factors that limit your speed


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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Jus wondering... biologically, what are the factors that limit the speed of the human body? I'm just wondering some things, such as how much faster can man possibly run? How much faster could his reflexes become? What are the limitations?
Jus wondering... biologically, what are the factors that limit the speed of the human body? I'm just wondering some things, such as how much faster can man possibly run? How much faster could his reflexes become? What are the limitations?

Strength, flexibility, weight, travel distance. Visual recognition.
Speed of nerve conduction, fitness, reflexes, balance, coordination, training
Percentage of fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers.
Hello, Some peope are more gifted with more fast twitch muscles than others. Bruce Lee was gifted with very fast twitch muscles.

What is important is the way you train and practice! One does NOT need to be as fast as Bruce Lee was.

The key to striking is to be as relax untill the moment of impact. Doing the right type of breathing (Know when to exhale and inhale) can impact the speed and power of the technique.

There are many good books and information on building speed and power, Loren Christhisen has great information on his Speed book.

Do not compare yourself with others, BUT compare yourself before and after the proper way to train and practice for speed. (give or take a few months).

Proper form is also important is thowing any techniques...study this well..everyone is build a little different, what works for me may not work as well for you.

Each of us also will have a special technique that works for each of us..that feels powerful and fast....PERFECT IT!

In cars the number factor that hurts speed is WEIGHT, the lighter you can make your car the faster it will run,(Save on gas too)

Losing some weight will help too............Aloha
Relaxation. One-ness in movement. If one is stiff when they move, antagonistic muscles will reduce speed and impact power. Learning proper technique and posture is important as well.

^and everything they said :) ^
Genetics :) I'm quite surprised nobody has mentioned it. You know, biology. Ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph; no matter how hard you train you will eventually hit your limit based on your body type. People's bodies function differently - even two people with the same build, training in the same style will yield different results. The sooner you understand and come to terms with your body type, the sooner you can improve results rather than overstraining yourself needlessly doing the wrong thing. I'm speaking physical limits, I'm not sure how much more internal arts can improve results but I'm convinced they can affect it. My point is not one thing will work for everybody. Use advice as guidelines and find what works best for you.
Jus wondering... biologically, what are the factors that limit the speed of the human body? I'm just wondering some things, such as how much faster can man possibly run? How much faster could his reflexes become? What are the limitations?
hamburgers, snacks, soda pretty much...