question on Kukkiwon promotion


Purple Belt
I have always thought that in order to promote students through the Kukkiwon one simply needed to be a fourth Dan holder (at least in the U.S.). I thought that by signing the student's application and including your Dan number and all that, the Kukkiwon simply cross checked everything and promoted accordingly.

Here is why I am confused: My instructor had been obtaining his student's Dan certificates through his Grand Master. He only recently was promoted to fourth Dan. I asked him if he could now send in the applications himself, and he said that he would first have to register as a member school of the Kukkiwon before he could promote through them. I had never really heard of someone in the U.S. registering as a school under the Kukkiwon. I confused further by that he was doing so by filling out an application for USA Taekwondo. I know USAT and the Kukkiwon are really buddy-buddy lately, but it still confuses me.

Oi, I am sorry for making this so long. I simply want to ask, does one have to be the master of a member school of Kukkiown, or just a Kukkiwon certified fourth Dan or higher in order to promote their students?

Your Master is confused, if he hapld a 4th dan then he need to send it in himself, no club membership. Somevody hs been telling lies again.
There is some turth to what he is saying. No, kukkiwon does not license schools,but inorder for your insturctor to promote students the kukkiwon will also need proof of residency from him. That along with his Dan number will allow he to sign off on your dan. He probably thinks that you need to be a member of USAT to go through Kukkiwon which is not true. But it does speed up the process a little.
Nobody needs to be anything if they are a 4th KKW, alll they need to do is sign and ship it over and in about six weeks it will be returned. The USAT has nothing to do about KKW except make some extra cash off of you. I am sorry but the USAT is trying to make people believe they need them and that is not true.
Maybe not lies as much as confusion. If going through USAT maybe they require the school be registered. Going directly its not. I wonder...

Dave O.
They way I look at it is if you send in the paper work on your own, its harder for you to track if it is lot ( has happen to me) but if you go through usat you can call and yell at them.i really don't understand the problem that people have with the USAT. They have nenver pressured me? what the problem
I would think most U.S. teachers would welcome a clear communication center with the Kukkiwon. Now that the USAT is up and running its easy to poke fun at them but in general they provide a strong door to Korea. Without them I would think there would be much more griping about forming a team to represent the U.S. group.
We have one so using and supporting them is only in our best interest. It also not the end of the world to pay a couple of bucks to support an organization.
I grew up in the days of the mysterious connection that could cost huge bucks that just went in a teachers pocket. USAT has helped dispell those tricks and forge a better road forward. For better or worse is really up to how we support them going forward.

Dave O.
for that matter... show what your talking about. How are they doing this?

All I am saying is you do not need the USAT to recieve a KKW certificate, one does not need to be a member. If you find value in the USAT doing this for you then great. Remember some here have been getting KKW way before USAT or even USTU. They are a means for some and a curse for others. I still have not gotten everything cleared up from the switch over a few years ago and I live here and we compete inside the USAT, but I would never use them for getting rank from the KKW. Just my own personal beliefs.
They way I look at it is if you send in the paper work on your own, its harder for you to track if it is lot ( has happen to me) but if you go through usat you can call and yell at them.

So instead of being ignored by KKW you can be ignored by both USTA & KKW. All USTA does is send it out and track it that way. If there is a delay you call them they call KKW instead of you calling KKW directly. Contrary to popular belief, the USTA does not have more pull at KKW to get things done quicker...they just have a better phone number. :)
So instead of being ignored by KKW you can be ignored by both USAT & KKW. All USAT does is send it out and track it that way. If there is a delay you call them they call KKW instead of you calling KKW directly. Contrary to popular belief, the USAT does not have more pull at KKW to get things done quicker...they just have a better phone number. :)
I think that this is what you meant to say.:)

i really don't understand the problem that people have with the USAT. They have nenver pressured me. what the problem?
I think that many see USAT as simply another layer between the dojang and the KKW to absorb cash. Those who decry taekwondo in the olympics simply add that to their list of grievances.

Personally, I have no problem with USAT. Some may have had a bad experience with them. They are a large org, so that is unavoidable.

Thank you everyone for replying. NPTKD, may I ask you, how does Kukkiwon want you to send in your proof of residency?

My take on the USAT is this:
They have done a good job supporting and spreading sport Taekwondo in this country. However I feel that they have tried to trick the public in a sense of their "importance" with the Kukkiwon as an excuse to nickel and dime their members along they way. If I ever have students who would like to compete in their tournaments I will support them and even sign myself up as a member and a coach for that year, but I would never really suggest to my students that they join USAT.
So help me understand what is being said here. I'm Bob Smith & I run Smith's TKD at 123 Main St Whoville, USA. I'm a new 4th Dan Kukkiwon.

What is being said is that I test 19 year old Jenny Jones for first dan. I fill out the application, send it in to the KKW with a photo & a check for $70.00 & in 6 weeks to 2 months her Kukkiwon certificate & card will show up on my doorstep.

Do I have this correct?
So help me understand what is being said here. I'm Bob Smith & I run Smith's TKD at 123 Main St Whoville, USA. I'm a new 4th Dan Kukkiwon.

What is being said is that I test 19 year old Jenny Jones for first dan. I fill out the application, send it in to the KKW with a photo & a check for $70.00 & in 6 weeks to 2 months her Kukkiwon certificate & card will show up on my doorstep.

Do I have this correct?

As long as you are a 4th Dan KKW person yes, that is all you need to do. The general public beliefs it to be more than that, but it is not true. I know for a fact that it happens everyday for all those member, nor remember you can only get Jenny up to a third because you can only promote to one belt under your own.
So help me understand what is being said here. I'm Bob Smith & I run Smith's TKD at 123 Main St Whoville, USA. I'm a new 4th Dan Kukkiwon.

What is being said is that I test 19 year old Jenny Jones for first dan. I fill out the application, send it in to the KKW with a photo & a check for $70.00 & in 6 weeks to 2 months her Kukkiwon certificate & card will show up on my doorstep.

Do I have this correct?
Yes, that is it. Our schools have never had a problem. You can even go to KKW's web site and look up your name and your cert number will be displayed verifing that you are acknowledge by KKW.
As long as you are a 4th Dan KKW person yes, that is all you need to do. The general public beliefs it to be more than that, but it is not true. I know for a fact that it happens everyday for all those member, nor remember you can only get Jenny up to a third because you can only promote to one belt under your own.
That's actually very relieving to hear (er, read). I was beginning to think it was more complicated. I've always liked that with Kukkiwon you don't need to worry about annual membership fees and all that other "fun" stuff. I wish Hapkido had something so simple...
As long as you are a 4th Dan KKW person yes, that is all you need to do. The general public beliefs it to be more than that, but it is not true. I know for a fact that it happens everyday for all those member, nor remember you can only get Jenny up to a third because you can only promote to one belt under your own.

Thank you for clarifying this Terry. Many people have been told many things for a long time.