White Belt
I've opened this thread also in another forum, I have talked and discussed this thread with many other users so I thought I wanted to open this thread here too, this seems like a Nice forum and I would like to get members' opinions on this matter.
So, Punches are obviously Faster when you punch someone to the head but what about Kicks, when you low kick someone or middle kicks, you see many Muay Thai Fighters kick so fast even with high kicks.
Also about the Power, Kicks should generate more power, I don't know how much power can a high kick have but a middle kick and a low kick must have a lot of power.
What do you people think???
Argument 1:
but there is more power behind a kick which pretty much will add up to it's speed, I agree about the distance though.
What do you think about this ???? Talking about the speed measured.
one of those Guy's kick was measured to be 130+ Miles per Hour or 210+ Kilometers per hour, the other guy had 99 Miles per Hour 155+ Kilometers per Hour the other guy had 71 Miles per Hour and the Muay thai guy also had a speed of 125 0r 130 Miles per hour.
Wonder how fast a punch can travel!!!!????
I just found this, I don't know how accurate it is.
So if that boxer's Punch can accelerate faster than a drag race car that means his speed should be something like 100+ Miles per hour, I was trying to research something about this found some facts that is why I am saying this, I would like to see someone give his own opinion and disprove my claims if I am wrong, so please feel free cuz I am very curious about this.
OK I ran into this Vid where it shows Brandon vera throwing 2 High Kicks, one of those Kicks was delivered at a 1.22 sec and the other was delivered at 1.55 sec, taking into account that Brandon Vera is not even remotely the right person to be tested for kick speed I would say that there are Muay Thai or Kickboxers that can throw a High Kick faster than that, maybe 0.3 sec.
Also from all this I would guess that Low kicks and Middle Kicks MUST be way faster than High Kicks since they have less distance to travel they are easier to throw and you don't have to lift the leg as high as when you throw a HK.
Check this vid where George St Pierre can kick Faster than he can punch and so do most of kickboxers or ESPECIALLY Nak Muay Thais, the only people that can punch Faster than THEY can kick are boxers cuz of course they can't kick at all.
That you have to balance yourself before you throw a kick is a bunch of nonsense cuz you can't do that, there is no balance when u throw a kick, u stand in your Muay Thai Stance or Usual Kickboxing stance and u just shoot for a kick and when you throw the kick then you are out of balance since you are in one leg and I don't know if u been following kickboxing or Muay Thai but if u get caught with a punch or push kick while throwing a kick you will be flying like a bag of potatoes.
you don't need to balance yourself when throwing a kick cuz there is no balance once one of your legs is up and thrown with full power to crush bones.
And Yes I have trained Kickboxing before, not a pro but enough, and you don't need to train Kickboxing to know how kickboxing works, if you are careful enough and follow the sport enough u will see how it works.
Maybe High Kicks need to be set a little bit I mean set your balance but Low Kicks don't really need to be set or middle kicks cuz it is easier to throw, the hardest part of throwing a kick is the technique, if you master it you will be throwing kicks very fast and reflexive just like Nak Muay Thais do.
if u ask me I think Nak Muay Thais or Kickboxers can throw low kicks as fast as a boxer can punch if not faster, the leg has bigger muscles uses more energy and in the end the leg has greater impact which usually proves that the Greater the force the kick thrown the greater the power and more speed of course.
Shogun Rua Punches with 25 Mph whereas he kicks with a speed of almost 40 MPH
I contacted this Physics professor names Rhett Allain Associate Professor
Ph.D., North Carolina State University and I asked him about the speed of a kick and all this sport and Science stuff that has been going on on TV and so on.
this is what I wrote him
So after watching all those videos from fight and Science I got really confused when I saw that the speed of Chad Dawson's punch which was something over 30 feet/sec which in MPH would be something between 20 - 25 mph and the speed of those guys' kicks was 70mph, 100mph and the fastest 135 mph which means a kick is faster than a punch.
I also posted in this thread where they measure Brandon Veras head kick in terms of seconds and his hick kick was measured 1.22 sec, now taking into account that Brandon Vera is not really the adequate guy to be tested for a high kick and high kicks are usually slower than low and middle kicks due to the distance they have to travel.
I guess low and middle kicks are as fast or even faster than punches.
