Does anyone have a specific diet?


Blue Belt
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
Grapevine, Texas
I have only been working out seriously for the past week now, so I can't really tell a difference in fat loss.

I was wondering if anyoen has a diet they could give me? Not really a diet but more like a nutritional meal plan.

I find myself eating after 7:00 pm and such like right before I go to bed and I know this isn't good for me.

I would like to change this since I'm trying hard to lose weight and such.

Also I have a question (girl question) there's this girl that goes to my gym that I know from school and who I saw at our local sonic where she works.

She waves to me and such, and I was talking to my mom and friend at the time and my mom was sitting right next to her when I was giong to tell my mom I was going to go home, and she was sitting right there.

I felt like an @$$ later for not saying anything to her because I walked right past her, I am not sure does anyone have any advice for this? I don't talk to her alot and I barely see her in school, just at sonic where my friends a cook and at the gym.

So any advice on both subjects would be nice :)
Regarding nutrition: There are many good books out there on nutrition. Definitely don't eat too late. That is a big thing. Also, eating right after you work out is good because your metabolism is higher a couple hours afterward. Really, common sense is the way to go, increase intake of fruits and vegetables, decrease intake of saturated fat, although some fats are necessary.

Regarding girls: Just talk to her! My fiancee said one thing that attracted her to me was my friendliness. Also my persistence because I just kept asking her out!

Good luck,
Good day bcastro. I've been following the "Blood Type Diet" as taught by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, since November 2001 and I've never felt better. I've dropped 20 lbs., my allergies aren't killing me like they usually do, and I have a lot more energy.

He has a series of books, the first one being EAT RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE. In a nutshell, the author suggests that one should add or avoid certain foods depending on one's blood type. For instance, I'm type O and I should eat red meat regulary, but I should avoid dairy and wheat.

By the way, I was read an interview with Frank Shamrock where he mentions that he follows this type of diet.

Here is the link for the interview,

I hope this helps.
Hi, what's up. I was just browsing and I saw your post. I usually stick to the Modern Arnis and FMA threads, but I felt I might be of help here.

I bodybuild, and I was looking into entering some contests, so I might be of assistance.

Dieting tips; here are some tips. It sounds like your in the cutting phase of your program. I'm not going to write up an entire program, but here are some things that might help:

1. Don't eat 3 hours before bed; calories that you intake then are generally either stored, or they sit in the digestive system, disrupting your sleep. If your stomach is queasy, eat something w/o substance, that will soak up the digestive juices (rice cake, saltine cracker, etc).

2. Get good rest: sleep depravation can cause your metabolism to slow during the day, and decreased energy levels can cause you to retain more fat then normal.

3. Come up with a proper diet plan. WRITE IT DOWN! Then stick to it as best as you can. Make sure your getting at least 1 gram of protien per lb. of body weight. This will allow you to preserve muscle tissue while you lose the fat.

4. Eat 6-8 tumes a day! Seriously. I am not kidding. Don't eat more food, just spread it out more. By eating multiple times you keep your metabolism at optimum levels, and your body will not feel the need to store fat. You will digest protien and vitamins/minerals better this way as well.

5. Cutting calories: essentially to lose fat, you have to cut calories. Don't let it be protien calories, however! What I like to do is find an average of my daily caloric intake in the off-season (I count my calories for 5 days and average it out). I break it up into %; What % of Protien, Carbs, and Fat my calories consist of. Then I can figure out what would be best for me to cut.

Then pick the kind of diet you'll go on; Low Carb & moderate fat, or Low Fat and Moderate Carb. Either tends to work, it just depends on the person. If you want to find out how many calories you should have while dieting, here is a good formula:

Fast metabolism: 13*bodyweight= Daily Caloric Intake (DCI)
Medium metabolism: 12* bodyweight=DCI
Slow Metabolism: 11* bodyweight=DCI

I suggest getting a good book on calorie counting and dieting. Dieting is easy if done properly, but it can be disasterous if not, so BE CAREFUL!

