Holiday plans to keep in shape


Purple Belt
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Just curious to see what everyone is doing during the holiday break. Our club is closed for a week and a half.

I plan to do some running, stretching and maybe take a break on the forms.
We're only closed on Christmas Day, I'm working on Boxing Day and the next three days but hopefully it'll be quiet so will get a chance to use the gym ('works' one)
I will be beating up on my new Christmas gift, Wavemaster XXL, working on my forms, and sparring with a few buddies.
Well we are open so we will be working out like every other day.
Do crossfit workouts at the gym when it is open (today and tomorrow)...will try to fit in a workout at home Christmas day as well. Get to the dojang for class and teaching as scheduled. Work on forms and such in between....I'll be only slightly less busy than during non-holiday times :)

I actually don't plan to do too much other than an every-other-day light workout. You occasionally need time to recharge and regain your enthusiasm for training. The holidays is a good time for that since I will be spending most of my time with my family. They do after all come first.
I'm going to concentrate on stretching and working on my kicks. I finally started seeing some improvement on my side and roundhouse kicks last night in class, and I don't want to lose that momentum.
We have our Winter Camp starting on the 26 and ending the 29. Those involved stay at the school for the 4 days and train from 8am - 8pm (yes with breaks and food). So I will be working there. Outside of that I will be working some 12oz curls and occasional speed shot drills. ;)
We're closed for 2 weeks for the holiday. I'm just rehabing my leg until I can train seriously again.
Just 7 weeks to go til the US Open, our students are training harder than ever. This is no time for a break.
I plan on eating a lot of good tasting food followed by eating the not so good tasting food. I'll finish by drinking alcohol where/when available. That's the holiday plan but I don't think it has much to do with keeping in shape

I'll be thinking of all you guys stretching, working out and sweating by having an extra helping and drink in your honor :)
Lifting at the YMCA in the mornings, and swimming.

Doing WarriorX-Fit as a prelude to heavy bag work.

Our gym will be open here and there for workouts.
My school is closed for regular classes until Jan 2, but there are a few special workout sessions starting the day after christmas. I will go to all of them, naturally . On the other day I will use my elliptical at home and pretend to use the arm poles:).

It seems like an alien concept to me that some schools are open and training 365 days a year, but apparently the Gracie BJJ down the road does that. How can anybody train that obsessively I ask you, they'd practically have to be monks. Seriously, 365 days a year of any hobby and I'd walk out on my dh!
I am going to let my hand heal. We had a test last night and will not go back till the 1st week of January. I'll very likely do some basics and strengthen the left side. I just earned my brown belt so I need to live up to my new rank.
I'm working out with a friend tomorrow, doing the normal Christmas stuff and taking Christmas & the day after off, and then class on Saturday & normal class schedule starts back up next week.
Turns out that one of the instructors opens the Dojang over the holidays for impromptu workout (ie non syllabus) so i will be there working with him and a few others on Newaza and Judo takedowns.
So far, on my first day off of work, I've been shoveling slush! I did it for 2 hours today and I'm thinking that will replace my weight-lifting for the day.

I really just watch what I eat since my metabolism isn't as high as when I was younger. I can workout anytime since I have a home dojang.