Street fight



Have you ever used your Marital Arts fighting skills on the street?

Can you tell us more about it?


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2004
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London England
As for actual traditional techniques,not since I got the snot kicked out of me 4 months after I got my first BB.

I have,and still do, use more of the concepts adapted to the physical techniques than the traditional alone.

But I will say,after all my years in the security fields....
Nothing stops an attacker in a dead run better than a well placed reverse punch!


Purple Belt
May 22, 2003
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Sure, but nothing fancy. Simple seems to work best in a real fight. A solid punch, a quick slip or block and counter. Grappling skills are great, at the very least knowing how not to get taken down.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Yup. Three muggers, one with a knife.

Lots of other threads about this; you might use Search. Of course, starting a new thread for people who joined since the last one is quite reasonable too!


Yellow Belt
May 2, 2005
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I have been unfortunate to use some of my training. Funny thing is as a security officer I never had to use more than some joint manipulation holds for restraining purposes (thinking that was all I probably would need).

I was at a bar (go figure) and had some gentlemen that insisted on starting some trouble (no thanks to some wives with us). We left our places and walked away from these men three times! I felt (not sure how accurate my feelings were at the time) like they were going to take it over the line, so in less than a split moment; punch, elbow, backfist, and reverse punch later, three guys are running out and I am waiting for security to come find me on the dance floor. It took them about 2 minutes to find me (was not hiding as the owner of the bar is a fraternity brother of mine) to escort me out of the esablishment. I would like to say not my best judgement and do not wish the experience on anyone. The only thing I can say is that I did it in front of an American Kenpo sylist (I practice Chinese Kempo) and he got to see how training takes over in these kind of situations.

I would like to say that walking away would always be the best option and I felt like a loser for what happened. I don't know whatever happend to the guy I unloaded on and only hope the best for him.

Keep up your training as you never know what is going to happen.

Best Regards,



Orange Belt
May 26, 2005
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last time i got in a fight was at a party with drinking... i see a trend lol but it was a with a friend and i didnt really want to hurt him, but he is a lineman for my highschool varsity football team so he could demolish me if i didnt take him out. Luckily im advanced fro my rank in hapkido because im gonna work at my dojo soon so they teach me sweet stuff. I ended up doing a spinning twist the wrist movement (common in my art i dont know about the other ones) and then proceeded to hold him down with my knee on the back of his neck till he passed out.. i then went out and got laid but thats a different story

-thee kevin
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Green Belt
Oct 30, 2004
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mmmmh!! No never. I would not admit to it, either way. Hint!


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
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hwarang said:
...because im gonna work at my dojo soon so they teach me sweet stuff.
You make it sound as if they teach you the best techniques because you are going to teach, and are holding back things from other students.

I certianly hope that is not the case, because as my friend would say,

"That ***** just MESSED up."


Yellow Belt
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
A few months back I had a confrontation outside of a McDonalds with an insanely fat guy. We both tried to go out the door at the same time which wasnt happening due to his extraordinary girth. I said excuse me politely and he replied with a profanity laced tirade. I advised him to switch to decaf and he completely lost it. He began screaming at me and coming forward so I backpedalled and began to mock him. I persisted in the mocking as he with things like "dont have a heart attack" and "the earth shakes when you try and run like that". He got madder and madder and was really trying to catch me. Then his sweatpants began to fall down and I started laughing. Blubber boy is chasing me around holding his pants up with one hand and I am hysterical with laughter, the more this went on the harder I laughed. Finally his buddy grabbed him and told him to get in the car.

This could have easily ended up being a brawl, and on one level I have always been very curious to test my skills in the street. However my choice to simply create distance and stay away from a very slow and immobile blob was a direct result of my training. I felt I did what my Instructor would have wanted (aside from the mocking) and in hindsight am glad this stupid incident over nothing didnt escalate any further.


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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Samantha said:
You make it sound as if they teach you the best techniques because you are going to teach, and are holding back things from other students.
Instructors in most schools get special training ops, though the details vary from simply extra time to new techniques. The most common is "how to teach" lessons, though I've heard it said "all the fun stuff is after black belt".

It's a progression, each new step builds on the earlier. If you don't know the basics, you can't do the "fun stuff".

Mark L

Brown Belt
Aug 20, 2002
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hwarang said:
last time i got in a fight was at a party with drinking... i see a trend lol but it was a with a friend and i didnt really want to hurt him, but he is a lineman for my highschool varsity football team so he could demolish me if i didnt take him out. Luckily im advanced fro my rank in hapkido because im gonna work at my dojo soon so they teach me sweet stuff. I ended up doing a spinning twist the wrist movement (common in my art i dont know about the other ones) and then proceeded to hold him down with my knee on the back of his neck till he passed out.. i then went out and got laid but thats a different story

-thee kevin
Your profile indicates less than a year of training and you're causing your friends to pass out with a knee to the back of the neck? At a drinking party? What did you do then (besides the ridiculous reference to gettting laid)? Do you know what to do with an unconcious victim? Was your teacher proud of you?

