I use Mooto (lately the Extera model), and planing buying another one. Why Mooto? simply, cause it's sizes are a little bigger than the average Méxican dobok and because it's very confortable.
My gear is very simple, shin/instep pads from PROTEC and forearm/elbow pads from ASIANA, also I have shin/instep pads from ASIANA.
No hogu, no helmet and no gloves yet, altought I think I'm gona buy some WTF aproved pair of gloves, don't like the hogu and don't like the helmet.
My belts are, one korean (don't know the brand) embroider that was given to me bakc in 1987 when I did my black belt test, this black belt has benn my faithfully comnpanion all these years, it's in very good shape but the korean lettering that are fading away. I have another korean black belt that's a dream, 3 inches wide embroided in korean and spanish (my full name), it's a very nice belt but is resting in my closet till my second dan examination.