The weird ones

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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Something in another thread by Bydand kind of has me wondering.

What kind of stories can you tell of people who set off your alarms when they came in looking for "ninja training."

I live in Japan and most of the nuts seem to give up before they get here. But I would love to hear some stories. I won't be here forever.
I have stories about idiots who claimed they had Ninjutsu training.."What aspect?", I waould ask.."All of it the 22 year old would answer"...
Usually the ones who are going to be "different" have a facination with one particular aspect of the art. It can be something that really is trained with like weapons, but other times it is the "mystical" side that comes from too many movies, or books. Most times, after sitting in on a class they ask a million questions afterward, not saying that is bad in itself, but what questions they ask. Another good sign is when they start dropping names of who or where they have trained, some of these individuals are convinced they really have done some amazing things, usually a nice reply about how we don't cover that aspect of Ninjutsu will put them on the road looking for someone who "trains like I do". I will say the place I trained for quite awhile had someone come in who rang all the "BS" bells of everyone in the place, but he was sure this was the place for him. The instructor let him try out a few classes, after the first class, the individual said the training wasn't what he expected, and moved on. Also the instructors always trained with anyone who came in like this themselves to limit the amount of trouble they could stir up.
but other times it is the "mystical" side that comes from too many movies, or books

One of these "ninja's" came into the club where I was a bouncer..I saw him knocking back a few 151 and Coke...I mentioned to him in a friendly manner that he should go easy on the 151.."No need to worry", he answered..The depth of his training allowed him to injest large amount of alcohol without feeling the negative effects..I caught him later in the men's room hurling his guts out..
One of these "ninja's" came into the club where I was a bouncer..I saw him knocking back a few 151 and Coke...I mentioned to him in a friendly manner that he should go easy on the 151.."No need to worry", he answered..The depth of his training allowed him to injest large amount of alcohol without feeling the negative effects..I caught him later in the men's room hurling his guts out..

No, Drac, you got it wrong! He wasn't hurling---his ki power was allowing him to expel certain elemental demons trying to get control of him that the likes of you and me would never have even been aware of! To the unEnlightened eye, such demons look like puke. Tsk, tsk, such lack of mystical awareness... :wink1:
There's a psycho around my parts who gives phone calls to various martial art instructors offering them payment for kicking him in the groin. A few people have accepted the offer, but apparently he never showed up at the agreed upon meeting spot. Yes, I'm serious.
By far the most bizarre one we have had was this one fellow who showed up and left via taxi. He wore a shirt from RVD with the logo on it. He might have had watched a video or two and read an SKH book or two. Apparently he was into the esoteric stuff, so he graciously gives my instructor a booklet he had typed up about his wanting to be an uchi deshi and all his thoughts about meditation, kuji and god. He was very bizarre.

The last class I saw him he wanted to take pictures of me and the other high ranking student who had been working with him. Ironically (good timing), my instructor was out of the room at the moment and so this guy breaks out a polaroid camera and takes a picture of me and the other student. He gets really close to our faces to take the picture as if it were a mug shot or something. It was strange, reminded me of the opening soundtrack to the old Texas chainsaw massacre movie with the polaroid mechanism sound....

That was the last class (or time for that matter) I ever saw him. He was very bizarre.
Had a kid, about 19 or so, come into our school a while back. First impression was take a bath! He had some hygiene issues. Then he opened his mouth. He had studied Karate and had achieved the rank of Ninja. I gave him out little handbook, which clearly states our opinions on personal hygiene, and never saw him again.

No, Drac, you got it wrong! He wasn't hurling---his ki power was allowing him to expel certain elemental demons trying to get control of him that the likes of you and me would never have even been aware of! To the unEnlightened eye, such demons look like puke. Tsk, tsk, such lack of mystical awareness... :wink1:

mea culpa, latin for MY BAD...LOL
There's a psycho around my parts who gives phone calls to various martial art instructors offering them payment for kicking him in the groin. A few people have accepted the offer, but apparently he never showed up at the agreed upon meeting spot. Yes, I'm serious.

Now that's just TOO weird...
The last class I saw him he wanted to take pictures of me and the other high ranking student who had been working with him. Ironically (good timing), my instructor was out of the room at the moment and so this guy breaks out a polaroid camera and takes a picture of me and the other student. He gets really close to our faces to take the picture as if it were a mug shot or something. It was strange, reminded me of the opening soundtrack to the old Texas chainsaw massacre movie with the polaroid mechanism sound....

That was the last class (or time for that matter) I ever saw him. He was very bizarre.


I hate "photo op" pictures like that. The ones where someone poses with a respected or known teacher after maybe training with them for a day long seminar (which they frequently spend half of "observing less skilled students" or otherwise avoiding actually training). Because you can almost bet that those pictures will be used to promote how much that guy trained with the teacher. I don't have them taken when I'm training with someone, unless that person is likely to remember my name in a year or so (in a good way!). And I really don't know why Hatsumi and others like him let these people take advantage of them that way...
Now that's just TOO weird...

Wait, remember that troll that MJS notified us about on the `women kicking guys in the groin' thread---said it was a kind of fetish? This must be a version of that... sicksicksick.

The weirdest ones are those who separate themselves from the group by either acting too Japanese (like a Kurosawa film samurai), dressing like a movie ninja (wearing forearm gauntlets, masks, etc.) or by having an unrealistic notion of training ("send me on a mission my jonin.")

Wait, remember that troll that MJS notified us about on the `women kicking guys in the groin' thread---said it was a kind of fetish? This must be a version of that... sicksicksick.

Didn't the editor of Ura and Omote talk about some guy that walked in and tried to get her to talk about how she could beat him up and asked for details?
Didn't the editor of Ura and Omote talk about some guy that walked in and tried to get her to talk about how she could beat him up and asked for details?

I seem to remember that... what's with these people??? :idunno:
In one of my past jobs in security I had to deal with a self professed FBI trained killer Ninja... or was it trained FBI killer and Ninja.. I do not exactly remember.

The one thing I could never figure out was why a FBI trained killer Ninja had to carry a backpack full of (no exaggeration) 500 keys. And if he was telling the truth, all I can say is the FBI has no idea how to train killer Ninjas

Other than that a guy showed up at my first CMA sifu's school claiming to be a ninja and he did hang around a couple of times for our Saturday sparing but he got taken out quick by an American Kenpo guy. And then he later claimed he was not feeling good and the next time he went up against a tkd guy and well... same scenario... he never came back after that. But this happened a few times with people claiming expertise in various styles.
Forearm gauntlets, there`s a big australian that turns up in Japan wearing those, maybe his wrists get cold!!!, all say ahhhhh!:uhyeah:

I had a guy many years ago write to me about my classes and said he wanted to learn some "ninja magic", i sent him back a blank sheet of paper!!!, he probably hasn`t "decoded it yet":)
I had a guy many years ago write to me about my classes and said he wanted to learn some "ninja magic", i sent him back a blank sheet of paper!!!, he probably hasn`t "decoded it yet":)

Thats awesome. I would totaly give someone like that one of those Junior magicans kits... hehe.
I had a guy many years ago write to me about my classes and said he wanted to learn some "ninja magic", i sent him back a blank sheet of paper!!!, he probably hasn`t "decoded it yet":)

Came in wearing 'the costume' - hood and all.
Shidoshi said, "We won't be needing the hoods today."