This is not an impressive story at all. If true, you exercised quite poor judgement. Sounds like you're many, many lessons away from being qualified to teach.
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Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
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I have used it on rare occasions, but hated being forced to have to use it. I should have recognized the signs earlier and found a different way to resolve the problems leading to such acts. It is never any fun to have to fight outside of the school. Iwould much rather discuss the situationa and difuse.


first, nightclub: 2-on-1 guys brawling and moving at fast pace towards me side step, side step
second, pub/concert: i just had to do something there was a trouble maker on the dance floor annoying the **** outta ppl, looked like he was trying to pick fights with his friends who wrnt interested, after i notice him being warned, i waited for security to come by again, provoked him, grab, twist, goodbye. my gf had to work that night after the concert so i didnt get laid


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
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Samantha said:
You make it sound as if they teach you the best techniques because you are going to teach, and are holding back things from other students.

I am hoping to not get this post off subject, but I am hoping to get some input on this subject that you brought up.

I have been teaching for several years and I am one of those messed up instructors that you made mention of in your post. I do hold back information from some of my students. As their instructor I have to decide if or when they are ready for certain things. It is not like we, as instructors, want to have to do this but more often than not we are forced to. I made a concious decision to do this many years ago. It has proven to be the best thing I could have done. When certain students are not capable or are not responsible enough to handle certain skills then I deny them those skills. This line of thought may seem to be not right to everyone, but it is the decision of each individual instructor to decide who gets what information.

As you train more and maybe one day become an instructor you will understand what I mean. As all of the other instructors here already understand.


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
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Phoenix, Arizona
Hey, shouldn't we all just put that in our profile information

"Hi, my name is Jay O'Connor, I've been in three street fights, one road rage, and a bar brawl"


Green Belt
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
My answer is yes. I have used my fighting art in real life fights. As a Police Officer I can't just walk away from the fight. When I say, "Your under arrest", and they say, "Like hell I am" the fight is on. I teach Defensive Tactics, and Less-Lethal Tactics to Security, Correction, and Police Officers. I have used pain compliance strikes, joint locking, and grappling skills. I wouldn't do a full jump spinning kick, but I would do a well placed knee or elbow strike with a takedown into a cuffing position. I do live by one moto, "Bring'em in alive".



Green Belt
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
hwarang said:
last time i got in a fight was at a party with drinking... i see a trend lol but it was a with a friend and i didnt really want to hurt him, but he is a lineman for my highschool varsity football team so he could demolish me if i didnt take him out. Luckily im advanced fro my rank in hapkido because im gonna work at my dojo soon so they teach me sweet stuff. I ended up doing a spinning twist the wrist movement (common in my art i dont know about the other ones) and then proceeded to hold him down with my knee on the back of his neck till he passed out.. i then went out and got laid but thats a different story

-thee kevin
Are you sure that he wasn't passed out after he just got laid & it was then that you put your knee on his neck ? You sound like your full off **** Edited to conform to MT's profanity Filter:whip: You then went out & got laid WOW thats really cool !!!! Did you get in anymore fights that night?

P.S. just having some fun :partyon:



<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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searcher said:
Samantha said:
You make it sound as if they teach you the best techniques because you are going to teach, and are holding back things from other students.

I am hoping to not get this post off subject, but I am hoping to get some input on this subject that you brought up.

I have been teaching for several years and I am one of those messed up instructors that you made mention of in your post. I do hold back information from some of my students. As their instructor I have to decide if or when they are ready for certain things. It is not like we, as instructors, want to have to do this but more often than not we are forced to. I made a concious decision to do this many years ago. It has proven to be the best thing I could have done. When certain students are not capable or are not responsible enough to handle certain skills then I deny them those skills. This line of thought may seem to be not right to everyone, but it is the decision of each individual instructor to decide who gets what information.

As you train more and maybe one day become an instructor you will understand what I mean. As all of the other instructors here already understand.
You evil monster you. How dare you hold back techniques. You should give them all out, right from the beginning. Never mind the fact that there are those incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
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MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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Oleg said:
Have you ever used your Marital Arts fighting skills on the street?

Can you tell us more about it?

Yes lots of times.

Walking away.

Letting them call me every name in the book as they walk away, i.e. escorting them out calmly and giving them room.

Physical countact

Weapons: Sticks, bats, golf clubs, cars, trucks, glass, belts, knives, guns, . . ., and more used against me, and I used some back, (* No guns in return *)

Search as Arnisador stated, you will find other threads, with my discussions, including those about dealing with the court system as well.


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