Reputation System Reset Pending...Dec 07

Rep has been reset and good riddance!
I concur Drac - the light of democracy was estinguished and the drabness of the totalitarian hand besmirched all before our eyes.

Then again, I knew it was an oligarchy when I signed up, so it's no good my complaining about it now when I didn't get my way :). Oddly, I do feel inside like I've been demoted from trusted Leftenant to Spear-Carrier Third Class tho'.

I'll give the new system time to settle but at first glance it's, no pun intended for a change, kind of pointless if I'm reading the above parameters correctly. With my awesome rep power of three I can hand out 'buff's' till doomsday and make not a hair of difference to someones public persona.

Still, I suppose the comments will still count for the people concerned and that's the most important thing.
Maybe we can get Exile to give the eulogy...No better scratch that, with his gift for words we could be here all day, no offense Ex...That being said I am heading over to Lisa's Lounge to drink a toast to the rep systems demise..Anyone care to join me???

I will be joining you all for the wake
Not that it was not fun or that everyone did not deserve their rep. (You know you did
) It's just that the system was out growing itself!

We know Brian but it is like taking away a child beloved toy, it hurts and we feel pain and all of our emotion are over flowing. That is why we have opened the bar fpr this occasion, it is bettter to drink and remember that not drink at all.
Letch just gave me some good advice on how we should not allow the change of the rep system to make us feel some intagible loss of worth and that our value to the board is not counted in 'stars' - thank you, good sir :rei:. I would rep you for your words but sadly the Gnomes are still as doughty as ever when it comes to saying "No!" :lol:.
Maybe we can get Exile to give the eulogy...No better scratch that, with his gift for words we could be here all day, no offense Ex...That being said I am heading over to Lisa's Lounge to drink a toast to the rep systems demise..Anyone care to join me???

Actually, I care to join you, Drac—will get me in the proper spirit to deliver the eulogy....

feels weird, doesn't it.
Bob can we disable our rep? I find this system to be like Dungeons and Dragon's in which the Dugeon master get's to change the rules when the other kid sneezes :p Anyway can you tell me how to disable my reps.-Thanks

Jade, go to the UserCP icon in the upper left portion of this screen. Click there. When your UserCP screen pops up look on the left side banner and click on Edit Options. The option to turn off your rep indicator is there.
You can, just as letch said - but you have to be a supporting member for that feature to work. Look here for more information on supporting memberships - well worth the minimal cost!

As far as the rep reset - I think, over all, it's a good thing - it had reached the point where I wasn't willing to rep because something had to be really good to merit the 1400+ points I meted out; I foresee a much more rep coming from me, now that I give out 13 points instead!
Actually, I care to join you, Drac—will get me in the proper spirit to deliver the eulogy....

feels weird, doesn't it.

Ex, I know this must have a huge impact on've lost more than any of us....if you need someone to talk to........we're here for you. :)
I've always thought that when something comes to an end, you need to start something new. That's how we human beings manage to keep going even with our dispiriting knowledge that one day it does all come to an End.

So I'm going to start another thread on this Wiki-based project I've been thinking and posting about during the last week or so, and I hope that you all will take part. I don't want it to be my project, but everyone's project—a way to keep all the insights, knowledge and good arguments and make them accessible—because sometimes the argumentation and reasoning and counter-reasoning winds up being more interesting and important than any conclusions that might arise about whether the down block in such-and-such a kata was originally a down block, or at exactly what point in history the word kenpo, based on ch'uan-fa, stopped being synonymous with karate in Okinawa.

I have some ideas about what kind of organizational structure would best serve a project like this (looser is better than tighter, I think, with some central processing unit keeping things moving), and some suggestions about the structure and time frame (if a lot of people are working in parallel, it will take less time, but it's a long term project no matter what). But as I say, I'd like to see it as something where people are all doing their own bit, in tandem with others, and get their contribution recognized explicitly (if you write a kind of overview, say, of the organizational structure of contemporary Ninjutsu, as I remember Brian v. C. doing around a year or so ago—beautiful piece, should have been made a sticky in that section, I always thought—then your byline goes with the piece, just as in many encyclopædia entries for special academic disciplines, your name and affiliation go with the entry you wrote.)

