Martial arts lets the Demons in....


Blue Belt
Feb 21, 2007
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According to the minister on Nightline tonight Martial Arts lets Demons into the body. Guy is obviously a wacko but they gave him airtime anyway... go figure.


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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So, Combatative Physical Movements let Demons in to your Body?
I have never said this before.


Senior Master
May 12, 2011
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Larson's New Book Of The Cults lists MA as one of the cults.

Ties to Zen are mentioned, as well as the Shao Lin Temple as home of a type of Kung Fu. Also bowing to a dead founder of a MA are discussed. Some may call that respect shown, others may say it has religious connotations.

The minister may or not be a wacko. But if a particular MA has religious ties, a practitioner who has other religious beliefs should be aware and on guard. If you have no religious beliefs, it will not matter. Those are choices any MA must deal with for themselves. But one should consider whether a minister who doesn't know any better, and wishes to protect his flock, and speaks out, is a wacko only for that. He may only need to be educated about different MA. Since I didn't see the episode you mention, I can't say I would agree he was speaking sincerely from ignorance, or is a fanatic.


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
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Here's the video. It wasn't the focus of the story, just a passing comment from the Good Reverend. Interesting stuff, but I think I'll leave the demon hunting (and the bodily fluids!) to the christians.
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Senior Master
May 12, 2011
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Here's the video. It wasn't the focus of the story, just a passing comment from the Good Reverend. Interesting stuff, but I think I'll leave the demon hunting (and the bodily fluids!) to the christians.

Thanks for posting the video. Now that I have seen it, I think he has gotten off track. As I stated above, I don't see MA as inherently religious, but some probably are. For those who are in those MA and like it, that is their choice.

I won't go further unless some wish to discuss that further, and the mods allow it, since this is MT. If so, I will not argue, just state my beliefs, as I don't think MA and Christianity need be at odds.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
Thanks for posting the video. Now that I have seen it, I think he has gotten off track. As I stated above, I don't see MA as inherently religious, but some probably are. For those who are in those MA and like it, that is their choice.

I won't go further unless some wish to discuss that further, and the mods allow it, since this is MT. If so, I will not argue, just state my beliefs, as I don't think MA and Christianity need be at odds.

going further down this line would qualify this idea for a thread in the study :)

But likely he has never taken a class of anything.....


Orange Belt
Jul 3, 2011
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As a christian, I find this "theory" to be absolute crapola. The sense that participating in a sport and or physical activity such as MA will let demons in is flat out B.S. As with anything, over-indulgence (being unbalanced) in anything (even love) can lead lead to problems... regardless of your religious participation... and there are things in the world which can be very counter productive to a healthy lifestyle (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual). But as with anything, we are responsible for our own well being. To think that the simple activity of MA itself is an open conduit to evil... laughable. We are all stewards of our own bodies... and as caretakers, we have the power to allow good or evil in... or repulse it.

I've only been involved in MA for 6 months... but I have never seen anything even hinting at challenging my spiritual beliefs. In fact, taking it a step further, because of me pushing my own limits, again physically, mentally and emotionally, I've strengthened my own spiritual muscles... as IMO, it's all tied in together.

I suppose that there may be some MA styles that could cause some spiritual friction, especially as one delves deeper and deeper into their training within that style, but that is still something that is very personal within the individual. And quite honestly, spiritual friction is not a bad thing IMO. If an individual is not strong enough to keep the values they believe in, maybe a change is for the better...

Lee Ch'a

Yellow Belt
Jul 11, 2011
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Good grief.

And TKDinAK- I agree. Martial Arts has only strengthened my spirituality.
Personally, I don't see anything in MA as religious, but rather I do see it as spiritual. Two entirely different things to me.


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
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Springfield, Missouri
I used to call around for a school I used to teach at and offer organizations free self defense seminars for their members. We saw this as a free public service we could offer, which might also lead to enrollments, and it was an extra benefit that these organizations could offer to their members. Win/Win/Win. So one day I was going through the phone book cold calling local churches when I had an elderly woman answer the phone. I told her who I was and that we were offering these free seminars where we would cover basic self defense concepts like environmental awareness and risk avoidance, and basic physical skills such as grab escapes and simple striking techniques. I'll never forget her answer.

"We're Christians here and we believe in peace so we don't do martial arts."

I just politely told her I understood and that as martial artists we believed in the Way of Peace ourselves and wished her a nice day and went on to the next number in the book. But I still chuckle at the ignorance she betrayed in that statement.



Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
I used to call around for a school I used to teach at and offer organizations free self defense seminars for their members. We saw this as a free public service we could offer, which might also lead to enrollments, and it was an extra benefit that these organizations could offer to their members. Win/Win/Win. So one day I was going through the phone book cold calling local churches when I had an elderly woman answer the phone. I told her who I was and that we were offering these free seminars where we would cover basic self defense concepts like environmental awareness and risk avoidance, and basic physical skills such as grab escapes and simple striking techniques. I'll never forget her answer.

"We're Christians here and we believe in peace so we don't do martial arts."

I just politely told her I understood and that as martial artists we believed in the Way of Peace ourselves and wished her a nice day and went on to the next number in the book. But I still chuckle at the ignorance she betrayed in that statement.


you only got one response like that?
A friend of mine tried to recruit some more people and got a lot of the 'preacher said not to' responses.
'Weird Asian rituals' all the works...considering that out instructor and school owner was a local guy and the school structure was so far from weird anything, it was laughable, but glowing testimony to the ignorance.
(the reaction of 'NO' from the local boys and Girls club chapter was similar stupid, but slightly unrelated...they were supposed to get free instruction as means of fulfilling the tenet of 'community' weird people are weird)


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
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Sapporo, Japan
I`m never able to get over how some people have these preconcieved notions that we`re all incense-burning, meditating zombies that chanel spirits to make us vicious least 2/3 of the martial artisits I know don`t do that.


Crazy like a...
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Jan 16, 2006
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I`m never able to get over how some people have these preconcieved notions that we`re all incense-burning, meditating zombies that chanel spirits to make us vicious least 2/3 of the martial artisits I know don`t do that.

Dude, you have the wrong friends.... :D :D


Blue Belt
Feb 21, 2007
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I only do that in the sanctity of my home... after I sacrifice a virgin of course.

I`m never able to get over how some people have these preconcieved notions that we`re all incense-burning, meditating zombies that chanel spirits to make us vicious least 2/3 of the martial artisits I know don`t do that.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
I think we all should get together and be dressed up in torn/dirty Gi's made up to look like zombie/demons and circle this guy's house at night on a full moon and start kicking in doors/walls whatever and say we've come for him!! (laughing evilly) bwaha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa

As Bugs Bunny used to describe another character... what a maroon!

I have deep Christian beliefs that are my own... but I don't see ANY conflict in bowing to a portrait of a founder to show that I honor them for allowing others to share/spread their knowledge to make myself a better fighter/defender/person. It's not worshipping. If that were true then the whole Asian culture is damned because they all bow to one another. Catholics are damned because people fall to their knees before bishops/cardinals/the pope and kiss their rings... the list goes on.
This guy is just one idiot out of a couple million that are out there who thinks their way is the ONLY way to worship.
Makes me sick to m'stomach!

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