The Last Person.....

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Morning All...First OFFICAL day of vacation..I'll spend it FINALLY finishing of the upstairs bathroom project that we started way back in April...
Nothing special...Woke at 5AM when I am normally up at 4AM...Now ask me in December when I'm in Vegas...
VEGAS!!! I want to go so bad! We are supposed to go for a bacholer (sp?) party for one of my close friends but i dont know if that is going to be a good idea.

Not to speed up your vacation but I want this weekend to get here fast

VEGAS!!! I want to go so bad! We are supposed to go for a bacholer (sp?) party for one of my close friends but i dont know if that is going to be a good idea.

Not to speed up your vacation but I want this weekend to get here fast


Bachelor parties in Vegas are OUTSTANDING....They had one for one of the coppers I know and he almost didn't get married..He had an attraction with one of the female entertainers and she to him that had nothing to do with the singles he was placing in her thong...
Bachelor parties in Vegas are OUTSTANDING....They had one for one of the coppers I know and he almost didn't get married..He had an attraction with one of the female entertainers and she to him that had nothing to do with the singles he was placing in her thong...
Thats awsome. We are afraid that someone wont come home (ie. jail). Later Drac.

I guess Im all alone. THE LPT IS MINE!!!!

Good morning Brian. How are you?


Well today is the local fair day up here in Alma. So the wife, kids and I will be eating elaphant ears, brats and watching the kid's ride the rides. That is the agenda for today.
So I am doing really good and trying to wake up with coffee!
Im good. Elephant ears! I have had one of those in years man that sounds good. Looking forward to tonight (SKK and sparring). Im really anxious about this weekend though, the last Harry Potter book.

Im good. Elephant ears! I have had one of those in years man that sounds good. Looking forward to tonight (SKK and sparring). Im really anxious about this weekend though, the last Harry Potter book.


Holy smoke that is right the last Harry Potter book comes out on Saturday night! Yikes I will be in line at the local book store waiting with all the teens and little kids just like last time picking up my wifes copy.
Afternoon All..Bathroom has been sanded, cleaned and the walls and celing primered...Now if our energy holds up we'll put the do a bit of painting tonight.............
Afternoon All..Bathroom has been sanded, cleaned and the walls and celing primered...Now if our energy holds up we'll put the do a bit of painting tonight.............
Sound like you accomplished a lot. congrats. Those bathrooms are the worst. It always seems like they are harder to do than any other room in the house.

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