The last emails we exchanged with Professor Rhett Allain:
about him saying that the foot is faster than the whole leg is true because it was proven with Brandon Vera's kick, when he high kicked with the foot it was faster than when he kicked with his shin.
So in the end the myth is busted, all people here saying kicks are slow were wrong, besides measuring the speed or a kick is an easy thing with those speedometers or accelerometers they tie around the fighter's leg, Kicks from guys relatively not important in the sport of Muay Thai and generally in the kicking department measured 70 MPH up to 135 MPH, Chad Dwason's punch who is a pretty decent boxer was measured 25 MPH max.
So, Punches are obviously Faster when you punch someone to the head but what about Kicks, when you low kick someone or middle kicks, you see many Muay Thai Fighters kick so fast even with high kicks.
Also about the Power, Kicks should generate more power, I don't know how much power can a high kick have but a middle kick and a low kick must have a lot of power.
What do you people think???
Argument 1:
Punches hit faster because the weight of the limb moving is lower, and the distance from A to B is shorter.
but there is more power behind a kick which pretty much will add up to it's speed, I agree about the distance though.
What do you think about this ???? Talking about the speed measured.
one of those Guy's kick was measured to be 130+ Miles per Hour or 210+ Kilometers per hour, the other guy had 99 Miles per Hour 155+ Kilometers per Hour the other guy had 71 Miles per Hour and the Muay thai guy also had a speed of 125 0r 130 Miles per hour.
Wonder how fast a punch can travel!!!!????
I just found this, I don't know how accurate it is.
So if that boxer's Punch can accelerate faster than a drag race car that means his speed should be something like 100+ Miles per hour, I was trying to research something about this found some facts that is why I am saying this, I would like to see someone give his own opinion and disprove my claims if I am wrong, so please feel free cuz I am very curious about this.
OK I ran into this Vid where it shows Brandon vera throwing 2 High Kicks, one of those Kicks was delivered at a 1.22 sec and the other was delivered at 1.55 sec, taking into account that Brandon Vera is not even remotely the right person to be tested for kick speed I would say that there are Muay Thai or Kickboxers that can throw a High Kick faster than that, maybe 0.3 sec.
Also from all this I would guess that Low kicks and Middle Kicks MUST be way faster than High Kicks since they have less distance to travel they are easier to throw and you don't have to lift the leg as high as when you throw a HK.
Check this vid where George St Pierre can kick Faster than he can punch and so do most of kickboxers or ESPECIALLY Nak Muay Thais, the only people that can punch Faster than THEY can kick are boxers cuz of course they can't kick at all.
That you have to balance yourself before you throw a kick is a bunch of nonsense cuz you can't do that, there is no balance when u throw a kick, u stand in your Muay Thai Stance or Usual Kickboxing stance and u just shoot for a kick and when you throw the kick then you are out of balance since you are in one leg and I don't know if u been following kickboxing or Muay Thai but if u get caught with a punch or push kick while throwing a kick you will be flying like a bag of potatoes.
you don't need to balance yourself when throwing a kick cuz there is no balance once one of your legs is up and thrown with full power to crush bones.
And Yes I have trained Kickboxing before, not a pro but enough, and you don't need to train Kickboxing to know how kickboxing works, if you are careful enough and follow the sport enough u will see how it works.
Maybe High Kicks need to be set a little bit I mean set your balance but Low Kicks don't really need to be set or middle kicks cuz it is easier to throw, the hardest part of throwing a kick is the technique, if you master it you will be throwing kicks very fast and reflexive just like Nak Muay Thais do.
if u ask me I think Nak Muay Thais or Kickboxers can throw low kicks as fast as a boxer can punch if not faster, the leg has bigger muscles uses more energy and in the end the leg has greater impact which usually proves that the Greater the force the kick thrown the greater the power and more speed of course.
Shogun Rua Punches with 25 Mph whereas he kicks with a speed of almost 40 MPH
I contacted this Physics professor names Rhett Allain Associate Professor
Ph.D., North Carolina State University and I asked him about the speed of a kick and all this sport and Science stuff that has been going on on TV and so on.
this is what I wrote him
Greetings professor Allain, I have been searching some random facts about the Science and Physics behind Martial arts, I ran into your blogs and I saw you have some pretty good explanations and you are using formulas to calculate different kicks and stuff like that.
