The Last Person.....

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***reminds self to leave the sunlamp on all night. Never leave house after dark.***

Foolish mortal ..A sunlamp is NOT sunlight..A vampire cannot cross the threshold uninvited..However once invited in he can return at his leisure...
Yes it is..When I use to perform I missed a number of Thanksivings cause I was on the road...
Since I started doing day care six years ago, there hasn't been any fear of missing out on the holidays. I get to set my own schedule. Rather spoiled that way I guess.
Since I started doing day care six years ago, there hasn't been any fear of missing out on the holidays. I get to set my own schedule. Rather spoiled that way I guess.

You are SO lucky...I wish I could set my own schedules....
Hi, all - I'm back from the store, which was pretty painless; then I stopped at the Y where I teach TKD, and the woman who oversees my program is going to try to get me space in the gym instead of one of the smaller rooms, which would be GREAT - more space, more visibility, thus (hopefully) more students.
Okay, the downside is that I am licensed by the state, so they get to tell me what, how, when and how much paperwork I have to do on it.

Yes, paperwork is a pain..Govermental paperwork is a REAL PAIN...
Hi, all - I'm back from the store, which was pretty painless; then I stopped at the Y where I teach TKD, and the woman who oversees my program is going to try to get me space in the gym instead of one of the smaller rooms, which would be GREAT - more space, more visibility, thus (hopefully) more students.
How many students?
Yes, paperwork is a pain..Govermental paperwork is a REAL PAIN...
Not to mention the fact that they change their mind on what form you should have used, and you were suppose to read their minds because they don't notify you.
Hi, all - I'm back from the store, which was pretty painless;

Did you luck out..Congrads

Kacey said:
then I stopped at the Y where I teach TKD, and the woman who oversees my program is going to try to get me space in the gym instead of one of the smaller rooms, which would be GREAT - more space, more visibility, thus (hopefully) more students.

Just in time for the New Years when people SWEAR they are going to get in shape..
I though you were going to wait for the turkey..
Well, lunch sounds good. Gonna get going and get some fixed for my cranky kids. Talk to ya all later.
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