Kukkiwon Masters course in the U.S.


Black Belt
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
Northern VA

KUKKIWON Master Instructor License Course - USA
Seminar Information


Kukkiwon, the World Taekwondo Headquarters, located in Seoul, Korea, conducts several Taekwondo Master Instructors' Courses each year for 4th Dan Black Belts and higher. The Kukkiwon Master Instructor's Course has usually been held only in Korea, meaning that TKD Master Instructors from other countries have had to travel to Korea in order to participate in the highly sought-after course. Successful completion of the Kukkiwon Master Instructors' Course will result in a certificate identifying the holder as a licensed Taekwondo Master Instructor certified by Kukkiwon. This License/Certificate is mandatory in Korea in order to be able to open a Taekwondo Dojang. That is not yet the case in other countries, but it is an excellent means of distinguishing your Dojang from others in your area that are not Master Instructors certified by Kukkiwon. This is close to becoming mandatory in the USA, where states are starting to require licensing in order to conduct business.
Lol! You are fast. I was just goig to delete it because I read they only have room for the first 200. I guess its there so, ITS ON!
I am running to the bank to get my super secret credit card loaded (non wife viewable).
Chicago, Oct 23-25th hosted by the U.S.T.C. it on their events page. I guess they just earned some street cred.
Now I am just hoping there are not 200 fanatics like me who will register before I get back from the bank.

Dave O.
You also have to belong to the USTC or for anyone and remember Iceman you must be a 4th degree or higher certified by the KKW.
I saw nothing about it in there calender or an there website. Did I miss something?
Here is the USTC website: http://www.ustaekwondocommittee.com/mc/page.do
I didn't see it on there either. I know it was discussed in the last meeting back in April about doing this and they were finalizing all the details. I'm glad to hear that they got it taken care of. I am emailing them to find out where the link is for this event.
You also have to belong to the USTC or for anyone and remember Iceman you must be a 4th degree or higher certified by the KKW.

You're right Terry, but I can take the class before I'm I receive my 4th Dan. When I receive my 4th Dan, I'll get the certificate.
Here is an update. They are still finalizing some details on this project. They told me they would send me all the details to distribute once it is all settled. So yes there will be one in the US in Chicago. Just don't know full details as of yet.
This is excellent news for all US Taekwondoin!

Jeremy, is this going to be an annual event as far as you know?
It better be finalized. I joined, registered, booked the hotel and bought the plane tickets.


So for me it will either be a great reason to join and a chance to take a course I dreamed of doing.....

or changes that cause me costs and lawsuits and anger.

Hoping for the former.

Dave O.
I believe that is what they discussed. A lot will depend initially on how this first one does.
" just dont know the details yet"

You are scaring me. This is posted.

Conducted By

Kukkiwon, The World Taekwondo Headquarters

White Taekwondo Uniform w/ BLACK V-Neck (Pullover). School logos on the back are acceptable
Seminar Date/Schedule

Friday, October 23rd, 2009
  • 2 pm - 3 pm: Credentials Pick-up
  • 3 pm - 10 pm: Seminar
Saturday, October 24th, 2009
  • 8 am - 10 pm: Seminar
Sunday, October 25th, 2009
  • 8 am - 1 pm: Seminar
  • 1 pm - 2 pm: Closing Ceremony


$200.00 USD 4th Dan - 9th Dan Kukkiwon Black Belts
$150.00 USD 3rd Dan Kukkiwon Black Belts ONLY

There will be no registration accepted at the door!
Registration closes October 20th, 2009
It better be finalized. I joined, registered, booked the hotel and bought the plane tickets.


So for me it will either be a great reason to join and a chance to take a course I dreamed of doing.....

or changes that cause me costs and lawsuits and anger.

Hoping for the former.

Dave O.
ha.ha.ha...I'm sure it is all good and it will be the former.

KUKKIWON Master Instructor License Course - USA
Seminar Information


Kukkiwon, the World Taekwondo Headquarters, located in Seoul, Korea, conducts several Taekwondo Master Instructors' Courses each year for 4th Dan Black Belts and higher. The Kukkiwon Master Instructor's Course has usually been held only in Korea, meaning that TKD Master Instructors from other countries have had to travel to Korea in order to participate in the highly sought-after course. Successful completion of the Kukkiwon Master Instructors' Course will result in a certificate identifying the holder as a licensed Taekwondo Master Instructor certified by Kukkiwon. This License/Certificate is mandatory in Korea in order to be able to open a Taekwondo Dojang. That is not yet the case in other countries, but it is an excellent means of distinguishing your Dojang from others in your area that are not Master Instructors certified by Kukkiwon. This is close to becoming mandatory in the USA, where states are starting to require licensing in order to conduct business.

I'd be very interested in knowing how they define "close to becoming mandatory."


I'd be very interested in knowing how they define "close to becoming mandatory."



I'm guessing they are going off the thought that there is legislation out there in various states that are trying to regulate martial art schools.
Perhaps, but the article seems to be implying that the Kukkiwon course is going to mandatory. I imagine that even if such regulatory legislation went into effect it would have less to do with the Kukkiwon (especially for non-Kukkiwon people!) and more to do with insurance, criminal background checks, etc.

Meh. MarketingKwon-Do, IMHO.


Does anyone know if they have even been successful in passing legislation regarding martial arts? Every bill I have seen proposed has been voted down. I don't know of any states that have any regulations currently.
I sent the KKW an e-mail, waiting on a reply. What I was told by G.M. Kim out of California is this is for all ISTC members and really has nothing to do with people or school outside of them. It is a way to get more people involved and since anything to do with the sport side I.E. the Olympics has to go though the USAT. So I think I will wait and see what the finale verdict is. I believe this to be a good thing but also I believe it could be a way an org. is trying to grow and promote themself, like the USTC doea alot of. Also the U.S. Hummandang is for only there players like all the other orgs., if you sign up and pay the dues you can play the game with them. What is really going on around here and why is this not available to everyone just those chosen few?