The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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There's an old guy that needs to go to bed, as I look around................
Worked elbow-to-elbow with a thug last week - royalty from Whittier. Not sure he'll be there long - made no attempt to hide what he was willing to do. Glad that assignment's over.

Now ... dealing with insurance nightmares at a not-so-great time and have to coordinate between four entities.


I wish people would just do their effing jobs.
Tonight...I may stay home...I may not.

But if I were a betting man, and I'm not..... I'd bet on staying home.... it is amazing how after I hit 1/20th of a Mellenia it became so much more desirable and enjoyable to just stay home
I really need to stop reading series before the author has finished the entire thing. :miffer:
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