The Last Person.....

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Uh.... the box said "Grilled Whiskey SteaK"... but I have my doubts about pretty much the whole description. I was going to bring zucchini lasagna that I made yesterday, but I was running late and didn't have time to package it.
Hey Jeff,

Things have been crazy. I got pulled away from the computer to deal with a contractor regarding the house and now I am off to pick up the kids. I hope you day is going better than mine. See you later.
So Drac how is work going nowadays? anything new happening?

On vacation this week...Nothing new at work except the school kids becoming a BIGGER pain in the butt than last year....
It's 5:10 PM here and that means DINNERTIME.....Later....
Hey everybody, I'm back for a short period of time.

Then it's off to dinner at the Fiddler's Hearth!

Good food and Guiness!
Well hello everyone. My day is winding down and my body is feeling it.
It has been a long but fun day and I am looking forward to relaxing
Hey Jeff,

My kids are always relaxed and fun guy's at night. One is watching
TV with the mom and the other is playing a video game right next to
me. Should be a great night and my poor acheing old body can rest
up a little bit. (to much activity and training over the last several
That's cool.

I hear ya about the old aching body, I think we are about the same age.

Unfortunately I have to limit myself to 1 Guiness tonight as I'm still getting over my respiroty infection. I probably shouldn't even have that, but no way will I go there without having one!

Y'all have a great evening and I'll catch up with ya later!
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