do you feel denigrated???


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Do you feel denigrated because some people still thinking Taekwondo is Korean Karate?

I don't. When I got inside TKD it was comon to call it Korean Karate and if my way of doing TKD is using hands equal than feet then I don't care calling it in some way Korean Karate.

I really don't get happy with the new era of TKD, I really like the TKD of the 80's and below, Am I too romantic about the golden era? Yes. Am I to square? Yes.

On Topic:
Well, Karate largely refers to the Japanese Martial Art. Calling it Korean Karate I find to not quite slide accross my tongue properly. It apsolutely does not offend me though.
If I dispose of every instinct in my body telling me Karate is relevant to Japanese MA, I can accept TKD being simplified to Korean Karate :)
And how can you not miss the Good Old Days :D

Off Topic:
Hehe - I consider myself fortunate that my Training is not very Competition Oriented. I mean, we still Compete. In every Competition we can, during the Year, which is usually 3-5. But the Training is Taekwon-Do. Again, I consider myself quite lucky.
Ill always find it interesting that where I Train, we Practice 70% Kicks, 40% Punches (And everything else. but in terms of Kicking and Punching); But Spar 80% Punches, with 20% Kicks. It took me a while to work that one out.
But it makes sense. Kicking requires more Skill, therefore it is Trained more. We Spar at Close Range, so Punching is Prevalent. It all works out.
I do karate, it often gets called TKD by those who don't know. A colleague of mine insists on calling it Judo! Y9u really can't win.
I do karate, it often gets called TKD by those who don't know. A colleague of mine insists on calling it Judo! Y9u really can't win.

LOL, yep.

people don't know. They will wait for a Shetland pony to grow up and win the Kentucky Derby...they could not find Korea or Japan on the map and Walmart is a place where you by walls...
So calling TKD Korean Karate is by comparison shockingly accurate.

Not to mention that the majority of schools around here still have signs with 'Karate' over the doors (and don't get me started on the parents, dropping their little dears off at 'Karadee' blech)
I do karate, it often gets called TKD by those who don't know. A colleague of mine insists on calling it Judo! Y9u really can't win.

In the Austin Powers movie saga when Austin needs to hit a bad guy always say "Judo Chop" (Knife hand) and it makes me smile cause Judo does not use so much the hands for punching or choping.

Not everyone practices the same Taekwondo. Whether one chooses to be offended by a Korean karate reference probably depends in great part on what range of the spectrum one falls in. If you do a lot of Olympic rules sparring, you probably think Korean karate is an inaccurate term for your martial art and I would agree with that. Likewise, if you are a hardcore ITF stylist, the description is more than a little off as well.

I teach the Japanese/Okinawan forms along with the Choi hyung in my TKD class. The Choi hyung are heavily infused with my influences from decades of studying Okinawan karate. I myself would not mind the Korean karate moniker if someone chose to hang it on me, although certainly the class is advertised as "Tae Kwon Do".
Manny I know here in australia there are still heaps of tkd clubs that teach 'classic' tkd instead of the new age stuff. I train at one of the old school clubs and we regularly get new members who join because they became disillusioned with the direction of tkd. Have you considered finding a school that teaches tkd the way it used to be, even if you just trained there one night a week to compliment what you do at your WTF club? Fortunately where I live, 'old school' tkd clubs far outweigh the WTF clubs, but that could just be my direct area, I cant speak on behalf of the whole country.
Manny I know here in australia there are still heaps of tkd clubs that teach 'classic' tkd instead of the new age stuff. I train at one of the old school clubs and we regularly get new members who join because they became disillusioned with the direction of tkd. Have you considered finding a school that teaches tkd the way it used to be, even if you just trained there one night a week to compliment what you do at your WTF club? Fortunately where I live, 'old school' tkd clubs far outweigh the WTF clubs, but that could just be my direct area, I cant speak on behalf of the whole country.
Mainly Rhee Tae Kwon-Do. They teach it pretty much the same way it was taught to the Korean Military in the 60s. And theyre made of utter POWER. And theres a fair few Independants.
I consider it to be the best form you can learn in this Country, but alas, they havent a Dojang in any reasonable distance :)
where in australia do you live? I know of 3 or 4 independents in my area that are as good or better than rhee and have thousands of students in clubs all over the place.
where in australia do you live? I know of 3 or 4 independents in my area that are as good or better than rhee and have thousands of students in clubs all over the place.
Queensland. Not an especially big Town, but there are Three Dojangs. One is an Independant, albeit the not-so-improved kind unfortunately. The Second is a KKW Form. And the last is where I am :)
Queensland. Not an especially big Town, but there are Three Dojangs. One is an Independant, albeit the not-so-improved kind unfortunately. The Second is a KKW Form. And the last is where I am :)
good to have a fellow Qlder on the forum:)
Manny I know here in australia there are still heaps of tkd clubs that teach 'classic' tkd instead of the new age stuff. I train at one of the old school clubs and we regularly get new members who join because they became disillusioned with the direction of tkd. Have you considered finding a school that teaches tkd the way it used to be, even if you just trained there one night a week to compliment what you do at your WTF club? Fortunately where I live, 'old school' tkd clubs far outweigh the WTF clubs, but that could just be my direct area, I cant speak on behalf of the whole country.

I don't know how to answer you. Yes, sometimes I think returning to my old Jido Kwan dojan would be fine, in fact I did it back in the laye 90's but I quited two times, truth to be thold my classmates all were gone, my former sambonim is a good one, but magic wasn't there. Then in 2007 I arrived to this new dojang, the master took me and a great relationship emerged, infact I earned a nice place in the dojang, I feel if my actual sambonim knew I am training in another TKD dojang he will feel betrayed.
What I am doing is teaching the way I would like to be teach, so my TKD lessons are not only WTF sparring but something more traditional.

Do you feel denigrated because some people still thinking Taekwondo is Korean Karate?

Honestly, yes. The reason is that I feel Kukki-Taekwondo has evolved from it's Karate roots.

In the same way I'd feel denigrated if an alien referred to me as a monkey.

We've moved on, we're not the same.

I like that techniques change and improve over time. It gives me something new to learn every so often (mentally taxing changing things that your body does naturally) and so we're not the same as we were in the 70s, 80s or even 90s. We're no longer just Karate done by Koreans.