If You Weren't in Martial Arts......


Green Belt
Hi everyone! I was just wondering....If you weren't in martial arts, perish the thought but, what sport or hobby would you be in? Or if you are lucky and have the funds and time to do something else too, what are you into?

I would like to do so many things but time and money are short. I'd like to do figure skating, ballet, or gymnastics. With gymnastics, it was actually a silver lining in the cloud. My mom wouldn't let me do gymnastics as a child though I wanted to because she believed they starved you to make you more thin. Since I couldn't do that, a couple years later, at 13, I started martial arts. Mom was against that too, as she thought I'd get hurt, so thank God for my dad, who said I'd be ok, so my mom finally gave in. Anyway......

My only other current hobby is belly dance which is a good ab worker!

Well first off I cannot imagine not being involved in Martial Arts, now for what else I would be doing sailing, canoeing, skiing, and going to more renasance activities all over this country of ours and maybe over sea's. I always wanted to take up movie producing but not enough money and all i would want to produce would be old B martial art movies with everybody flying over house and able to do 50000000000 kicks without stopping.

for myself, I am involved with two wonderful things (martial arts being the one). the other is music. i play trombone and do some scoring, as well. there's nothing else cooler than these two things, to me.
I'm not much for physical activities...if it weren't for martial arts, walking would be all the exercise I'd likely get. Of course, with two kids, who has time for other hobbies anyways?
As terry1965 said it is hard not to imagin myslef in the martial arts but if I wasn't i think I would have been one of those people that played various sports in the local leagues.
I do pan for gold and look for gems on occasion but time and $$ have slowedthat hobbie down
I would've focused on music instead of just sidelining with it.

Plus I'd probably really fat by now...
I have been doing martial arts since I was 13, and can't really remember now what life was like without it. Before that, I do remember that I had an interest in running, so I would probably be doing that for exercise, and maybe competitively. I have continued to do some running, but it has always taken a back seat to my martial arts.

I have been a scuba diver since about 1990 or so, and was an instructor for a while. I stopped being an instructor because I am not in a position to be able to do it economically. My wife and I dive the northern California coast, and occasionally take trips to tropical places like Belize and Thailand.

I have been developing an interest in metal arts, primarily in rebuilding Chinese style swords. If I can find a blade of decent quality, then I will build a new hilt. I carve the handles out of exotic hardwoods and cast the guard and pommel from solid bronze or silver alloy. I have also begun building new scabbards for the swords. I carve the scabbard from exotic hardwoods and add metal fittings made from bronze. Since this interest sprung up from my kung fu training, i suppose I probably wouldnt be doing this had I not been a martial artist already.
Other than MA, by far the biggest physical activity in my life was (back in the day) football. I played from jr. high thru college, and even though that was over 25 years ago, I never want to lose the feeling of being in good shape physically. So, while I'm far from being a gym rat/musclehead, I do try to make time to lift weights and run 3 times/week.

Other than that, for exercise I LOVE to ski, and I also like wilderness backpacking/camping.

As for non-physical hobbies: reading, cooking, astronomy, piano
I got into martial arts because of a high stress job with long hours. I've been in sports my whole life, but could never seem to find something available in the hours I had time to commit. If I weren't doing martial arts, I'm sure I'd be quite dead.
I have a few things I enjoy doing. Let's see, I would like to continue flying (have private pilot's license), I enjoy paintball, hunting, fishing, camping, and off-roading in my Jeep. Any of these or combinations of these I could probably be found doing.

I especially enjoy being outdoors (not to be confused with WORKING in my yard, YUK!)

EDIT: Someone mentioned Astronomy, YEAH! That is alot of fun! Speaking of which, last night I was out after dark and noticed a very bright "star" in the South/West sky. Based on it's brilliance, I am guessing it was either Jupiter or Venus, and it looked to be Mars just below it. I was going to drag out the telescope to see, but I had just finished mowing and didn't bother.
No martial arts? Besides the universe ceasing to exist, I'd probably have gotten much further on the fantasy story I was writing plus some more creative writing, have a slightly larger piano repertoire and I would have read enough books to justify the name "Human Encyclopedia".
Well I played some basketball in elementary and highschool but I don't think that would've gotten anywhere. Recently I got into climbing though and found it to be very enjoyable (despite my phobia of heights). And as it is, I'm still getting very passionate about film.
OnlyAnEgg said:
i play trombone

I played trombone (in highschool)... so I am a geek Too!

To answer beauty_in_the_sai's question,

I have several rereational activities that I guess if I didnt do martial arts I would do more often. The top 3 in no particular order are Rock Climbing, Homebrewing, and Riding my Motorcycle...
I've already answered about my dream job in the "What Do You Do For a Living" thread. I also spend my time writing. I mostly write scripts for comic books. I've submitted a few but haven't been picked up yet.

I want to write a book but haven't hit upon my moment of inspiration yet. In fact, my inspiration has dwindled horribly because I have (tried) to abandon my fascination with my muse. It's a long story.
I would be devoid of life's light, I would float aimlessly in a void of despair and wander the world without direction...

nah, truthfully I would probably have been suckered into shooting in rifle competitions with the rest of the family. All I can say is... thank god for MA! :D
My latest reputation point came as an inquiry on what would happen to my writing without my muse. The point was not signed so I didn't know to whom I should respond.

The answer is that my writing has stopped. That's my problem.
My muse inspired me to write certain things. It is in my best emotional interest to abandon my interest in my muse (as in, "Stop thinking about her before you end up divorced!"). Thus, at this moment I have nothing to inspire me to write.
I did a few things when I was younger. I also used to write. I just recently got back into it with a few small articles. I also played drums, which is now my other hobby again.

If I didn't do MA, I'd probably would have a band (and never quit playing drums), and/or would have written a book or two.

Other than drums amd MA, my other current hobbies are cooking, the outdoors (camping, fun in the sun, gardening, ect), computers, and hanging out with friends.
Well, if MA had to stop for whatever reason (hope that never happens), if I am physically able, I will do more caving and go back to doing team sports. If I become physically unable, then I guess I will look more to music and the arts. It's hard to say really what I will do since I have always been into action of one thing or another. I just cannot imagine life without the ability to move.

- Ceicei