The Last Person.....

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Afternoon everyone. Bad weather here today, and I had family drive in for a few hours to see this kids. Now that the babies are napping I finally get some me time lol.
Well finally done today, tonight is my mother in law birhday so we have a party to go to.
I've been partying since the family left :D and in a half hour the kids go to bed. Then it's peace until the mrs comes home.
Did everyone else go to bed already? What gives?

Yes I went to bed long day sue me OK
Man that was along day?

Yes, it was and so is today going to be. I've already been over for a workout, now I need to shower and head over to set up the street faire and get ready for a demo. Yet to be seen if the demo will be of interest. They have us entertaining in the food court area ... LOL ... might be that people luv the entertainment, or could be that they won't pay attention cause they have food in front of them ... we'll see.
Yes, it was and so is today going to be. I've already been over for a workout, now I need to shower and head over to set up the street faire and get ready for a demo. Yet to be seen if the demo will be of interest. They have us entertaining in the food court area ... LOL ... might be that people luv the entertainment, or could be that they won't pay attention cause they have food in front of them ... we'll see.

I hope it goes well for you 14
I hope it goes well for you 14

Should be OK. Even though it's kind of spur-of-the-moment, we tested it out twice yesterday in front of our students. Yesterday was testing day, so we did some at the end of the adult test and some other stuff at the end of the kids test. They seemed to like it. My thinking always is, we're black belts and instructors, we should be able to do whatever we are asked, when asked ... even though with more focused practice, I'm sure it could be better.
Well yesterday was soccer games in the morning and then I taught a seminar in the afternnon. Finally we drove to a friends house across the state for a 40th birthday bash and then drove home and watch the travesty that was Elite XC on CBS. Thank goodness today is a rest day.
Well yesterday was soccer games in the morning and then I taught a seminar in the afternnon. Finally we drove to a friends house across the state for a 40th birthday bash and then drove home and watch the travesty that was Elite XC on CBS. Thank goodness today is a rest day.

Good for you, Brian, enjoy!
Well yesterday was soccer games in the morning and then I taught a seminar in the afternnon. Finally we drove to a friends house across the state for a 40th birthday bash and then drove home and watch the travesty that was Elite XC on CBS. Thank goodness today is a rest day.

I agree Brian yesterday was to longbut for us it is house cleaning day YEA!!!!
Should be OK. Even though it's kind of spur-of-the-moment, we tested it out twice yesterday in front of our students. Yesterday was testing day, so we did some at the end of the adult test and some other stuff at the end of the kids test. They seemed to like it. My thinking always is, we're black belts and instructors, we should be able to do whatever we are asked, when asked ... even though with more focused practice, I'm sure it could be better.

I agree 14 as BB we should be able to provide a decent demo on a given moment. How did the test go by the way?
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