
My kids said they looked like spiders but I don't have much of a scar which was more important to the orthopedic surgeon that it was to me.
I didn't walk for 8 wks and then had to relearn how to walk. Still struggle w/ my side kicks and balance at times. Thanks to the pins in it I have pain at times (sometimes worse then others) but I was determined to not quit TKD!
i commend you on your determination and perseverance
then again, as Mom, if she didn't have that, life as we know it would end....

I heard that! Speaking of being a mom, my 12 yr old son has the flu - stayed home with him today (DH was home with him the first part of the week) He smiled when I told him I gave up a swords class for him - he knows how much I love swords! ;) Hope he can go back to school Fri. and I can go to class tomorrow night - 10 days till Regional Tournament :eek: Need to be practicing.
Karatemom that is one bad looking toe. Glad to see everything work out for you.
I heard that! Speaking of being a mom, my 12 yr old son has the flu - stayed home with him today (DH was home with him the first part of the week) He smiled when I told him I gave up a swords class for him - he knows how much I love swords! ;) Hope he can go back to school Fri. and I can go to class tomorrow night - 10 days till Regional Tournament :eek: Need to be practicing.
Hope he's better soon! Hope you're fully mended soon too!

Love of sword? Might you be a "kendomom" in the future?:D

Y'all did see the date I posted with the pic, didn't you??? It was from July 2008 about a week after my surgery (took it at work w/ my cell phone).

It's been a long road back... I still have some limitations ...

Have a Regional Tournament next Sat. My first one post-toe injury/surgery :uhohh:
hey i have a regional competition coming up this weekend too, good luck to you

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