Do you consider street fighting a martial art

Gee, to surf the web, you'd think that a full third to half of all martial artists were street fighters from the way so many claim to have street fighting backgrounds.

But as Lucky Boxer pointed out, there are true street fighers and guys who dabble in street fighting. Just as there are true martial artists and guys who dabble in the arts.

Another factor is that there are more varried reasons that people take up a martial art, whereas for a street fighter, it is limited to beating one's opponent.

Also, I'd wager that there are more people who take up martial arts in a school than there are people engaging in actual street fighting. Law of averages is that 80% of anything is lackluster. But 80% of students in dojos in the US is a much bigger number than 80% of those engaging in street fights. Needless to say, your quantity of blow-hard blackbelts will be higher than that of windbag street fighters, but the ratios will likely be about the same.

no, but for some reason it wont display right in some versions of IE

A man of few words, but your point is made
. By the way TF, is your website down?
No and here is why.

A good amount of dictionary do use the Oriental when describing martial arts but I think it does not justify the wide range of martial arts.

Street fighting does not have same structure you find in any of the martial art styles or systems. In fact street fighting is more of a primitive instinctive mode of combat and is devoid of a structure.

I can agree to a point. However, to say that it is devoid of structure would not be accurate. There is structure that is "passed" along from the more experienced to the lesser.
When I work court, I come in contact with some very nasty people. The streets are very unforgiving. I will admit, there are some street fighters that are black belts, by their own right. I have seen where it took 3 jail guards to contain 1 uncooperative, noncompliant individual. They don't know structure, just distructive.
I can agree to a point. However, to say that it is devoid of structure would not be accurate. There is structure that is "passed" along from the more experienced to the lesser.
I'd agree with this, though an informal structure does not translate to a codified martial art, though a case could be made that it constitutes an informal fighting system.

I'd also venture that in different places, different techniques are favored over others, but not being a "streetfigher" that is just a guess.

the art of street fighting %-}

I say yes and no. I depend because martial arts is the study of fighting. It is the study of trying to perfect every technique (attack) or defense to become more effective.If you are studying what you do , in order to improve than yes , it is a martial art. It doesnt have to be rooted in some 1000 year custom. All martial arts started simply in the study of fighting.

But if you are a person who just goes out and swings his/her arms wildly in hopes of knocking your opponet out , then no. It is just brawling.
Gee, to surf the web, you'd think that a full third to half of all martial artists were street fighters from the way so many claim to have street fighting backgrounds.

But as Lucky Boxer pointed out, there are true street fighers and guys who dabble in street fighting. Just as there are true martial artists and guys who dabble in the arts.

Another factor is that there are more varried reasons that people take up a martial art, whereas for a street fighter, it is limited to beating one's opponent.

Also, I'd wager that there are more people who take up martial arts in a school than there are people engaging in actual street fighting. Law of averages is that 80% of anything is lackluster. But 80% of students in dojos in the US is a much bigger number than 80% of those engaging in street fights. Needless to say, your quantity of blow-hard blackbelts will be higher than that of windbag street fighters, but the ratios will likely be about the same.


Sorry Daniel for my long delays in response, I don't get a chance to be on everyday, well normally at least. You would think they are, but I don't personally think street fighter have a background per say as they just grew up fighting constantly.

I concur, my point exactly, the SF guy will just fight to fight, beat your opponent, stay alive on the streets. That's their goal, that's what makes them dangerous how they lived, how they survived. My point exactly.

I didn't say they were more refined or tactical, I meant they were more hardened and tough for the most part, you take that and add the MAs to it and you got one tough SOB in my book.

I can't equal your averages, for I can't get averages on the street, they don't do averages LOL.
i have a brother thats been in and out of jail since he was 13 he was in c.y.a. aka gladiator school from there he went to state prison , his fighting skills are excellent and to me it seems like he has his street fighting art or prison fighting art down packed it works for him , in life he has made alot of bad disicions i know if things would of been diffrent he would of been a great mma fighter ... who knows :flame:

No, I doubt it. MMA is martial arts not street fighting. It's martial arts competition fighting, you have to be disciplined in your MA training and your fitness training.
Fighting skills excellent? No, I would suggest his 'street' survival skills are excellent not his martial skills as such.
FROM: Tez3

Fighting skills excellent? No, I would suggest his 'street' survival skills are excellent not his martial skills as such.

Tez; You would say his fighting skills are not excellent? Is there a separation there, if he had to fight while surviving, then his fighting skills are no different then his survival skills right. Just asking for a clarification here, because I don't really see the difference in your statement, well that is if you agree that not all fighting is a Martial Art or considered a Martial Art.
FROM: Tez3

Fighting skills excellent? No, I would suggest his 'street' survival skills are excellent not his martial skills as such.

Tez; You would say his fighting skills are not excellent? Is there a separation there, if he had to fight while surviving, then his fighting skills are no different then his survival skills right. Just asking for a clarification here, because I don't really see the difference in your statement, well that is if you agree that not all fighting is a Martial Art or considered a Martial Art.

I'd already answered in a previous post saying no it was not a martial art.

The poster said his brother would have made a good MMA fighter I'm saying he wouldn't because his brother's fighting skills were honed towards fighting for 'survival' not competitive fighting. MMA fighters can easily adopt a no rules mind set if needed but rarely does a brawler attain the skills needed to compete and thats where the martial arts come in.
I'd already answered in a previous post saying no it was not a martial art.

The poster said his brother would have made a good MMA fighter I'm saying he wouldn't because his brother's fighting skills were honed towards fighting for 'survival' not competitive fighting. MMA fighters can easily adopt a no rules mind set if needed but rarely does a brawler attain the skills needed to compete and thats where the martial arts come in.

I didn't see the other post, my apologies, and thanks for making your post a little clearer.

I've seen some dudes that are as sharp as tacs, but for competition, they would need those skills refined (technique wise). Thanks.
his fitness is excellent also - no MA school does some of the things his work out contains he starts off with 700 burpies then really goes into it - no weights all calistetics he also runs 6 or 7 miles daily im telling you he gots wind and stamina , almost every single of one my black belt boys has been tapped on the chin by him or been taken down to the map they love combat/sparring with him they say they learn so much from him only person i seen hang with him is my sisters husband a san bernadino sherif.
How do you know no martial art school does what he does? You don't know how we train.
I know a fighter and martial arts instructor who does three runs a day, each of 15 miles, not just on the level ground either as well as a lot of other training. I know fighters who's training regimes would make you wince. One of them also has his 'day job' to contend with that of a RM PTI so he trains recruits then does his own training. I know female fighters who's fitness regimes would outdo your brothers. I'm sure he's good enough but don't assume he's the be all and end of of training.
is not about that tez , its about the street fighters ability , like saying bruce lee wouldnt of been nothing if he hadnt learn wing chun bruce lee would of been bruce lee no matter what art he took up tae kwon do capoera muay thai etc etc %-}