Newbie (Hi!): What are durable brands of sparring gear which offer good protection?



Hello, :)

My name is Ben and I am 27 years old and a graduate student at the University of South Carolina. When I was much younger, I took Tae Kwon Do for a couple of months and received a yellow belt. I recently started again from the beginning (Tae Kwon Do; (yellow belt test soon) and my instructor has asked me to consider buying sparring gear (We spar on Fridays).

I have found some that I'm interested in on the net that look durable, but I wanted to ask you guys who have some experience with this stuff if it is any good.

head/arm/leg gear questions
I'm interested in the Macho brand's Dyna and Warrior lines. My instructor said that their headgear is rather small though (example: XL really is L). My problem is that I have a big head.

I found a great deal on the Proforce's Lightning gear. Does anyone know if that is durable and if the headgear isn't so small.

The Adidas gear looks kinda ugly, but I'm sure it is durable. Their head gear looks like I might be able to hear out of it better, but it is more expensive than the other brands.

chest gear questions
I also see that most places have the Macho Hogu (chest protector) for $25. My instructor recommended the Adidas Hogu. Is it worth the extra money. From the pictures I've found, the Adidas looks like it has more stitching.

There is another brand of Hogu that is reasonably priced that is called the Tiger Claw 2000 brand which has a spinal cord pad in the back as well. it looks like it has a lot of stitching as well, but I can't tell about the padding thickness. I also wonder if it is worth it to buy this extra protection or if it will just heat me up faster

cup question
Do I really need a fancy $20 cup (ex: Adidas), or will a regular old jock and cup work fine?

Same question. Do I need a fancy one that says it prevents concussions, or will any regular cheapo one do?
Originally posted by maximuspso
cup question
Do I really need a fancy $20 cup (ex: Adidas), or will a regular old jock and cup work fine?

If you have a 20 dollar dinky then spend the 20 bucks and buy a 20 dollar cup. If you have a 5 dollar dinky, then buy the 5 dollar cup. Soooo...the question is this... "How much is your dinky worth to you?"
haha :p

My "dinkie" is worth a lot. I just don't know if a cup really is also. :p
Originally posted by maximuspso
My "dinkie" is worth a lot.

Then spend the money. Otherwise you'll be adopting.
welcome to the boards!!!

this might not be the reply your looking for, but if you are mainly sparring in the TKD fashion. why do you need any gear at all? i would suggest the cup to be your first priority. the jewels dont heal as well as other parts of the body do and you guys do alot of kicking. second, maybe some light head gear to avoid a knockout. third i might suggest some gloves, the muay thai style that have light padding with a partially exposed palm. they are good because you can use your hands, not just your fists.
I'm guessing you've never TKD sparred, huh? It hurts. I'm a yellow belt as well, and when spar it is to the body only, but it's full power as well, the point of sport TKD. TKD and Judo are two fo the few full contact martial sports out there. Few people unfortuanly realize this. Why you think TKD is in the Olympics and not "sport Karate?" Although I have heard Wushu may be comming.

The latest Hogu's have double padding along the sides, so look at that. At one time the large Dots (That Karate stylists so love us to wear "HEY LOOK! Targets!!") were needed, but since the recent rules change that contact resulting in trembling shock (The body either moves backward, stops forward movement if moving foward, or falls down :)) anywhere on the Hogu will count, the dots have lost their significance.
As far as yer cup, mine cost me five bucks and has not failed me yet. It's been tried and tested (CUP CHECK!).
I personly am decked out from head to toe in Macho Warrior (Blue) gear. I love it.
As far as your forearm shin gaurds, there's a brand out their called Tigergear. Look into that. My instructor uses it for himself, and likes to demonstrate it's effectivness by pounding on his shin with an escrima stick. My current pads don't protect against that. I've tried.
When it comes to mouthpieces, get one that forms to your mouth. It will stay in place and make breathing easier.
In ending, what you put into something, you get out of it. At the same token, price is not always and indicator of worth. Look around and ask questions.
Thanks for the advice guys! :D

I can't find anything named "Tigergear" on the net. I do see "Tiger Claw" though. Is that the same thing?
Actually with the whole full contact TKD thing, it depends who your with. Correct me if Im wrong but most schools belong to either ITF (Semi-Contact) or WTF (Full contact). Depends which one your joined to!
Well, my instructor said to try to get a chest protector with the colored circles on it.

He has an entire new Adidas set he will sell me for $235, but I don't want to pay that much. I can get most everything I need on the net for around $150.
dude, a cup is made strong. no ones gonna smash your nuts with a hammer so, go to the sporting goods store and buy a regular cup for about 18$.

Gloves: everlast/century/thaismai/twins
buy 12 - 14 oz.
youll need handwraps. one pack has two but its for one hand. you wrap ur hand 2x.

chest pad: NO :shrug:, you wont need it and besides, it limits your ability to move. the onyl chespad your need are the ones you get by bench pressing

shin pads, dont but plastic ones, its considerd cheating if the opponent has coushin.
IMHO? whats that?

wearing a chestpad during sparring is just unecesary. none of my MA do that
i train in muay thai, bjj, jkd, wrestling.
all of which are rougher that tkd. chestpads is just being scared
Not only is that a very arrogent view, it shows lack of understanding and or depth, as does your typing. I consider my discussion with you closed, as your mind is as well. A pity as we may have much to learn from each other.
Good day.:shrug:

Actually with the whole full contact TKD thing, it depends who your with. Correct me if Im wrong but most schools belong to either ITF (Semi-Contact) or WTF (Full contact). Depends which one your joined to!
I belong to neither ;) It seems also many people fail to relalize there is TKD beyond ITF and WTF. I'm an ITA (Independent TKD Asscociation) man myself.
in the ribs before.
If your parnter is going full out in either art, chest protection can be a good thing.

When it come to sparring grear, I find Masterline, the one with the Turtle on it, seems to do the best job.
Lasts a long time, does what it is supposed to as well.
Unless you are going full contact, no control, then it depends on what you can get in your area. Most boxing & kickboxing gear is good, but you do get what you pay for!
don't practice TKD so all I can say is, most any cup will do unless you are fighting with something more than your hands and feet.

and for the mouth guard don't get one that covers both upper and lower teath, they realy mess up your breathing.. try putting a straw in your mouth and breathing through it for a sparring match. one that covers just your upper teath should be fine. (but some leagues require the double ones)

as to h2hc I don't practice TKD but I can tell you the chest guard is there for a reason, the rules in some kinds of TKD are alot diffrent than mauy thai, there are more direct kicks to the chest in something like WTF sparring so there is alot more chance for injury to the ribs.
and for the mouth guard don't get one that covers both upper and lower teath, they realy mess up your breathing
Good advice!
One thing about the cup, get one with padding around the edge - it helps with the rim digging in when you get wacked.:eek:
Originally posted by sweeper

and for the mouth guard don't get one that covers both upper and lower teath, they realy mess up your breathing..

that would hold true as long as it wasn't a wipss mouth guard. they're the best mouth guard you can buy and they can really help prevent any concussive damage. they also have a very big breathing hole so you won't have to worry about that.
I totally recommend the wipss mouthpiece to everyone. It's the best on the market. I use one for sparring. The only time I use another style mouthpiece is for general rolling.