If your nails are long enough to cut someone -- they need to be trimmed for everyone's safety.

If you need a bath so badly that no one will work with you -- that problem will hopefully solve itself. 'Cause I wouldn't make a student work with someone who is displaying poor hygiene like that. (And that does include cleaning your workout clothes regularly!)
Toasty said:
This phrasing concerns me greatly: "Does your instructor/sensei ALLOW."..?

Exactly what right would he/she have to allow/disallow anything you wish to do to your person?

They are simply a martial arts instructor.

Sam, you let somone in a martial arts class dictate what kind/size tattoo you wanted to get???!!!
I find that outrageous.

Kreth - you might want to do a little research on the history of the "sawistka"... especially with regards to Shorinji Kempo (LOL).

The instructor does have the choice in saying what's acceptable in his or her class. It's your choice if you want to meet their standards or go elsewhere. You clearly would choose to go elsewhere. Me? If I value what is being taught -- then I'm staying and meeting the requirements.

With in the context of Shorinji Kempo -- a swastika has one meaning. In a different context, it's very offensive. (Manson's is not there because he trains in Shorinji Kempo...) But I don't think I've ever heard of a Shorinji Kempo student getting a swastika tattoo...
Sam said:
...I am in college. I HAVE three jobs. And the only thing I want to be is a karate instructor, and I'm working on that too.

Why am I justifying myself to you, though?
Your 17. You think you know what you want to do with the rest of your life -- and you may even be right. But, I bet that most of the people posting here who are established in a career aren't in the same career they thought they'd be at 17.

We all change as we mature. Before you do something like a tattoo at a young age (and I'll call 17 young; I'm old enough to be your father!), I'd consider whether you want to have it there in 20 years. Removal is painful and expensive. And the acceptance of tats changes over time, too. Today, they're pretty well accepted. They weren't 20 years ago. They may not be in another 20 years.

But, in the end, it's your body, and your choice. Just try to make sure it's one you can live with!
_Quote from Sam---Anyone at about 20 or above is teased from time to time but generally is left alone about it. General tattoos are fine for students, but most instructors, or students who are known to be striving for instructorship (myself, for instance) have it made clear to them that tattoos are generally discouraged. (What had been originally planned as a full calf tattoo has been changed to be a small karate guy on my ankle. Still, a small price to pay).

wow I hadn't expected so many people actually going to this thread. :)

I think Sam should do what ever she wants aslong as she posts the pictures of what she wants on here, :) , When you say karate guy is it going to be a man because I thought you were a girl. Or did you mean you were getting a girl?

Also I haev been wanting the same tatoo for eight months (kenpo karate written in Japanese right above my butt centered inbetween my love bones(I think thats what it is called.)) but I guess I am going to have to wait till I am eighteen which gives me atleast six more years to think about it. Its going to be very small. Its going to be this big. just felt like sharing that. :)

Good luck with the tatoo.

KenpoSterre said:
But I guess I am going to have to wait till I am eighteen which gives me atleast six more years to think about it.

Off Topic:

You are officially the first person to ever make me feel old.


Back on Topic:

I meant karate girl.
Sam said:
Off Topic:

You are officially the first person to ever make me feel old.


Back on Topic:

I meant karate girl.

Sorry, I have no sympathy; people have been making comments to make me feel old for at least 18 years :)
It's all downhill from here, isnt it?
Sam said:
It's all downhill from here, isnt it?

Well I could say something like why let the comment of someone so much younger get you down when you too are still so young…….. Or I could be truthful and just say yes. :)
Sam said:
But I'm not even legal yet!

And the time will come when you will be legal, and being carded will be a complement instead of an annoyance.