6. Cardio: do cardio 3-6 times a week depending on your metabolism. It should consist of a sustained rate for 30-60 min. When you do cardio is very important. Do it either in the morning, or after a workout (weightlifting). Your glucous and muscle glicagen levels are at their lowest at these times, so you will burn fat instead of the carbohydrates that are circulating through your system.

7. I assume that you lift weights, so maintain a weightlift program, and tailor it too the "cutting phase" of your workout. In other words, NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO LIFT HEAVY! If your lifting for power and size while your dieting, your contradicting yourself, and your risking injury. Now is the time to concentrate on higher reps with good strict form, and working all of those auxillary Muscles. Lower your rest time between sets, too. Add supersetting, drop-sets, and circuit training to your repitoire as well. It is very important to continue to work out regularly while dieting, or you risk losing hard earned Muscle mass.

8. Suppliments: Diet and excersise is WAY more important than wasting money on suppliments. If you have the $, however, stick to Protien powders, Multi-vitamins, Fiber, ZMA, or Amino Acids. DO NOT waste your $ on Thermogenics such has Hydroxicuts or Thermadryne, or anything like that. Your to0 young for it; I feel that it will do you more harm than good. Stay away from Creatine when getting cut; it can aid the building process, but it causes water retention big time.

9. Do everything gradually! Too many people jump right into freaky diets, and they don't see the results that they're looking for. Lowering your calories, and dropping carbs should be a gradual process. When I diet down I go from Mass building (4000-5000 calories daily) to my optimum dieting intake (2,100 calories daily), but it takes about 1 month to get there because I do it gradually. Again, pick up a good book on dieting and bodybuilding (and not some fad diet book) and follow the guidelines.

I cannot stress this enough. At your age, you should be trying to focus on building as much muscle mass as you can, and avoid dieting too drastically. Your body is still growing, and dieting down too much or too often can stunt this process. I know it's gettin' hotter out, and you want the summer abs to show, but just be careful. Set your goals realistically, and stop when you reach them. Know when enough is enough. A lot of people don't know when to stop dieting down, or when to take a break, or when to make a change, and they ruin their physic.

These are just some tips. I hope I made some sense, and I hope I helped!

As far as the diet thing- don;t go for a DIET. Go for a lifestyle change. One thing I found was that overeating (especially for women!) was a way to replace something in life that is missing (Love, stimulation, etc)
For me, taking up martial arts put something in my life and I never dieted, I lost 30 pounds without blinking. I was 170 at 5'7 and a size 16, now I am a size 10. Now I feel sooooo much better and it;s all been in the span of 9 months. i see those weight loss pills and diet commercials and I cringe. Those you use for 6 weeks and they work about as long. I feel like I have tapped into something that will be here for the rest of my life.

As far as the girl- as a female that has been hit on (since I started karate and lost weight:D )
Things that are awesome in a guy:
1)A sweet smile and a genuine interest in the GIRL not her butt/boobs
2) RESPONDING to questions and being honest
3)An interest in self- improvment, not just showing up every other male in the dojo

Things that suck in a guy:
1) That little swagger that says "You should be honored to talk to me!!" (Goes for girls as well as guys. Narcissism- YUCK)
2) Perverted talk, cursing, loudness etc

The fact that you are nervous is good- it shows that you are going to be careful. Just be your sweet self. Spending some time with a female relative/ friend can be of great help too. Everyone will teach you something.
Best of luck!!-Cathy

Different people do different things, but here's what I do. A quick summary, anyways.

1st here are a couple things I figured out. Jerks always seem to get chicks. Have you noticed that? That used to drive me CRAZY, cause I could never figure out why! I felt like I either had to be a jerk, or be alone. Then I read a book called "The Way to Love" by Anthony De Mello. It's not about sexual love, or even dating; It is actually written by a Jesuit Priest and it is about a love for all beings in general. It applies friggin' sweet to dating, however!

