What Art do u practice?

select your art

  • Muay Thai

  • Karate

  • Tae Kwon Do

  • Judo

  • Ju-Jitsu(jap)

  • Ju-Jitsu(bra)

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
sorry for the typo

its what do u practice?
I kind of think the thread tshadowchaser pointed to is a better way to find out what people practice. For one, the poll only lets you make one choice and it seems to me that many people here practice more than a single art. Their votes can't be completely accurate then. Also, with only a limited number of choices available in the polling slots, you're probably going to get a whole lot of "other" replies because there are more arts not listed than listed. FWIW, I'm currently studying northern Shaolin long fist style kung fu as well as learning some Yang style tai chi. Our class got split into groups to learn different forms and tai chi is one of the groups I'm in.
I practice mosty Kenpo and Kung fu...
Currently studying:
-Remy Presas Modern Arnis
-Ed Parker American Kenpo

Researching and exploring:
-Wing Chun

Past studies:
Tai Chi
Karate (forget which)
I study an old art called "Whoop Yo Azz." More often than not it's first form is "beat chu down."

As surprising as it is, not many martial artists can do it. Most talk about it a lot though.
Hey, I study Eskrima. Mostly Serrada some Largo, Kali, Cadena etc,etc. I also study Qi-gong, with a friend of mine who is a great Ving Tsun teacher. I would love to study Dumog and more Cadena de Mano. But unfortunately I don't know anybody nearby that teaches it. But I guess if it was easy everybody would do it!
Started my trainning in Tang Soo Do under Kwan Ho Chon and now I train in Yi Li Chuan Kung Fu
Fighting Karate/jiujitsu.

Add to that some taichi and chikung.

"My style? You can call it: the art of fighting, without fighting."

Sorry. Couldn't resist :D
