when you train do you feel inner power



I don't know about you but as I train, I feel like I'm getting
stronger and faster, and it makes me won't to train more and
more. I hope to learn as much as I can, I mean it's so much
knowledge, skills and techniques to learn. I just wonder how
strong can I make myself. I feel a strong fire growing inside of
me and everytime I train it grows bigger. I know I'm not the
only one that feels this burning fire inside themself.
The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. Yeah, I guess you could say that the more I learn, the more I realize what there is to learn, and the more I see my body changing to accommodate that learning desire. I am 53 years old, and I've not felt this good, physically, in a long time. When I got out of the hospital a few years ago, after bouts with pneumonia from laying in bed following surgeries, and skin graft's to replace 'hide' lost to gangrene, I knew that I had to get my body into the shape that I wanted it to be, or become just another statistic to disease. I couldn't walk to the store a block away without huffing and puffing and sore feet. Now, I go through a two hour workout and feel invigorated, not 'down and out'!! I've now gotten my son involved in taking classes. He was born with Spina Bifida and is confined to a wheelchair. He has watched me and 'felt' my enthusiasm, and has shown me the desire to get him involved in learning some martial arts. I saw a clip of a man years ago that was confined to a wheelchair and did martial arts, so I knew that it was entirely possible and feasible for my son to learn martial arts. It will help him with self esteem and physical fitness, so where could it go wrong!!!! And, I am sure not living my life through him, because I am living my own life, learning the 'arts'!!:asian:
I do have the "fire". After 3 days of sparring, the bruises, sore muscles ...... I wanna go back for more. There is so much to learn in MA. You could do it for a life time, and still not learn it all. It's a good thing. I wanna learn as much as I can :D
Mostly I feel the inner power like a burning fire inside me after I have been at the bar for a few hours. Then I feel it building up inside of me to the point I could cut porcelin like a scroll saw in the washroom.

On a more serious note... LanceWildcat1... guys like you and your son inspire me. Don't ever quit. It's people like you that help me deal with these other morons.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Mostly I feel the inner power like a burning fire inside me after I have been at the bar for a few hours. Then I feel it building up inside of me to the point I could cut porcelin like a scroll saw in the washroom.

On a more serious note... LanceWildcat1... guys like you and your son inspire me. Don't ever quit. It's people like you that help me deal with these other morons.

Well said. The second part, not the first.
Originally posted by SolidTiger

I don't know about you but as I train, I feel like I'm getting
stronger and faster, and it makes me won't to train more and

test. :confused:
Mentally even more so. There's nothing like having the inner strength, knowing you have more than the next idiot you may encounter.:asian:
Some days it's an inferno, some days it's soaked like a March rain.
I always have faith it will flare up again.

I remember the day I felt it for the first time. I watched a talented student do a kata with passion and precision, and it felt like my whole body and soul had been ripped open and exposed to air for the first time.
I am eternally grateful to the student for sharing his talent with me.
That was just a year ago..........