Wanna know why Jerks get chicks? They use a lot of nasty tactics sometimes, but the bottom line is they don't care. Therefore there is no pressure; they have no expectation level, and no fear. Since they really don't feel any pressure, they can just act however they want. Usually they pretend to be a nice guy, but because they don't feel pressured, the girl doesn't either. Since the girl isn't pressured, she feels comfortable with this "nice" guy. Since she feels comfortable, she is able to allow herself to date the Jerk.

So, here is what I do. I drop all expectations, therefore there is no pressure or fear. I don't become a jerk, because I do care about the girl, but I only care about her as a person. I don't care about whether or not she'll go out with me, whether or not she likes me, or whether or not I make a fool out of myself, or whatever. When I talk to a girl, I really have no expectation of the outcome. I can truely be myself.

All I gotta say is pick up that book, dude. It did me wonders! In the mean-time, if you see that girl again, talk to her. Don't think of anything specific to say before hand (that would be having an expectation), just let it flow. If it doesn't work out the way you expect, then your having an expectation again. Just see where it goes and what happends. You've got nothing to lose. I think you'll find that you'll get more dates this way then any other.

Good Luck! ;)
For me what's always worked (when I was single) was keeping
the attitude that you can never have enough friends. So
regardless of the physical attraction, I first attempted to be
their friend. The result was either dating the girl, or the girl
fixing me up with one of her friends.

I can't comment on dieting, I've tried everyone in the book
(except for the blood type one, I'll hafta look into that) and have
had no success :(
When I would do that w/ the girls, I'd find myself getting trapped in 'friend zone,' and pissed off about it (I had the expectation of something more). I found that when I would project the idea "I wanna be your friend", they would either be totally turned off, or they'd become exactly what I projected; my friend! How often did I get them to think of me as something more? Never!

So I project nothing. I realize that I'd like to hook up with them, but I have no expectation of an outcome; friend, enemy, or girlfriend. I let them make the determination for themselves, instead of me doing it for them by projecting my idea's and intentions from the start. I do often end up with a new "friend" this way, but it's usually a mutual decision after a few dates.

But, again, that's just me!:shrug:
I'm down 40lbs. on this diet,

No refined sugar.
No dairy.
No fats that are solid at room temprature.
Easy on the carbs.
50-50 protien - fruits and vegatables in the trimming phase
66-33 in the muscle building phase

6 meals per day plus protien supplements morning and night
Vit. C supplement to help me absorb. what I'm eating

I would also make sure to see a doctor before starting any strict diet because only they know your medical history.
Originally posted by Danny

I'm down 40lbs. on this diet,

No refined sugar.
No dairy.
No fats that are solid at room temprature.
Easy on the carbs.
50-50 protien - fruits and vegatables in the trimming phase
66-33 in the muscle building phase

6 meals per day plus protien supplements morning and night
Vit. C supplement to help me absorb. what I'm eating

I would also make sure to see a doctor before starting any strict diet because only they know your medical history.

In the trimming phase? What's that mean?
Originally posted by PAUL


Different people do different things, but here's what I do. A quick summary, anyways.

1st here are a couple things I figured out. Jerks always seem to get chicks. Have you noticed that? That used to drive me CRAZY, cause I could never figure out why! I felt like I either had to be a jerk, or be alone. Then I read a book called "The Way to Love" by Anthony De Mello. It's not about sexual love, or even dating; It is actually written by a Jesuit Priest and it is about a love for all beings in general. It applies friggin' sweet to dating, however!

Wanna know why Jerks get chicks? They use a lot of nasty tactics sometimes, but the bottom line is they don't care. Therefore there is no pressure; they have no expectation level, and no fear. Since they really don't feel any pressure, they can just act however they want. Usually they pretend to be a nice guy, but because they don't feel pressured, the girl doesn't either. Since the girl isn't pressured, she feels comfortable with this "nice" guy. Since she feels comfortable, she is able to allow herself to date the Jerk.

