Keeping a reasonably peaceful TKD area.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Sure TWIN FIST, whatever you say.

Is it OK to go troll the Taekwondo area now?

Originally Posted by Twin Fist (in the Taekwondo area)
the instructor is an ***, and the entire KKW organization, BY ALLOWING IT, is just as guilty

lets put aside the made up history

lets put aside the political crap

lets put aside the things they allow to happen

it is just another org, and like all orgs, it is exists mainly to take money from people to make other people rich


And you revive a 2yr old thread to take a personal shot? Understand that everyone will share different opinions. That being said, there is no need to follow someone around the forum, stalking them, to take personal shots.

If this thread is bound to be revived, keep it civil.

MT Asst. Admin


Senior Master
Sep 25, 2006
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Stevenage, Herts, UK
And you revive a 2yr old thread to take a personal shot?

While I'm not getting involved in the debate between mastercole and Twin Fist, I'd say that if this thread is a sticky thread then it's inherently always current and any reply in it isn't reviving it, just continuing it...

Kong Soo Do

IKSDA Director
Supporting Member
May 17, 2011
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If I could make an observation please;

Twin Fist is offering an opinion about a particular instructor who is not a member of this board, therefore he isn't attacking a fellow member. He is also commenting on an organization, which of course isn't a member. While that may chap the hide of members of that organization, I haven't seen where he's been proven wrong. And again, it is his opinion.

Master Cole on the other hand did call TF ignorant on the open board. That is attacking another member and would be better served in a PM or email.

Not taking sides, but we need to be clear about who may be complaining about who...and why. If someone on the open board states that another member is a horses backside...then we have a problem. But if someone is only stating an organization is doing this or that....well is it? And how is that attacking someone here? It isn't.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Yes you are right TF has personally attack no member on this board, have you really been paying attention to what he says. Even though we are not the KKW and no one person is, we are all one organization under one banner to attack the org is attacking us.

Yet these same people that attack these org go out and get certified by instructors that certified childern as BB what is all that about? If you do not like the org than how can you be under and test by instructors that does the exact same thing?

Last thing to mention here TF himself teaches childern and he will most likely give a child a BB because if he does not his Master will do it so in essence he is doing the exact same thing as alot of folks are doing promoting kids and running a school.

Peace for all of TKD is only a step away from the insult and take a moment to relize we are one and always have been.

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
no terry i am not, every one of my students knows there is no BB before 16 from me. And no Jr BB till 12. Period.

my instructor does it, doesnt mean i will.

never have and I never will so NO, i am not being a hypocrite.

Kong Soo Do

IKSDA Director
Supporting Member
May 17, 2011
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Yes you are right TF has personally attack no member on this board, have you really been paying attention to what he says.

Terry, yes sir I've noted what he's said. Too be honest, he's simply voicing what a lot of people feel in a very direct way. But is what he's saying wrong? And if it is, then people should point that out. If not...maybe they should consider what he's saying???


Master Black Belt
Nov 24, 2009
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Terry, yes sir I've noted what he's said. Too be honest, he's simply voicing what a lot of people feel in a very direct way. But is what he's saying wrong? And if it is, then people should point that out. If not...maybe they should consider what he's saying???

While I understand what you're saying and have no problem with TF's posts, I think part of the reason you're so forgiving is that you agree with him. Had I been as abrasive in your "sport vs traditional" debate, you probably wouldn't feel the same way.

Just playing devil's advocate.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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While I'm not getting involved in the debate between mastercole and Twin Fist, I'd say that if this thread is a sticky thread then it's inherently always current and any reply in it isn't reviving it, just continuing it...

That is true. My point was simply: It appears to me and a few other mods, that certain members can't get along. Thats fine, we understand and accept that. But, if thats the case, theres no need to seek out a member and intentionally comment on something they said, just because the other person doesnt like them, which seems to be the case here. There are options available for people to use, if they dont like other members. Unfortunately, some choose not to use them.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Terry, yes sir I've noted what he's said. Too be honest, he's simply voicing what a lot of people feel in a very direct way. But is what he's saying wrong? And if it is, then people should point that out. If not...maybe they should consider what he's saying???

KSD we have consider what he says, maybe he is just being very rude about it and since you happen to agree with him you do not mind. I have never said he is wrong what I say is by him being involved with instructors that does the same thing he is just like us in a indirect way. If I let a criminal stay at my house willingly and they catch him I maybe brought up on charges. I have done no crime but let someone stay at my house but yet guilt by association and harvaring a frugitive.
When TF or any person for that matter speaks out against kids have a BB under a certain age but yet he continues to associate his own BB with them then he is doing the same exact thing. Action speak louder than words and when you say so and so is good enough for me to get another stripe on my belt, than in essence he is endorsing them giving out kiddiee BB's. This is just my opinion put a nickel with it and you still cannot get a cup of coffee.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
That is true. My point was simply: It appears to me and a few other mods, that certain members can't get along. Thats fine, we understand and accept that. But, if thats the case, theres no need to seek out a member and intentionally comment on something they said, just because the other person doesnt like them, which seems to be the case here. There are options available for people to use, if they dont like other members. Unfortunately, some choose not to use them.

Good afternoon MJS you know I am just trying to make some people see my opinion whether or not they do is ok with me. I really enjoy a good debate, but I agree we need to be civil when dis-agreeing and hopefully I have. At anytime you or the mods believe I am attacking someone just let me know and I will adjust acoordingly.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
no terry i am not, every one of my students knows there is no BB before 16 from me. And no Jr BB till 12. Period.

my instructor does it, doesnt mean i will.

never have and I never will so NO, i am not being a hypocrite.

But see TF in my opinion you are being an hypocrite, one of your seniors give away BB to childern, plain and simple.

One of my seniors give away bb to childern, plain and simple.

We both have no control over what they do, we both decide to still keep those seniors even though we may not agree with every thing they do.

Your senior belongs to a group of other seniors and thus they have there little org.
My senior just happens to be one of leader of the biggest org the KKW. They both serve a purpose and both have flaws that is what is so great about it we can agree to dis-agree and still train together and have an intelligent converstration over what we both see has being not right with us. But we both know there is nothing we can do but keep in our safe haven and remember those days gone by.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
hehehehehehehe...if this keeps up, heads will roll just from this thread. :lol:

(Bob got suspended one time? Awesome! Did he pull the plug on himself?)

But in all seriousness, somebody keeps getting your goat, the ignore list is your friend.
Lowers your blood pressure and increases you happiness (especially when you see them quoted responding to you) It's a bit of the finger in the ear thing, but hey, life is too short!


Kong Soo Do

IKSDA Director
Supporting Member
May 17, 2011
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KSD we have consider what he says, maybe he is just being very rude about it and since you happen to agree with him you do not mind.

But I haven't stated I agree with him. In fact, I've posted comments for both sides. I'm still formulating my opinion.

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
my mother has some racial prejudices, like many people from her generation

i dont approve, i say so, and i will NOT follow suit

but at teh end of the day, she is still my mother

should I disavow my instructor? maybe so. Will I? maybe so. There is a reason i am learning Kajukembo.......


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
my mother has some racial prejudices, like many people from her generation

i dont approve, i say so, and i will NOT follow suit

but at teh end of the day, she is still my mother

should I disavow my instructor? maybe so. Will I? maybe so. There is a reason i am learning Kajukembo.......

I know TF not saying you or I should leave anybody, just that we should look at all angle when forming judgement. I have always enjoyed talking or typing with you, you have alot of great knowledge in the arts and all kidding a side a great person. Sometimes we can agree that we just dis-agree on some things. I love veggies and you maybe only a meat eater.:)