A bunch of disconsolate MAists wandering around loose after being up half the night in Lisa's Lounge or the Urusai is a scary thought, right? Something like this will at least keep us off the streets... :D

Ex, I know this must have a huge impact on've lost more than any of us....if you need someone to talk to........we're here for you. :)

I appreciate the offer very much, Craig... just remember, any time you're in town again, there's a pint or two of Barley's finest cask-conditioned Real Ale with your name on it waiting for you! :lol: (My treat, and the offer goes for any of you folks who find yourselves in Columbus with some free time.)
Okay, here we go!

Everyone get ready to rumble!!!

I have my finger POISED on the left hand button of the mouse, ready to give rep at a second's notice. Instinctual. I can give rep so fast that I don't even have to think about it!

I just DO, not THINK. Then, I witness myself giving rep, clicking on gui buttons. I think to myself, DANG, that was fast how that rep energy was expressed out of my body so fast!

I wish to be able to give rep to two people simultaneously, American Kenpo style!!!

Okay, here we go!

Everyone get ready to rumble!!!

I have my finger POISED on the left hand button of the mouse, ready to give rep at a second's notice. Instinctual. I can give rep so fast that I don't even have to think about it!

I just DO, not THINK. Then, I witness myself giving rep, clicking on gui buttons. I think to myself, DANG, that was fast how that rep energy was expressed out of my body so fast!

I wish to be able to give rep to two people simultaneously, American Kenpo style!!!


But are you doing rep-do—or rep-jutsu?? Biiiiig difference! :lol:
Oh well, the stars in the profile are gone, but the Stars of Martial Talk are still here, and that is what counts. Drac, Terry, Exile, Kacey, Shurekin, Letch, and everybody else here who always has good insights and posts. May not agree with all of them all the time, but you know what; I'm kind of glad the high rep powers have gone by the wayside. I know I missed getting a blip from some of you just letting me know you agreed with some minor post I had made. I know even me with a high of 650+ points was getting stingy with giving out a pat on the back because I liked either the way you answered a question or a response that was posted. I can just think how giving 1400, 1500, 2000 at a pop would have changed how I gave rep out.

For one, I am glad for the change. All of you that were the heavy hitters before, still are, just not as huge. More than the rest of us though, and I know every single point I get in the future will hold more value personally.
Letch just gave me some good advice on how we should not allow the change of the rep system to make us feel some intagible loss of worth and that our value to the board is not counted in 'stars' - thank you, good sir :rei:. I would rep you for your words but sadly the Gnomes are still as doughty as ever when it comes to saying "No!" :lol:.
Yeah, they just shut me out when I tried to rep you. And to think you missed out on two points! :D
Bob can we disable our rep? I find this system to be like Dungeons and Dragon's in which the Dugeon master get's to change the rules when the other kid sneezes :p Anyway can you tell me how to disable my reps.-Thanks

What is the effect of having Reputation disabled?

If my Rep is disabled, and I note that I approve of a post, does it alter the person's reputation or not?

If my Rep is disabled, and I note that I disapprove of a post, does it alter the poster's reputation or not?

Thank you.
There's gonna be a bit of a break-in period, no question. But in a couple of months it'll probably seem totally normal... we're not, as a species, very good at planning, but we are good at adapting.

Just one thing to remember: if you're curious about who has liked something you've posted (or not), you're going to have to check your rep a lot more often! In the pre-reset era, it was pretty clear to someone when they got rep from me, say; post-reset, it's going to take an awful lot of 7-point hits to translate to a new pip, even one of the dark green ones. So if the comments and feedback are the important thing (as they should be, I think), then you need to check every so often to see if anyone had anything to say to you via the rep system...
Pretty much agree with bydand. I don't view any of you as 'diminished' without the big star displays.

Look, I've run into people with all sorts of high awards, jobs and honors who were really nothing but ***. Putting a cow patty into a cereal box doesn't make it cereal.

Yet......How many times have we read a post from a new member - no star power - but which obviously reflected years of study and superb insight?

I don't come here to associate with star power; I come to discuss and learn. That will remain constant no matter what the displays are.

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