So, here is what I do. I drop all expectations, therefore there is no pressure or fear. I don't become a jerk, because I do care about the girl, but I only care about her as a person. I don't care about whether or not she'll go out with me, whether or not she likes me, or whether or not I make a fool out of myself, or whatever. When I talk to a girl, I really have no expectation of the outcome. I can truely be myself.

All I gotta say is pick up that book, dude. It did me wonders! In the mean-time, if you see that girl again, talk to her. Don't think of anything specific to say before hand (that would be having an expectation), just let it flow. If it doesn't work out the way you expect, then your having an expectation again. Just see where it goes and what happends. You've got nothing to lose. I think you'll find that you'll get more dates this way then any other.

Good Luck! ;)


Is this how you got the Brunette from the
front desk? And I was left with an e-mail sent
to you instead of me?

Just curious
I am 6'2 and 270 lbs. So I am not going to have any summer abs.

I want to lose 40 lbs. by next year. I am not trying to really build alot of mass, and I didn't mean diet I did kinda mean lifestyle change.

I am trying to lose weight, and I would really like to get a better physique for myself.

I will look for that book diet for you or wahtever I have a webpage open with it right now.

Now about the girl, I will try talking to her, I see her maybe once in the hallways at school, but I mean she is walking with her friends and I can't just randomly walk up to her and such? I feel like an a$$ I mean I can say hi and such but can't really have a conversation.

I haven't really ever had alot of dates? I mean none at all really, lol I know alot of people who haven't but then I know alot of people who have lost all respect for women that are my age because they were given things to easily like sex.

This is very off topic but I like'd to discuss this because it kinda irritates me with the friends I have who get sex all the time, and talk about girls like they are nothing, and here I am thinking about wanting to have a girl-friend who I could just sit with in my house or her house and just watch TV.

So you see two different personality's from the things that kids get at an early age.
Originally posted by Carbon

I know alot of people who haven't but then I know alot of people who have lost all respect for women that are my age because they were given things to easily like sex.

Boy, have times changed!
Originally posted by Carbon

I am 6'2 and 270 lbs. So I am not going to have any summer abs.

. . .

Now about the girl, I will try talking to her, I see her maybe once in the hallways at school, but I mean she is walking with her friends and I can't just randomly walk up to her and such? I feel like an a$$ I mean I can say hi and such but can't really have a conversation.

. . .


6'2" 270 lbs in the right places is not a bad
statistic. Only address the wieght issue
foryour self and not for the women or for what
ever reason. Only for your self. Then you
will have a better chance of keeping it off.

As for feeling like an @$$ if you were to talk to
a young lady even if her friends are around.

Do you feel like an @$$ now, not being able to
talk to her? Say Hi, talk to her. If she has
changed her hair style, comment on how you like
it. If you truly do that is. Ask her if she would
like to go out for a pizza? Be yourself, but
ask her out. Some place where you can talk and
commincate with each other. This means that unless
you are already friends a movie is not the best
first date. If she is at the Gym, and you know
when she leaves ask her then, if some night
she would like to go get a pop and talk? Not
suring her work out but afterwards.:)

Good Luck

Originally posted by Carbon

I have only been working out seriously for the past week now, so I can't really tell a difference in fat loss.

I was wondering if anyoen has a diet they could give me? Not really a diet but more like a nutritional meal plan.

I find myself eating after 7:00 pm and such like right before I go to bed and I know this isn't good for me.

I would like to change this since I'm trying hard to lose weight and such.

Also I have a question (girl question) there's this girl that goes to my gym that I know from school and who I saw at our local sonic where she works.

She waves to me and such, and I was talking to my mom and friend at the time and my mom was sitting right next to her when I was giong to tell my mom I was going to go home, and she was sitting right there.

I felt like an @$$ later for not saying anything to her because I walked right past her, I am not sure does anyone have any advice for this? I don't talk to her alot and I barely see her in school, just at sonic where my friends a cook and at the gym.

So any advice on both subjects would be nice :)

Don't worry. Everthing will work out if your intent is correct.


