When meditating

Try not to be to wrapped up in a time period.

A general guideline could be 5-30mins for a beginner to novice and depending on the type of mediation it could be longer.

Usually 15mins is needed to obtain the relax stillness of the mind,body and breath but it can vary from person to person.
Hello, If in Prison? ....the longer ,the better when meditating

At home? .....for many of us....with our daily lives of work,school, etc...

The longer the better...and will vary with each individual attention span to do it...and each will benifit NOT by time...but how much it helps there mind to be in a relax state...of peacefullness..and nothness...for you? ...you need to find what works best for you? ....5 minutes, 15 minutes? ....or longer..and can vary day to day too...

Kinda like a Nap..sleeping naps- some five minutes for some, others 30 minutes or more....and can vary day to day too...depends on how tired or mental stress out....

100,99,98,97,....count down to nothing....Budda....budda...looking for nothness...emptying the mind......ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.

When stress? ....eating foods helps too!!!


PS: I will share a secret: How long to mediate? .... Exact answer...8 minutes, 32 seconds, and 5 nano-seconds..some willl have to add 3 more nano-seconds, others will minus 3 nano-seconds...

another answer: How long to meditate? .....years long or rest of your life...hope this helps?
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i generally only meditate for very short periods, 2-5minutes maybe. sometimes i'll meditate longer. but meditation doesn't always mean sitting still clearing your mind. i do much better with moving meditation. anytime you're completely absorbed in what you're doing, living in the moment, fully mindful, then you're meditating. i do a little sitting meditation, but more often i'll meditate while grappling, running, or walking. listening to or playing music can be meditative as well.

Try not to be to wrapped up in a time period.

A general guideline could be 5-30mins for a beginner to novice and depending on the type of mediation it could be longer.

Usually 15mins is needed to obtain the relax stillness of the mind,body and breath but it can vary from person to person.

I agree. good advice.