Mr. Allain I was wondering if you could explain me how the physics behind this work and are those data that those guys form Fight and Science or Sport Science accurate, I mean when they measure the PSI of a kick and punch or the speed of a kick and punch, is the measurement of a kick and punch in those commercial shows accurate or not ?????
I was interested to know from these videos I am about to post you if you could tell me what is faster in terms of mph and object displacement, so what is faster in terms of MPH a Punch or a Kick and what is faster in terms of second or parts of the second of the limb displacement.
Kicks seem to be more powerful, more powerful should mean faster since power is gained through acceleration and velocity, isn't it ?
this are the VIdeos I have been watching and they somehow got me confused:
YouTube - ‪Fight Science Kick Test (Capoeira, Karate, Muaythai & Taekwondo)‬‏
YouTube - ‪On Sports Science, Boxer Vs. Snake, Part 2‬‏
YouTube - ‪Sport Science looks at Machida vs Shogun with Brandon Vera‬‏
So this is the case, there is this Boxer who used to be some kind of middle weight Champ and they are comparing the speed of his punch with the speed of a snake bite, they said his punch speed was 30 - 35 feet per second which in MPH will be something like 20 - 25 MPH.
In the videos where they compare kicks of different martial arts they measure kicks with speed of 70 Mp ( slowest one ), and the fastest one was 136 MPH.
Is this true ???? how accurate is this.
it seems that a kick is 4 - 5 times faster than a punch.
Please do some explaining if you have the time for it.
Thank you in Advance![]()
Rhett Allain:
Yes, fight science seems to be quite popular. However, there is a problem. How exactly do you quantify an impact? I am not really sure about the best answer. Fight Science seems to continue to make things up (like the speed of the kick). However, these are only part of the equation.
PSI of the kick and stuff like that don't do it either. If I had to measure one thing, it would be the acceleration of the person getting kicked. That is the best I can think of.
As to the question of the speed. I think those speeds seem to be realistic as they are easy to measure.
Hope that helps a little bit.
So after watching all those videos from fight and Science I got really confused when I saw that the speed of Chad Dawson's punch which was something over 30 feet/sec which in MPH would be something between 20 - 25 mph and the speed of those guys' kicks was 70mph, 100mph and the fastest 135 mph which means a kick is faster than a punch.
I also posted in this thread where they measure Brandon Veras head kick in terms of seconds and his hick kick was measured 1.22 sec, now taking into account that Brandon Vera is not really the adequate guy to be tested for a high kick and high kicks are usually slower than low and middle kicks due to the distance they have to travel.
I guess low and middle kicks are as fast or even faster than punches.
The last emails we exchanged with Professor Rhett Allain:
So from what I understand you are saying that the VIdeos I sent where they measured the speed of a Kick above 100 MPH and the speed of a punch somewhere 25 - 30 MPH is true and not biased and measured precisely.
if the speed of a Kick is 100 MPH that means that the leg is faster than the arm, isn't it???
I have been talking to many people that watch and some practice Martial Arts and it seems that there is a quite big misconception when it comes to what is faster a Kick or a Punch, most of them say a Punch is faster and when I watched those Videos I saw that a kick seems to be faster.
How do you define faster??? and is what I said true or not???
Thank you one more time
Rhett Allain:
I think it is safe to say that the foot is faster than the hand (rather than leg and arm) because if the leg is moving in a circular motion, different parts will be going at different speeds. The end will be the fastest. Also, since the leg is longer, it will make the end go faster.
If you are talking about fast as in speed, then the above should be true (and also pretty easy to measure). Some people may say a punch is faster. What they might mean is that it takes a shorter time from start to finish. However, it goes a shorter distance so that might not mean faster.
about him saying that the foot is faster than the whole leg is true because it was proven with Brandon Vera's kick, when he high kicked with the foot it was faster than when he kicked with his shin.
So in the end the myth is busted, all people here saying kicks are slow were wrong, besides measuring the speed or a kick is an easy thing with those speedometers or accelerometers they tie around the fighter's leg, Kicks from guys relatively not important in the sport of Muay Thai and generally in the kicking department measured 70 MPH up to 135 MPH, Chad Dwason's punch who is a pretty decent boxer was measured 25 MPH max.
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