I know what you mean about a lifestyle change. I still advocate counting calories (and finding out the % of protien, carbs, and fat from those calories) for this. That is the only way to configure out what your eating, and what needs to be changed.

example: My girlfriend (who is actually very small) wanted to go for the fitness model look, so she had asked me to help her. She also wanted to make some lifestyle changes as well. So, I had her count her calories. It can be a pain in the butt, but it's well worth it. We found out that the amount of calories she was intaking was just fine, but the % of what she was eating on a daily bases was terrible! Her percentages were something like 70% carbs, 14% protien, 16% fat. This is a good diet if you want to gaurentee heart disease or diabities!! She was totally suprised, and we would have never known this had we have not counted the calories. She knew that to normalize her diet she needed to drastically reduce the Carbs, and add more protien to her diet.

A good formula to follow for proper (normal, not dieting)% is:

50% carbs; 30% protien; 20% fat

Women: Listen to Rich Parsons; he is the pimp daddy supreme!

Rich: you know I'm just messin' w/ you right!? That chick didn't really e-mail me, I was kidding:rofl:

I'm pretty sure that you knew that, but it's hard to tell on these talk forums. ;)
Originally posted by PAUL

1st here are a couple things I figured out. Jerks always seem to get chicks. Have you noticed that? That used to drive me CRAZY, cause I could never figure out why

Wanna know why Jerks get chicks? They use a lot of nasty tactics sometimes, but the bottom line is they don't care. Therefore there is no pressure; they have no expectation level, and no fear. Since they really don't feel any pressure, they can just act however they want. Usually they pretend to be a nice guy, but because they don't feel pressured, the girl doesn't either. Since the girl isn't pressured, she feels comfortable with this "nice" guy. Since she feels comfortable, she is able to allow herself to date the Jerk.

;) [/B]

if I hear one more guy say only jerks get girls, I'm going to hurl..
That's one of the most mysogynistic attitudes perpetuated.

Bottom line: There are ******* guys. There are ******* girls. And there are emotionally hampered people of either sex to date them.
Originally posted by Carbon

I haven't really ever had alot of dates? I mean none at all really, lol I know alot of people who haven't but then I know alot of people who have lost all respect for women that are my age because they were given things to easily like sex.

This is very off topic but I like'd to discuss this because it kinda irritates me with the friends I have who get sex all the time, and talk about girls like they are nothing, and here I am thinking about wanting to have a girl-friend who I could just sit with in my house or her house and just watch TV.

So you see two different personality's from the things that kids get at an early age.

Well hell, I'm must going to be the argumentative little B*tch today. Must be PMS.

Carbon hun, you don't "Get sex" too much at a young age. It is a personal choice. I take it for granted that Men and women view it differently. That's fine, Yin and yang, right?

Don't worry about your friends that "get sex" and treat girls like they are nothing. That is one of the hardest things to accept and get over in life.... that there will always be people that trash what you treasure. There will always be someone that has more and values it less.

Just be concerned with yourself and how you love others and the mark you leave on this world. GOod luck and take care.

OK, now obligitory Martial arts topic: I won sparring in my first tourney. YAY!!! It was very fun despite the warnings I recieved and the comment about how I fight like a guy

Respect only always, Cathy
if I hear one more guy say only jerks get girls, I'm going to hurl..
That's one of the most mysogynistic attitudes perpetuated.

Bottom line: There are ******* guys. There are ******* girls. And there are emotionally hampered people of either sex to date them.

Thanks for stating the obvious in your "bottom line," but I didn't say "only jerks get girls," so you don't have to hurl.

Don't worry about your friends that "get sex" and treat girls like they are nothing. That is one of the hardest things to accept and get over in life.... that there will always be people that trash what you treasure. There will always be someone that has more and values it less.

Uh....yea. Those would be those "Jerks" I was talking about.

Sorry to be so Argumentative, it must be the PMS.

:D Congrats on your tournament, and fighting like a guy. I'm always told that I fight like a girl. :D
Point taken Paul. I just now read your sig line and had a good laugh at myself......:rolleyes: