TMA Stances compared with snapshots from MMA

My Jow Ga diet is simply eat healthy and stay away from things that aren't healthy. I eat a lot of what dieticians say to eat and sneak a little bit of what I'm not supposed to eat. Like the 4 cookies I just finished eating. As for Authentic Cantonese Cuisine, it's like everything else. Some of it's healthy and some of it isn't. Depending on your genetic make up certain foods are going to be less health for some while others are going to be just fine. I didn't miss out. My wife cooks Authentic Cantonese Cuisine because that's what she grew up with with so I know from experience that some of that is healthy and some of it isn't.

Are you saying you haven't learned your wife's cooking then??

Talk about a gap in your kung fu routine.

I was hoping to have an above board conversation about South China's influence on cooking and martial arts stances. You're not ready?
You're ignoring the studies that say Tai Chi for arthritis is bad for you. Do you only like studies that press your point?
I'm not ignoring those studies. My point was to show that Doctors prescribe Tai Chi for Arthritis and I did.

You are the one who wants to show that Tai Chi for arthritis is bad for you. So you should be the one to post medical research that shows Tai Chi is bad for Arthritis. I'm not going to go out and find those links for you. If that's what you believe then post your reference links. Why should I do that for you?
I'm not ignoring those studies. My point was to show that Doctors prescribe Tai Chi for Arthritis and I did.

You are the one who wants to show that Tai Chi for arthritis is bad for you. So you should be the one to post medical research that shows Tai Chi is bad for Arthritis. I'm not going to go out and find those links for you. If that's what you believe then post your reference links. Why should I do that for you?

For me?

Or for you?
Are you saying you haven't learned your wife's cooking then??

Talk about a gap in your kung fu routine.

I was hoping to have an above board conversation about South China's influence on cooking and martial arts stances. You're not ready?
I've learned my wife's cooking and I often try to get her to eat less of some of it because it's high in sodium. The other thing is. You don't need to have me in order to start a conversation about South Chin's influence on cooking and martial arts stances. If you want to start one, then open a new thread and just have it. Like literally there's nothing stopping you from having that conversation. Don't wait on me to ask you about "South China's influence on cooking and martial arts stances" I won't ask you.

The most I know about Martial arts stances is that stances reflect the environment in which the martial art system is used. So your topic of cooking and martial arts stances isn't going to interest me.
I've learned my wife's cooking and I often try to get her to eat less of some of it because it's high in sodium. The other thing is. You don't need to have me in order to start a conversation about South Chin's influence on cooking and martial arts stances. If you want to start one, then open a new thread and just have it. Like literally there's nothing stopping you from having that conversation. Don't wait on me to ask you about "South China's influence on cooking and martial arts stances" I won't ask you.

The most I know about Martial arts stances is that stances reflect the environment in which the martial art system is used. So your topic of cooking and martial arts stances isn't going to interest me.

Too bad.
If you want to show that Tai Chi is bad for Arthritis then post y our reference links. I'm not going to do that for you.

Did I ask you?

It's out there whether you want to admit it or not.
Did I ask you?

It's out there whether you want to admit it or not.
Not my problem. My goal was to show that Doctors prescribe Tai Chi to people with Arthritis and I did that by posting links to it. As to your claim. That has nothing to do with the fact that there are doctors who prescribe Tai Chi to people with Arthritis. How you feel about it it, didn't change the fact that they prescribed it.
Not my problem. My goal was to show that Doctors prescribe Tai Chi to people with Arthritis and I did that by posting links to it. As to your claim. That has nothing to do with the fact that there are doctors who prescribe Tai Chi to people with Arthritis. How you feel about it it, didn't change the fact that they prescribed it.

I said how I felt about it. They should be sued for malpractice.

Tai chi isn't a medical prescription.

If it was, at least one of my doctors might have prescribed it.
mad about what? You haven't said anything to make me mad.

You're doing a lot of ranting. That's the sign of a mad mind.

Why don't you try matching wits. I've seen your "stancework" I'm ready for you.
I've learned my wife's cooking and I often try to get her to eat less of some of it because it's high in sodium. The other thing is. You don't need to have me in order to start a conversation about South Chin's influence on cooking and martial arts stances. If you want to start one, then open a new thread and just have it. Like literally there's nothing stopping you from having that conversation. Don't wait on me to ask you about "South China's influence on cooking and martial arts stances" I won't ask you.

The most I know about Martial arts stances is that stances reflect the environment in which the martial art system is used. So your topic of cooking and martial arts stances isn't going to interest me.
I suppose if the cooking is too spicy, that might affect your stance a bit...
ou're doing a lot of ranting. That's the sign of a mad mind.
if you say so.

Why don't you try matching wits. I've seen your "stancework" I'm ready for you.
I have no idea what you are talking about when you say matching wits
I'm not sure what my stance work has to do with "matching wits".

I already know how this is going to turn out.
1. You'll state your views
2. I'll state my views
3. You'll disagree with me.
4. I'll show a video of me doing stance work
5. You'll continue to disagree with me and you'll never show a video of you doing stance work in the manner that you recommend that I should be doing it.
8. I'll show another video of me training my stances and how they apply in actual free sparring.
9. You'll continue to disagree with me and you'll never show a video of you applying a stance in the manner that you recommend that I should be doig it.
10. That will be the end of the conversation, debate, and "matching wits". Me showing what I'm capable of due to my training, You showing nothing. Neither you nor or I will benefit from that discussion
11. Then the tread will spin off into something other than what was stated in the original post.
12. When it's all said and done. No one will care about the Original post including you, who posted it.

That's how things play out with people who want to debate for the sake of debating. I didn't join this group to "match wits" I joined this group to learn from other people's experience and to learn more about the martial arts that they train. I'm able to get it from people from time to time, but over the past year it's been like pulling my own teeth.
if you say so.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say matching wits
I'm not sure what my stance work has to do with "matching wits".

I already know how this is going to turn out.
1. You'll state your views
2. I'll state my views
3. You'll disagree with me.
4. I'll show a video of me doing stance work
5. You'll continue to disagree with me and you'll never show a video of you doing stance work in the manner that you recommend that I should be doing it.
8. I'll show another video of me training my stances and how they apply in actual free sparring.
9. You'll continue to disagree with me and you'll never show a video of you applying a stance in the manner that you recommend that I should be doig it.
10. That will be the end of the conversation, debate, and "matching wits". Me showing what I'm capable of due to my training, You showing nothing. Neither you nor or I will benefit from that discussion
11. Then the tread will spin off into something other than what was stated in the original post.
12. When it's all said and done. No one will care about the Original post including you, who posted it.

That's how things play out with people who want to debate for the sake of debating. I didn't join this group to "match wits" I joined this group to learn from other people's experience and to learn more about the martial arts that they train. I'm able to get it from people from time to time, but over the past year it's been like pulling my own teeth.
See my previous post, #60. His ego is begging for some attention.
I suppose if the cooking is too spicy, that might affect your stance a bit...
yes the good old toilet stance. Similar to the horse stance but with a lot of forward lean. Well known for use with the explosive diarrhea technique. But when done incorrectly, one will quickly learn "in the bowl, is better than out the bowl" lol
yes the good old toilet stance. Similar to the horse stance but with a lot of forward lean. Well known for use with the explosive diarrhea technique. But when done incorrectly, one will quickly learn "in the bowl, is better than out the bowl" lol
It’s known as a “delayed death” technique. 12-24 hours is typical...